*outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental, Las Ventas, Madrid*
*outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental, Las Ventas, Madrid*
Bullfights in Madrid are held every Sunday at 7 pm from mid-May (during the San Isidro festival) until October. We went to watch the last show for the year 2006 which was held on 28th October. This Spanish-style bullfighting is called "corrida de toros" (literally a "running of bulls"), or fiesta brava.

*outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental, Las Ventas, Madrid*

*outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental, Las Ventas, Madrid*
In this tradition, matadors will fight with fighting bulls, which is at least four years old and weighs up to about 600 kg (with a minimum weight limit of 460 kg). Bulls are raised on the open range by specialist breeding estates called ganaderias. Memang gemuk2 dan gebu2 lah lembu2 yang di guna tu huhu, kalau sembelih dagingnya..makan setahun pun tak habis2 kot

So what actually

• Then, the top bullfighter called the Matador, watches his chief assistant wave a bright yellow and magenta cape in front of the bull to make it charge. He watches this in order to determine the bull's qualities and mood, before taking over himself. → Stage 1 : Tercio de Varas ("Lances Third")
• Then a trumpet is sounded and several fighters called Picadores weaken the bull by placing spears into it. This takes around 10 minutes. → Stage 2 : Tercio de Banderillas ("little flags third")
*Bull in the arena with banderillas on flanks* (pic credit : wikipedia)
→ The faena which is the most beautiful and skillful section of the fight and where the matador must prove his courage and artistry.
→ The faena consists of a running at the Matador carrying a muleta (a piece of thick crimson cloth draped over a short stick), which can be held in either the left hand or draped over the espada (the killing sword), which is always held in the right hand.
→ Usually the muleta, in left or right hand, is first held in front of the matador to make the bull charge and is then swung across and away from the matador's body hopefully taking the bull with it.
→ This is a show, basically a dance with death - one wrong move and the Matador could become impaled on the horns of the bull. It is the Matador's job to make this dance dramatic and enjoyable for the audience. The faena continues until the Matador has demonstrated his superiority over the bull. Once this is achieved the bull is ready to be killed.
→ The matador stands some ten feet from the bull, keeping the bull fixated on the muleta and aims the espada between the shoulder blades. The matador attacks pushing the espada over the horns and deep between the shoulder blades.
*pic credit : wikipedia*
→ If the sword goes in to the hilt it is an estocada but if it hits bone it is a pinchazo or media-estocada. An estocada usually results in the bull dropping immediately to its knees and dying, but if the bull fails to die the matador may take the descabello (a sword with a short cross piece at the end) which he stabs into the bull's neck severing the spinal cord. The fight is over.
*pic credit : wikipedia*
→ The matador may be awarded trophies by the president, according to his skill in working with the bull, which can be one or two ears from the bull, the tail and the hoof.
→ The crowd will often encourage the president to award the trophies by waving white hankerchiefs, and this waving continues after the trophies have been awarded. *sumpah masa tengah tengok ni kami tak faham kenapa orang duk lambai2 saputangan huhuhu nganga je lah kami berenam kat situ* kui3x.
*6 orang budak Malaysia yang tak faham apa2 masa tengok show ni ngee*

*muka cuak sebab kesian tengok lembu2 tu*
Yang paling best bagi I untuk dilihat masa bullfight ni ialah costumes wears by the matadors which are inspired by 18th century Andalusian clothing. Matadors are easily distinguished by their spectacular and quite costly traje de luces "suit of lights" which is custom-made and embroidered with silver or golden thread.
Masa kat Madrid jugak, I sempat masuk dalam bullring tu with my classmates when we went to Aranjuez. Since it is in November, the bullring is not in used and pak guard tu dengan baik hatinya let us wander inside the bullring for taking pictures. Sempatlah jugak kami buat aksi berangan2 jadi matador kat situ ekekeke.
*inside a bullring at Aranjuez*
*inside a bullring with EuMAS 2006-2008 classmates at Aranjuez*
I jugak sempat buat aksi akrobatik ala2 matador yang ketakutan di kejar lembu eheh. I suka2 je main panjat2 fence tu without noticing the fact that my friends capture this embarrassing moment. But then, I think I should be thankful to my friend for capturing this controversial picture so that everytime I tengok gambar ni je, I surely will gelak besar dengan ke'tolol'an diri sendiri
*gambar kontroversi diri sendiri untuk digelakkan seumur hidup*
# Info gathered from : go spain, spain info, wikipedia
Pssssttt : masa gila2 di zaman muda belia remaja memang indah untuk sesekali di kenang oleh seorang mak budak kan? *wink wink*
16 words of wisdom & comments:
ampun ye, sbb sayee pun tergelak besar tgk gmbr yatie panjat fence tu. hahhahahhaha..opsss!! seb baik maseh sopan tiada ape yg terselak2. hehehe.
Ahahaha....time ni tak seswai dipanggil chomeyl....
hehehe..gmbr yg last tu la paling mahal. hehehe...
ya ampun woghih! demo rukak wat gapo pagar tu? owoh...owoh!
betul2 maso buje paling best diingat. tp bilo ado tok laki dgn anok lain pulok best moments hok kito dpt. :D
muahahaha.. tergelak besar jugak tgk aksi matador gegeirl ni...:D
rase kesian kat lembu tu kan.. syoknye belajar kat oversea...
leh dpt ilmu..luas pemandangan....
yatie, jgn wat aksi panjat2 dah..nanti baby SN ngikut hehehe
suka panjat2 rupanya.mesti tertumpah kat baby SN nanti.hehehe
tapi kat malaysia, ada laga ayam.tak mencabar btol!
pelik keh budaya ore lain ni..apo pekdoh la nok bull-fighting nih..siye ko lembu tuh hehehe i pencinta binatang :P
hurmm hop g tgk tu pun lah hehhe dey lg ukah pagar..lucu! mujo pakai suar
yatiey tetap comel dlm gambar last tuh..hehehe
baby SN, tengok le mak mu ni..hehe..di dunia manakah baby SN ketika ini???hehe...
yatie tinggi mana fence tu eh? (sebenarnya tgh bayangkan ko melompat 2-3x nak capai atas pagar tuh sambil gelak dlm otak)
klakar gamba kontroversi itu :) betul2 mcm kejadian...hehe..
Ya Allah gmbr last tu...hahaha... tergolek sy dok gelak2 atah kusi ni...well done akak..make sure tunjuk kat bby SN nnti..
angah >> takpe, maaf di terima..sila la gelakkan lagi hik3x
sitisifir >> time tu dh jd yatie chomot plak eheh
isabelle >> tu la pasal, bukan senang nak dapat gmbr gitu tu
woghih >> sajo puah duk ssajo, gi ngukah pagar la
k.nur >> yup true, lo ni moment manis dgn hubby & baby pulop ;)
eila >> mmg nmpk gaya baby SN pun suka panjat memanjat mcm mommy dia
eliss >> xyah la laga2, sian kat binatang tu kan? :(
eliza >> kalu pakai kain sarung, soyok doh ekekkeke
k. hamizah >> ye ke? mekaceh heehe
dbalkis >> baby SN x wujud lg. daddy baby SN pun x ngorat mommy lagi time ni hik3x
jiji >> tinggi gak la...sbb tu aku beria2 nak test lompat tu eheh
huda >> gmbr kontroversi tu bila tgk blk mmg kelakar la hik3x
tiey >> jange golek sgt lamo jatuh kusi plop key hehe
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