When I decided to continue my studies *refer: Mommy & Baby SN goes to school*, the most difficult things for me to do is actually to decide on sending Shafiq Nazhan to a nursery. I stayed with him 24-7 from the day he was born until he reached 4 months old. Leaving him under a day care with a bunch of people that I hardly know, considering the differences on religion as well as culture and not to mention the language; all of these issues used to be lingering inside my head
when I first decided to send baby SN to Popora Hoikuen.
Now, 3 months has passes by and I personally feel nurseries isn't a bad idea at all for baby SN; perhaps it's a better idea because he gets to interact with other children; allowing him to socialise & to learn from other. He was acknowledge as "Shafiku-kun" by his teachers and classmates. I was told that he was quite a popular boy in his class *ceeewaaaah, kecik2 dah popular gitu ahaks*. Although he was the youngest child in the nursery, that doesn't stopped baby SN from socializing well with others as language barrier doesn't seem to be major problem for kids, aite?
*diorang kan cakap bahasa baby je, ngeeeeeee*.
Last Saturday, 26th December 2009 was the last schooling day for Shafiq Nazhan as for the year 2009. Thus, a small celebration
was held at Popora Hoikuen to celebrate the last day of schooling as well as the celebration for a belated Christmas. Though we were a little bit reluctant in a first place to join the occasion, in the end we had decided to attend it as this is the 3rd time that the teacher invited us to join the nursery's weekend activity.
We arrived to the place about an hour after the whole activity started but just at the perfect timing for baby's game. Baby SN & I kena lekatkan bahagian tanduk pada badan rusa. senang jer tu!
. eceh, nama pun task untuk baby...takkan sensei nak bagi yang susah pulak kan?
The games & activities were arranged by the teachers according to the child's class & age. For children from 2-3years old, they were given task to move a block of square box from point A to point B and to drag a small cart box with them. Beria-ria diorang tarik kotak tu dan lari, chomeyl betul bila budak kecik lari terkedek2 kan? *gerammmm
nak cubit2*.
Shafiq-kun was really in good mood and being so energetic that day sampaikan hubby tanya kat baby SN "excited sbb nok tunjuk sekolah Nazhan-chan ko daddy yo?". Hik3x...
chomeyl jer conversation anak beranak ni. He even say "hi" in his baby language to other parents by flashing a chomeyl smiles for them.
The event for that day was ended with a gift session from Santa-san. Every kids received a gift from Santa-san (padahal mommy kena bayar 300yen utk hadiah tu
huhuhu). Nasib baik baby SN kecik lagi, tak faham apa pun lagi pasal Santa ni. He was interested only to put the gift he received from Santa-san to his mouth and also to grab and pull Santa's beard hahaha.
(Shafiq-kun tengok Santa-san dengan muka pelik)
(beria-ria nak makan 'hadiah' hohoho)
All the parents are giving support by shouting "gambatte" to those little angels while they were performing the task that was given to them. Siap ada baby tu yang atuk & nenek
pon datang jugak bagi sokongan.
But then, there are few kids yang parents diorang tak datang , dan lebih menyedihkan is because those kids were send to the nursery for a day care as their parents goes to work on Saturday. Aiseh, rasa sayu pulak bila I tengok budak2 lain parents diorang datang untuk sama2 memeriahkan majlis, tapi parents budak2 tu takde untuk sama2 dengan diorang. *sibuk2 nak emo
bagi pihak budak2 tu hohohoho*
(budak2 yang atas riba sensei tu, parents diorang tak datang hari tu)
Somehow, this event reminds me so much on how precious are the moments
that I spent with baby SN. It's true that he is still too young to understand or to remember all this, but at least I want to be able to be with him as much as I could.
"Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you're waiting for dont pass you by".
Pssssstttt : baby SN batuk & selsema pulak hari ni. malam tadi tak tidur sangat, risau mommy di buatnya,
terus gi beli nasal mucus aspirator for sucking with mouth untuk sedut hingus dia...huhuhu.