Macam dah banyak hari I duk kecoh2 kat entry sebelum ni, so kali ni I nak cerita pasal trip SN's family kat Disneysea Tokyo. Tokyo DisneySea is a 712,246 m² theme park located in Urayasu, Chiba, Japan. Tokyo DisneySea and its companion park Tokyo Disneyland are the only Disney parks in the world not owned by The Walt Disney Company.
Tokyo DisneySea has an overall nautical exploration theme to it. Unlike Tokyo Disneyland, the overall intention was to create a more adult-themed park, including faster, scarier rides and shows designed more for an older audience. Memang rasa macam ada kat Pulau Disney lah masa kat sini sebab most of the rides berkonsepkan air dan lautan.
Tokyo DisneySea has an overall nautical exploration theme to it. Unlike Tokyo Disneyland, the overall intention was to create a more adult-themed park, including faster, scarier rides and shows designed more for an older audience. Memang rasa macam ada kat Pulau Disney lah masa kat sini sebab most of the rides berkonsepkan air dan lautan.
=- front gate -=
Kitorang sampai kat Tokyo Disneysea ni pukul 8:40pagi,and we managed to park our car quiet near to the entrance gate. Dalam masa 5 minit je kitorang parking tu dan sambil2 nak keluarkan stroller dari boot, tiba2 banyak dah kereta memenuhi car park tu. Ingatkan kitorang awal sampai sana, rupanya dah penuh manusia duk beratur sambil tunggu gate bukak kul 9 pagi huhuhu.
=- pukul 8:45 pagi dah penuh dengan orang -=
Parking fee untuk kereta: 2000yen, pastu admission fee untuk adult pulak ¥5,800 each.
Tapi sebab kitorang beli through internet dan beli untuk Disneyland sekali, so dapat diskaun sikit. Nazhan pulak masuk free sebab bawah 4 tahun..*best2x, free je lah Nazhan masuk*.
Upon entrance, we saw the Disneysea's symbol i.e. the DisneySea AquaSphere - a water fountain with a large model of the earth. We were also greeted by Goofy at the entrance, lepas bersesak2 dan bertolak2
dengan minah2 Jepun yang duk jerit2 "Goofy, kawaiiiii"; dapatlah family SN pun posing gak dengan Goofy.
Upon entrance, we saw the Disneysea's symbol i.e. the DisneySea AquaSphere - a water fountain with a large model of the earth. We were also greeted by Goofy at the entrance, lepas bersesak2 dan bertolak2
=- DisneySea AquaSphere : entrance plaza -=
We have our breakfast for strictly 5 minutes, makan burger yang I masak lepas subuh pagi Selasa tu huhu. Makan cepat2 je sebab hubby dah over excited nak main all the rides; nasib baik
tak tercekik. There are seven uniquely themed areas or "ports of call". The entrance to the park is Mediterranean Harbor, which opens up to six more nautically themed ports: American Waterfront, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, and Mysterious Island.
=- Mediterrannean Harbour -=

=- the gigantic volcano, Mount Prometheus, located in the center of the park -=
The first theme port that we went was at the Mermaid Lagoon. Mermaid Lagoon is home to the characters of The Little Mermaid. The facade is made to look like the Palace of King Triton and features fanciful seashell-inspired architecture. This "port of call" is unique in that it is mostly indoors and recreates the feeling of being underwater. Most of the rides in this area are geared towards younger children; so memang semua rides baby SN boleh naik lah.
(1) Mermaid Lagoon: Attractions in this "port of call" include Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster; Scuttle's Scooters; Jumpin' Jellyfish; Blowfish Balloon Race; The Whirlpool; all of which are meticulously themed children's rides.
(1) Mermaid Lagoon: Attractions in this "port of call" include Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster; Scuttle's Scooters; Jumpin' Jellyfish; Blowfish Balloon Race; The Whirlpool; all of which are meticulously themed children's rides.
(a) Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster --> baby SN nangis sebab takut, then mommy pulak dok gelakkan dia je sepanjang naik rides tu
(b) Scuttle's Scooter=- Triton's Kingdom -=
(c) Mermaid lagoon theater --> dapat tengok show ikan duyung si Ariel dengan kroni2nya, nyanyi2 dan terbang2 macam kat circus. Tapi kat dalam tu takleh amik gambar or video la pulak.
