Malam tadi both mummy & daddy kena "tampar" dengan baby SN.
"Tamparan" tu walaupun slow je, tapi kesannya amat mendalam dalam jiwa mommy & daddy.
Kisah "tamparan" dari baby SN terjadi malam tadi di dalam bilik tidur. Mommy tengah layan diari AF8 kat laptop mommy while daddy was busy formatting his laptop to Windows 7. Mommy letak mainan baby SN di atas riba dia dan mommy concentrate on watching the diary AF8. Baby SN kacau mommy yang tengah kusyuk tengok dengan berdiri depan mommy so mommy cuba mengalih perhatian baby SN dengan letakkan bermaca2m jenis permainan di hadapannya tetapi cubaan mommy ternyata gagal. Akhirnya mommy tolak baby SN ke arah daddy.
Baby SN kacau pulak daddy yang tengah format laptop tu dengan cara menolak skrin monitor laptop sampai hampir patah ke belakang. Cubaan baby SN mematahkan skrin monitor laptop daddy itu membuatkan daddy meletakkan baby SN jauh dari daddy jadi baby SN datang kacau mommy pulak.
Begitulah terjadi beberapa kali di mana mommy & daddy masing2 tak mempedulikan baby SN dan sibuk menghadap skrin laptop masing2. Akhirnya akibat tidak tahan lagi di perlakukan sedemikian rupa; baby SN menganugerahkan sedas "tamparan" buat mommy & daddy.
Mommy & daddy masing2 terpana dengan "tamparan" itu. Bahang pijarnya merebak ke seluruh deria rasa pada tubuh. Sakit yang terasa tidak pada pipi tetapi terus pada hati kerana tamparan itu bukan dalam bentuk pukulan fizikal pada tubuh badan.
"Tamparan" itu berupa tangisan sayu baby SN yang kesedihan akibat tidak di pedulikan oleh mommy & daddy. Beria-ria baby SN menangis setelah di abaikan oleh mommy & daddy. Tangisan itu bukan tangisan mengantuk atau tangisan kelaparan, sebaliknya tangisan yang tercetus akibat rasa terkilan di abaikan oleh mommy & daddy. Tangisan tulus dari hati yang menandakan betapa remuk redamnya perasaan seseorang yang inginkan perhatian.
Tangisan itu menjadi petunjuk kepada mommy & daddy yang baby SN inginkan perhatian dari mommy & daddy. Bukan permainan yang di pinta tapi perhatian mommy & daddy untuk bermain bersama2nya.
Tangisan baby SN itu berhenti sebaik mommy memeluknya. berkali2 permohonon maaf terluncur dari bibir mommy buat baby SN. Mommy cuba mengambil hati baby SN dengan bermain toys dia bersama2, ternyata cubaan mommy berjaya memujuk baby SN. Senyum dan ketawa baby SN ternyata lebih bermakna dari segala2nya. Benar kata orang, anak merupakan titipan harta yang paling berharga yang harus dijaga, dirawat dan dididik agar menjadi penyejuk hati.
Mommy & daddy tak marah pun kat baby SN sebab "tampar" kami but instead we both feel really thankful for that.Kami sedar yang kami selalu take things for granted towards you. Mentang2 baby SN senang di alihkan perhatian bila di pasangkan CD nursery rhymes dan CD Baby Einstein, mommy & daddy tidak cuba untuk menyelami perasaan baby SN yang inginkan perhatian dari mommy & daddy sewaktu bersama kami. Dah la kena tinggal di nursery dari 8.30 - 6ptg isnin-jumaat, bila hari cuti nak main2 degan mommy & daddy..tapi tak di layan sebaiknya pulak huhuhuhu.
"Tamparan" itu buat mommy & daddy sedar tanggungjawab kami sebagai ibubapa dan juga betapa pentingnya menjaga amanah Allah yang tak ternilai ini. Tangisan syahdu baby SN itu mengingatkan mommy & daddy bahawa kami perlu menghargai anak yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT buat kami ini. Baby SN lah harta dan aset untuk kami meneruskan cita-cita dan garis keturunan umat Islam di dunia ini.
Psssssttt : internet sedang maintenance 2-3hr sebelum ni, jd tak sempat blog hopping ke blog kawan2 lain lagi. nanti internet dah 'sembuh', I gi jenguk u all macam biasa...jangan ada yang merajuk dan nak "tampar" I pulak hehehehehe.
Last weekend was one of a quiet an "unusual" weekend for me because I have to wake up early. On Saturday, I woke up early to prepare for the Islamic Week-Food Festival *will update about it later, tgh tunggu gambar*. While on Sunday, I woke up at 6 a.m as initially there was a plan to go to Uminonakamichi Park by 7a.m. Dah la sebelah malam nya I slept late as I was busy preparing the food to bring to the park. Bila I dah siap packed all the foods and pakai tudung + baju chomeyl2, alih hubby cakap macam malas pulak nak gi Uminonakamichi sebab jauh *about 1 1/2 hour car journey* dan dah pernah 2-3x pergi sebelum ni → refer entry :Jalan2 Cari Pasal di Uminonakamichi Park.
Masa hubby cakap tak jadi pergi picnic tu, I sangatttttttttttttttttttttt hangin mau meletup dalam dada ada letusan meluap2 macam gunung berapi occay!. Mulut terus muncung ke depan macam Daisy Duck, lepas tu terus sentap tak nak bercakap. Elok2 duduk kat living room terus angkat baby SN masuk bilik + menyusu + tidur. Tidur pun dalam keadaan pakai baju chomeyl2 lagi *nasib baik tudung sempat bukak sebelum tidur* ngeeeeeeee.
