Yuhuu, it's invasion time for my mom's blog. She seems busy checking out celebrity's picture shared in the instagram that she'd abandoned her blog. So I decided to give her a help here and takeover her blog.
+- yeayy, blog invasion time! -+
You see, my mom always told me that she know what's the best for me. She has buy me lots and lots of educational toys for babies, she play it together with me to help me develop my motor and gross skills, she reads to me every night before we go to bed, she start using flash cards to teach me ABC since I was 3 months old and she even started role-play with me to guide me on the carer path that I should choose in the future.
+- role play session with mommy -+
You could say that she's quite a kiasu mommy and I have no problem at all about it, in fact I'm happy with her choice for me so far.

+- me and my fav toys -+
The only problem that I has with my mom is that she didn't know which diapers are the best for me. She'll bought any diapers that she think is the best according to the price and the quality. But she haven't found any that really makes me happy.
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Those disposable diapers had caused me suffering for diaper rash. Sometimes it leaks especially during bedtime, and by the time my mom's aware of that, I am already wetting my clothes and the bed-sheet. Its hard for me to let her know that, so I always cry out loud every diaper change session, but she seems clueless about it.
Sometimes she seems to understand the cues, but most of the time she'll understand the situation when it's too late. I guess she forgot the fact that a breast fed infant like me will have bowel movements that are thin, runny and
the color of mustard while also being seedy.
+- did you see that gross yellow stain on my pant?-+
To overcome this yellow spot from staining her clothes, she took special precaution step that is to put extra cloth on my pant, my goodness *pat forehead*; ain't she brilliant? *insert sarcasm*.
+- my mommy is a genius, isn't she?

The other day, I overheard her conversation with daddy. She was expressing how tiring for her to change my diapers now that I become more active. I'll roll left and right and kick my leg up high just to help her with some exercise routine that will help her stay fit hehe.
+- i'll roll over to make diaper change difficult for mommy -+
+- see that diaper below my precious bum?. mommy can't forced me to wear it pffffttt -+
I could feel that my mom always dream and wish for an easy-to-use option of disposable diapers for me. The one that could 'lock' my leg from moving actively so that the diaper changing session become super fast for a busy mom like her.
After listening to her wife's displeasure experience with disposable diapers; as a thoughtful husband and considerate daddy, he decided to give my mom and I a very worthy "Change for Better Convenience" by buying the Huggies Dry Pants disposable diapers. I guess, daddy read somewhere that Huggies Dry
Pants have :-
• soft stretch sides provide better comfort and
help prevent red marks even when your baby is on the move --> great option for active baby like me
• has a quick lock
system to help stop leaks --> great option for a breastfed baby like me who poop after every feeding
• clinically proven to help prevent diaper rash!--> yeay, no more in-sexy red mark on my sexy bum!
• easy-to-use option for active infants and toddlers – all you need to do is just pull
them up, tear and go!.--> My mom is so happy with these option and she thought it is so easy to change my diapers that she even ask my big brother to help change my diapers by doing "koyak, salin & lepas!". Of course, my 4 years old brother completely ignored her order hahahaha.
Being a motion-sickness person like my mom, she cant even change my diapers when the car is moving. But, being a time-conscious person like my daddy, he eventually don't really like the idea of having to pull over the car couple of time during the journey. Now, that I'm using the Huggies Dry Pants; mommy can change my diapers even when we are on the go because it's so easy to do so...yeay, for a time consuming extra point provided by the Huggies Dry Pant!.
Now that I'm using the Huggies Dry Pants disposable diapers, I am getting the privileged to sit on her lap while she's reciting the Quran with my big brother. In the past, I was not allowed to sit on her lap during the Maghrib-Isya' prayer period as she'll afraid that the diapers that I'm wearing will leak and I might stained her prayer outfit. Now, will you excuse me as I'm about to start the 'fight' with my big brother for a place on my mommy's lap.
+- yeay, I've won. Abang SN only get to place her head on mommy's lap -+
Pssssttt : I saw my mommy liked the Huggies Malaysia Facebook page and requested for a Huggies Dry Pants sample at Huggies.com.my. Ask your mommy to do so too pals, I assure you that you'll be happy wearing the Huggies Dry Pants and she'll be totally in love with the cutesy wet bags courtesy of Huggies; great deal for everyone!
+- I love those wet bags too
eheh -+

~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
5 words of wisdom & comments:
comel jek ^_^
no more stuffy bum tuh bantal ke kak? free gift?
AjlaA : aah dpt dlm free sample tu..go get the free sample too :)
comeinyee laaa..nak pulak die pakai spek tu.stgh bdk mesti dh tarik2 dah tanak heheee
anum : dia redha je mommy buat apa pun kat dia hihihi
Comelnya junior SN ni...bila nak jumpa ni?..
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