Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah .....SN Jr is 2 months old today

Dear Shahmi Nazran,
You have grown so much!. You're getting cuter day by days, which makes mommy, daddy and Abg SN couldn't get enough of you. You really love to laugh out loud when you are asleep and cry out loud when you are wide awake...

+- crying out loud is one of your expertise -+
You're a sweet baby - you rarely cry now (unlike last month) but when you cry, you make sure that everyone could hear your voice; loud and clear. You choose to enjoy your nap time in the afternoon and love to had some sweet little time to stay awake in the middle of the night (perhaps you want to wake mommy up for tahajud prayer

+- enjoying your nap time even if Abg SN had try his best to wake you up -+
Abg SN is getting more used to having you around and he's the best brother you would ever wished for. He'll help mommy to swing your rocker if you are crying when mommy & daddy are performing solat. He's learned to be soft and gentle; he'll rub your head, kiss your cheek and carry you on his lap. But the thing that Abg SN loves the most is to touch your nose; perhaps your small nose mesmerizes him

+- Abg SN try his best to comfort you -+
Although you hate to be swaddled, mommy will force you into it as you'll be easily distracted by loud sounds and it'll disturb your 'beauty handsome-sleep'
. You'll have your 2 months check up next week. You were already 3.9 kg when you are 44 days old, so I'm pretty sure that you've reached 4 ++ kg by now or perhaps 5 kg like your big bro during his 2 months old check-up. (read HERE).

+- Abg SN when he was 2 months old (5.33kg) -+
+- the play-mat and its hanging stuff toys that used to be Abg SN's. is now yours....and Insya Allah will be passed on to your little bro/sister...errr perhaps in another 3 years time ..
ekekeke -+

I wish I could spend more time just staring into your eyes, watching you smile-cry and cuddle you 24-7 but mommy has so much works to be done when I'm home e.g cooking, cleaning, washing and tidying (also FB-ing and watching TV
). But I promise you that, we'll start the flash card session soon, as for now please enjoy watching the Baby Einsteins DVDs just like your big bro used to do when he was in your age, will you?.

+_ busy watching Baby Einstein DVD -+
Sweet baby boy SN Jr, we love
you so much. We pray that you'll grow up as healthy and as smart
as your brother (although it will means that mommy & daddy has to be extra genius in preparing the answers to all the questions shoot by you and Abg SN).

+- mommy's & daddy's darlings -+
Pssssttt : thanks to breastfeeding, I was able to get my pre-pregnancy weight (46kg) BUT I still couldn't eliminate the "1-month preggy bump"..pfffffttt.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~

15 words of wisdom & comments:
Sekejap saja baby SN dah 2 bulan...
If ai ader akachan wajib kena Pindah takut bising....ur SN so suwitttttt....(^∇^)
untung SN jr dapat abg SN yg baik..
sekejap je dah 2 bulan
alahaiii yati 46kg, bestnye. akak ntah bila la nak dpt berat bdn camtu semula. anyway abg nazhan mmg pandai jaga adik, nampak caring sgt. so sweet
Both of them look so sweet..hihi
Pandailah Nazhan jago Nazran. Bilolah nok gi tgk Nazran ni.
kak norliha : tu la, kejap je kan :)
lady ayu : I doakan adam-kun cpt2 dpt adik hehe
angah : kdg2 ada gak dia buli adik huhuhu
nadiah : tu la...masa dlm pantang rasa mcm lamaaaa sgt
mama syaza : tp perut ttp bunccccccc lagi hohohoh
Affieza : thanks dear :)
kak nur : insya Allah nti leh la jupo
shuhada : thanks sudi jenguk sini :)
pandainya abang riba adik :)
muka SN junior sebijik muka abang dia kan.. especially tang mulut..
eh..preggy 1 month mana nampak perut lagi.. ok la tu.. hehehe..
Congrats Kak Yatie..lovely boys n hubby u got there!
Lovely u too! Happy 2013~ :)
Eliss : kejap jah, pastu lenguh kaki hehe
Rai : memang sebijik sebijan
ALoha Molly : thanks dear..happy 2013 to u too :)
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