(d) Jumping jellyfish --> naik obor2 yang lansung tak thrilled, eceh berlagak derr
(e) Blowfish balloon race
(f) The Whirlpool
(g) Ariel's playground --> taman dalam air tempat Ariel si ikan duyung tu main2 dengan ketamnya
(d) Jumping jellyfish --> naik obor2 yang lansung tak thrilled, eceh berlagak derr
(e) Blowfish balloon race
(f) The Whirlpool
(g) Ariel's playground --> taman dalam air tempat Ariel si ikan duyung tu main2 dengan ketamnya
=- Ariel's Playground -=
(h) Ariel's greeting grotto --> tempat ambik gambar je ni, so kitorang tak gi lah
Dengan gigih dan bersemangatnya,
we continue our journey at Disneysea Tokyo dan menuju ke Arabian Coast port regardless to the really cold weather on that day. Dah lah cuaca sejuk 3°C masa tu, jalan2 pulak dari pagi sampai ke malam kat open air gitu..memang gigil habis lah. Nasib baik I dah bersedia stroller blanket ala2 poket kangaroo untuk baby SN.
(2) Arabian Coast : It recreates an exotic Arabian harbor combined with an "enchanted world from 1001 Arabian Nights". There are three attractions in the land: Sindbad's Storybook Voyage, Caravan Carousel, and the Magic Lamp Theater.
(a) Sinbad's Storybook Voyage --> an indoor boat ride, dapat tengok Sinbad bawak balik harta kat orang kampung dia hehe
=- Sinbad's Storybook Voyage -=
(b) The Magic lamp Theater --> a combined live-action/animatronic based magic show with a 3D movie featuring the Genie. Masa tengok movie ni Nazhan sempat isi minyak *menyusu dalam panggung yang gelap tu* ehehehe.
=- The Magic Lamp Theater -=
(c) Caravan carousel --> a double-decker carousel that can hold over 190 passengers. naik kuda pusing2 ni pun si Nazhan nangis sebab takut, kui3x.
Lepas keluar dari area Arabian Coast ni, cuaca makin sejuk. So mommy & daddy bungkus Nazhan kat dalam jaket angkasawan dia hehe. Kitorang tukar jaket dia sebelum sambung penjelajahan kat Lost River Delta port pulak. Elok je kitorang letak dia kat dalam 'poket kangaroo' kat stroller dia tu, terus Nazhan tidur
nyenyak. Agaknya selesa kot berbungkus lengkap gitu, tu yang syiok dia titun tu.
=- mengintai putera raja tengah tidor -=
(3) Lost River Delta : Located at the back of the park, the dominant structure in this "port of call" is a huge, ruined Central American Aztec pyramid which houses the E.M.V. attraction Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull, the DisneySea Steamer Line, and Raging Spirits.
(a) Indiana Jones Adventure : Temple of the Crystal Skull --> Follow in the footsteps of Dr. Indiana Jones in a harrowing, life-or-death quest for the legendary Fountain of Youth. Naik kereta macam pengembaraan Indiana Jones tu la, kereta siap corner baring lompat2 sana sini langgar batu besar hohoho.
(b) Raging Spirits --> a looping roller coaster situated in the ruins of an ancient ceremonial site. I tak naik yang ni sebab kena jaga Nazhan yang tengah tidur, ececece alasan je *padahal memang I tak nak naik sebarang jenis rides yang ada kaitan dengan roller coaster*
(c) Disneysea Transit Steamer Line --> which transports guests back to Mediterranean Harbor.
Lepas tu kitorang sambung pulak ke Port Discovery. Terserempak jugak dengan Chip n Dale; Goofy lagi sekali dan jugak The Incredible. Sempat la posing sedas dua dengan diorang sebelum sambung lagi penjelajahan di Laut Disney tu.
(4) Port Discovery : This "port of call" is hailed as "the marina of the future". Home to the fictional 'Center for Weather Control', Port Discovery is home to three attractions: StormRider, Aquatopia, and the DisneySea Electric Railway.