I'm quiet pissed off not because of I'm so eager to go to the park but I'm irritated because hubby decided to call off the plan without telling it in advanced to me. If he told me earlier about it, then I don't have to sleep late at night to prepare the food and the most important thing is I don't have to wake up early to pack the foods. Bangun-tidur-lambat-pada-hujung minggu-ialah-satu-nikmat-yang-tidak-wajar-di persiakan hohohohoho *motto terbaru I* ekekekekeke.
After about few hours of persuasion, consoling and allay sessions; hubby finally manage to calm me down by bringing baby SN & I to the Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Garden. The Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Garden ("Fukuoka-shi DÅshokubutsuen"), is a zoo and botanical garden located within Minami-koen park, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka which is only 30 minutes away from our home.
The admission fee for both botanical and zoological garden cost us 400yen = RM 14 per person for adult and free of charge for baby SN. The weather on the Sunday afternoon was nice for a stroll through at the garden. The nice weather + comfortable breezy wind blow has made my day, thus all the sulking has slowly fade away hik3x.
The large garden of Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Gardenis divided into :-
(1) Botanical Garden
We spent about 1 hour touring the Botanical Garden and enjoy the scenery view of flowers scattering all over the garden. As it is spring season, there are lots and lots of beautiful flowers blooming everywhere around the garden. It is said that there are 2600 kinds of plants including dove trees in the garden.
The botanical garden also boasts the largest greenhouse in Asia, houses approximately 1,200 species of rare trees and flowers in the greenhouse gathered around this 2,800 m2 area.
*baby SN mengenal pokok mangga + pisang + fern supaya tak jakun bila balik Malaysia nanti*
Most of the trees & flowers inside the greenhouse are mainly tropical plant and the plants that have to be temperature controlled which mean that it is not really suitable to be planted at a 4 season country.
Amongst the plant and flower in the greenhouse are mango tree, banana tree, cactus, orchids and many more. Baby SN has made several attempt to touch the cactus..huhuhuu nasib baik sempat pegang tangan dia dari pegang cactus tu. There are also few strange and odd looking cactus in the greenhouse.
The beauty of the plants around the garden can best be view from the tower at the center of the Botanical Garden. The scenery of Fukuoka city can also be captured from the top of the tower. However as it is a bit windy at the top of the tower, we just spent few minutes there as hubby & baby SN are not wearing their jacket/sweater on them.
*angin bertiup kuat sampai mencanak2 rambut baby SN* hik3x
(2) Zoological Garden
The zoo was established in 1953. The Zoo is located at a corner of Minami Park and has approximately 200 kinds of animals. The zoo is home to rare species in Japan such as the Arabian Oryx, and Raggiana Bird of Paradise. The zoo is half a century old and is now undergoing renewal set to take 20 years.
Baby SN enjoy being in the zoo rather than in the botanical garden. I'm pretty sure that he can recognize few animals that he watch in the Baby Einstein CD with the animals in the zoo. He really lay his eyes on those tigers, hippo, birds, tortoise, giraffe, penguins, deers and many more *tak kuasa lah mak nak taip semua binatang2 kat zoo tu nyah ooooi*ngeeeee.The zoo and the botanical gardens are connected by a bridge so that visitors are able to go back and forth.
*baby SN is learning about animals in the savannah zoo *
The panoramic view of Fukuoka city from the Ferris wheel in the zoological garden is another great features as well. Though we don't ride on the Ferris Wheel but we've put baby SN on the "insert-coin-aircraft" and "insert-coin-bus" *sebenarnya mommy & dady yang teringin nak naik, tapi guna kan baby SN sebagai kambing hitam*eheh.
*bukti mommy & daddy lagi over dari baby SN*
We spent about 2 hours walkabout the zoo. It was damn tiring to cover the whole place as the path were steep with inclining route here and there *tonggek2 punggung tolak stroller naik turun bukit untuk tawaf zoo tu*ekekekeke. Luckily there is a cable car provided at the garden on the way to the main gate-zoological garden, thus we fully utilize the service back and forth to the main gate.
*inside the cable car*
When baby SN fall asleep while sitting on his stroller, it is definitely a clear sign to tell mommy & daddy to go home *terlentuk2 kepala dia sebab tertidur sambil duduk*kui3x.
*left pic : mata dah ngantuk tapi masih nak main* *right pic: terlentuk smbil duduk*
Overall I can rate it as another nice spring excursion for our family at the Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Garden on that Sunday afternoon. Looking forward for the next pleasure trip as there will be 1 week holiday known as Golden Week starting from tomorrow onwards...yippppeeeeeeeeeeee *boleh bangun lambat*.
♥ happy family ♥
♥ family portrait ♥
Psssssttttt : nak gi jalan2 masa cuti seminggu tu kena fikir puluh2 kali sebab seluruh Jepun bercuti, semua orang pun jalan2, maka nya jalan pun jem huhuhuhuhu.
• A wife + mommy + student who is now living in the Ultraman's hometown;
••trying real hard to survive in her Permanent Head Damage studies. ○○○
••• She self-proclaimed herself as Yatie Chomeyl in order to sound & look cute. ○○○
••• Loves ♥ traveling + early childhood education + culture + entertainment + shopping!. ○○○
••• Her studies has bring her to lot of places in Europe and Japan; so the theme of her blog goes : "Spaghetti kuah percik, Sushi cicah budu".○○○
••• Enjoy her ramblings!.
This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memories running around my brain that require long term synthesis. I'm not here to brag on but to keep the memories alive.
Feel free to browse through it and read the contents written here BUT feel free also to notify me if you want to use my writings or my pictures at some other places (copyright reserved).