Kahlil Gibran once said that :In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
I'm a happy go lucky person,I always laugh and will try my best to make other to laugh too. I enjoy being the one that listen to other problems. Its hard for me to share what I have inside my mind unless to the one I really believe.
As I listened to others pain..I will be grateful to myself.I will start thinking that there's so many people out there who have troubles and pain which is a lot bigger than what I'm experiencing. At least I will motivate myself and tell my precious heart that the problem I'm suffering is just too small compared to others.
Its good to share the pain u have inside with the one who can truly listens. Not everybody have the courage to reveals the feelings u have inside to others. I have soooo much pain and emotions that I want to let go..but I couldn't! The only emotions that I can show to others is laughing..even though I am really mad to that person, I will not show it in front of he/she.
Sometimes I become so envy to some of my friends bcoz they can just simply shout/yell/express mad face/make angry voice when they r pissed of with something..maybe I'm not gifted with the behavior of letting my emotions viewed by public :(
I'm a happy go lucky person,I always laugh and will try my best to make other to laugh too. I enjoy being the one that listen to other problems. Its hard for me to share what I have inside my mind unless to the one I really believe.
As I listened to others pain..I will be grateful to myself.I will start thinking that there's so many people out there who have troubles and pain which is a lot bigger than what I'm experiencing. At least I will motivate myself and tell my precious heart that the problem I'm suffering is just too small compared to others.
Its good to share the pain u have inside with the one who can truly listens. Not everybody have the courage to reveals the feelings u have inside to others. I have soooo much pain and emotions that I want to let go..but I couldn't! The only emotions that I can show to others is laughing..even though I am really mad to that person, I will not show it in front of he/she.
Sometimes I become so envy to some of my friends bcoz they can just simply shout/yell/express mad face/make angry voice when they r pissed of with something..maybe I'm not gifted with the behavior of letting my emotions viewed by public :(
In the end, I choose to cry instead of letting he/she knows that I'm angry towards him/her.
<--> I used 2 share my pains with these tatty bears..fool huh..!
"Im so tired of pretending everything is okay... my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away" ~dasar_chomeyl~
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