(a) StormRider --> a large-scale simulator ride. yang ni Nazhan takleh naik sebab tak cukup tinggi, so mommy & daddy take turns untuk masuk dalam ni.
Lepas tu kitorang naik train tu menuju ke American Waterfront port pulak. Macam dah tak berapa larat nak jalan, tu yang kitorang naik train je lah kan hehe.
(5) American Waterfront : This port represents the northeastern seaboard of the United States in the early 20th century. It features two themed areas, an "Old Cape Cod" section, and a "New York Harbor" section with an elaborate backstory. This land is dominated by the large passenger ship, SS Columbia.
(5) American Waterfront : This port represents the northeastern seaboard of the United States in the early 20th century. It features two themed areas, an "Old Cape Cod" section, and a "New York Harbor" section with an elaborate backstory. This land is dominated by the large passenger ship, SS Columbia.
=- American Waterfront harbour -=
(b) Disneysea Electric Railway
(c) Disneysea Transit Steamer Line
=- transit steamer dock -=
(d) Turtle Talk --> a theater hall where we meet a turtle who can talk and conversed with the guests
=- turtle talk -=
(e) Tower of Terror --> The port's most popular attraction, an elaborately themed free-fall E-ticket ride with a unique storyline which is markedly different from other incarnations of the same ride.
(f) Broadway-themed theater --> currently plays the show "Big Band Beat, tapi kitorang tak tengok sebab dah penuh orang beratur, sejuklah nak beratur kat luar malam2.
(f) Broadway-themed theater --> currently plays the show "Big Band Beat, tapi kitorang tak tengok sebab dah penuh orang beratur, sejuklah nak beratur kat luar malam2.
=- SS Columbia -=
Walaupun kaki dah rasa lenguh sikit, tetap gigih sambung ke Mediterranean Harbour pulak. Masa sampai kat port ni, dah nak senja pun. Dah agak gelap, lagipun Maghrib masuk kul 4:30 gitu, so memang cepat gelap lah kan.
(6) Mediterranean Harbour : this port is themed as Venice (Italian port city), complete with Venetian gondolas that guests can board and ride.
(6) Mediterranean Harbour : this port is themed as Venice (Italian port city), complete with Venetian gondolas that guests can board and ride.
(a) Venetian Gondolas --> serius rasa macam kat Venice dia punya surroundings dan landskap. Lagi best, orang yang kayuh gondola tu siap nyanyi lagu lagi..memang feeling romantik betul eheh.
(b) Fortress Exploration --> a meticulously themed, large-scale interactive play area for guests that features exploration themed activities and attractions. Nazhan enjoy
main2 kat area ni, siap nyorok2 dari mommy & daddy lagi.
(c) Disneysea Transit Steamer LineThe last destination for Disneysea Tokyo is at the Mysterious Island port.
(7) Mysterious Island : is a port within Mount Prometheus, the giant volcano that is the Park's centerpiece and most prominent feature. It relies heavily on the storytelling of Jules Verne and, specifically, the mythology of the volcano fortress mentioned several times in the books called "Vulcania".
(7) Mysterious Island : is a port within Mount Prometheus, the giant volcano that is the Park's centerpiece and most prominent feature. It relies heavily on the storytelling of Jules Verne and, specifically, the mythology of the volcano fortress mentioned several times in the books called "Vulcania".
=- Mysterious Island -=
(a) Journey to the Center of the Earth --> a thrill roller coaster ride keluar masuk gunung tu, mampoih mak tak berani nak naik noks
=- Journey to the center of the earth -=
(b) 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea --> naik kapal selam masuk dalam air, best wooo..tapi gelap tak nampak apa masa mula2 masuk tu so budka kecik nangis sebab takut duk dalam gelap
Since I tak naik yang roller coaster ride kat Journey to the Center of the earth tu, so I lepak kat tepi tasik sambil tunggu bunga api je dengan dak kecik tu hehe. Dah la sejuk malam2, lepak tepi tasik, siap keluar hingus meleleh2 masa tu. Nasib baik I lapik tempat duduk kitorang dengan blanket, kalau tak ..punggung pun sejuk sekali
=- Christmas fireworks show -=
We left Disneysea Tokyo after the firework show. Park ni tutup kul 10malam, tapi kitorang keluar masa ni dalam kul 8:40 malam. Lagipun dah dapat naik semua attractions kecuali Tower of Terror tu je lah, sebab orang ramai sangat dan kena beratur almost 90 minutes untuk naik tu.
