It has been the most tiring and hectic
4 consecutive days for me as I went for high & seek of the orders I received for the Projek Chomeyl punyer. Surprisingly, I received tremendous amount of orders. Though I mention that I wont accept any order after 2pm 3days ago, I actually received orders up to this morning. I couldn't afford to refuse the order as I understand so much how does it feels to get something that is quiet hard to find. I went to almost 10 outlet of Nishimatsuya Baby Kids & Maternity Wear to look for those yukatas, went to 3 shopping malls to look for adult yukatas and 6 outlet of Yen-shop to look for those baby & adult mask...
phewwwww....imagine that *giler hebat kan?
Luckily hubby has been so kind to let me use the car while he went to campus by bus for two days and also kind enough to drive me to the shop today. Walaupun mula2 hubby bebel2 cakap I sengaja cari kerja untuk susah2kan diri, akhirnya dia kesian tengok wifeynya terhegeh2 ke kedai 2-3hari berturut-turut sambil susah payah usung baby SN heheheh *berjaya taktik muka kesian yang I apply tu
Finally, I manage to sit in front of the lappy again but this time I was not allowed to use the internet as hubby wants me to focus on my study
Being the so called "blogger tegar", I really missed to update my blog as well as blog hopping to friends blog as always but I guess I really have to focus on those important things in my life first. I memang rindu sangat nak meninggalkan jejak chomeyl I kat blog kawan2 semua tapi I takut hubby piat telinga I kalau dia nampak I duk nyinggah blog orang lain ngeh ngeh ngeh. Please pray the best for my exam
Psssttt: walaupun nervous nak exam tapi sebab excited nak balik Malaysia hari Selasa ni, terus hilang segala rasa nak terkucil tu