The trick is, kalau korang gi kat Disneyland Tokyo or Disneysea Tokyo ni, mula2 masuk park tu, terus lah gi ambik FASTPASS tickets kat rides yang selalunya ramai orang suka naik. Tiket ni tak payah beratur panjang2,
dia bagi exact time untuk naik rides tu without waiting. Tapi tiket FastPast ni cuma ada pagi2 dan kena cepat2 ambik masa mula2 masuk situ.
FASTPASS tickets for Disneysea Tokyo are available for StormRider, Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mermaid Lagoon Theater, Indiana Jones
Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull, The Magic Lamp Theater, Raging Spirits and Tower of Terror .
The trick is, kalau korang gi kat Disneyland Tokyo or Disneysea Tokyo ni, mula2 masuk park tu, terus lah gi ambik FASTPASS tickets kat rides yang selalunya ramai orang suka naik. Tiket ni tak payah beratur panjang2,
FASTPASS tickets for Disneysea Tokyo are available for StormRider, Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mermaid Lagoon Theater, Indiana Jones
Overall, memang best lah Disneysea Tokyo ni but I have to say that kalau korang yang dah ada anak nak gi sini, better gi ramai2, so that boleh gilir2 jaga anak. If naik rides sorang2 pun tak best gak kan, so kalau gi dengan family lain at least boleh lah gilir2 kaum ibu dengan bapa. Macam kitorang hari tu, agak kesuntukan masa jugak lah sebab kena gilir antara hubby & I.
Lepas tu dah ada anak ni, takleh nak cepat2 gi sana sini macam masa bujang main kat Disneyland Paris dulu2. Sebelum masuk kena bersedia dengan segala jenis mak nenek so that baby akan selesa sepanjang berada kat open air area di musim sejuk ni e.g. stroller's blanket, blanket cum sitting mat, lots of foods, extra jacket in case the weather drops, umbrella, in case if it's raining, drinks, sun ray's top cover for his stroller in case it is hot in the afternoon, toys in case baby mengamuk (nazhan punya toys is mommy's iphone huhuhu). Hubby siap cakap mommy ni macam Inspector Gadget, macam2 ada dalam beg tu
eheh, kalah Doraemon.
Lepas tu dah ada anak ni, takleh nak cepat2 gi sana sini macam masa bujang main kat Disneyland Paris dulu2. Sebelum masuk kena bersedia dengan segala jenis mak nenek so that baby akan selesa sepanjang berada kat open air area di musim sejuk ni e.g. stroller's blanket, blanket cum sitting mat, lots of foods, extra jacket in case the weather drops, umbrella, in case if it's raining, drinks, sun ray's top cover for his stroller in case it is hot in the afternoon, toys in case baby mengamuk (nazhan punya toys is mommy's iphone huhuhu). Hubby siap cakap mommy ni macam Inspector Gadget, macam2 ada dalam beg tu
=- duduk diam2 dalam 'poket kanggaroo' sebab di rasuah dengan cheese sticks -=
Furthermore, we have to also consider masa tidur anak, masa makan anak, masa salin diapers anak, masa bermain anak dan jugak masa anak mengamuk
eheh. Tapi yang bestnya pergi bila dah ada anak ni ialah bila tengok muka anak yang happy dapat jalan2 and have fun with mommy & daddy: PRICELESS!.
*eh ke sebenarnya mommy & daddy yang terlebih excited berbanding anak?* ngeeeee.
Pssssstttt: gambar tak letak watermark sebab banyak sangat gambar nak tepek, terus malas nak letak watermark huhuhu; jangan ada yang curik gambar2 ni w/o my permission sudah lah erk. Harap2 korang tak termuntah la eh tengok gambar banyak sangat neh.
Pssssstttt: gambar tak letak watermark sebab banyak sangat gambar nak tepek, terus malas nak letak watermark huhuhu; jangan ada yang curik gambar2 ni w/o my permission sudah lah erk. Harap2 korang tak termuntah la eh tengok gambar banyak sangat neh.