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If you would not want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing --> Benjamin Franklin

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Wednesday 8 June 2011

WW (1): Macam Makcik-makcik ?

On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no or little words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description.

Venue: Imazu Sports Park; Time: Saturday evening

Now tell me, what do you think about this photo?

~ Thanks for reading this . Anda semakin chomeyl kalau anda memberi komen (^-*) ~

15 words of wisdom & comments:

Hanis MY said...

haha lawok la naka sungguh, mana ado mokciknyo, cun jah tgk, mokcik2 tok wak la pis pis ni, biasanya berdiri tegak gitu kan hehe

Coffee Mama said...

Anda seorang yg berani kerana mengenakan tudung pink untuk outfit ini..hehehehe

Mama Zharfan said...

comel ajer :) masih jakun tgk term 'wordless wednesday' tu :P

transformed housewife said...

kalu gitu gak Knur hari2 napok mace mokcik2 :P

anumuchan said...

comel je tudung pink..senang nk pakai..sarung sy x reti pakai tudung jenis tu..huhu

Hamizah said...

la ada jugok ko mokcik jangok gini lalu?

Unknown said...

makcik ke cam ni...
cam anak dara yg tak cukup berhias ade la... hehehee...

Anonymous said...

well i hope that is not a real watermelon.. kalo ye.. br layak dapat title mokcik!

Idayu said...

Mcm ustazah pon ader, ustazah ajo PJ...he3 gurau jek.

yatie chomeyl said...

Hanis >> ho deh, mokcik2 sekalo posing diri tegak supo nyanyi lagu negaraku eheh

coffee mama >> ini bukan berani, ini pemalas nak cari tudung yg sesuai namanya hehe

MZ >> this is my first attempt. u should give it a try too ;)

yatie chomeyl said...

k/nur >> meme la kak nur jak dulu lagi suko gaya mokcik2 ekekeke :p

anum >> akak pun ada 2 je tudung ni, di guna waktu emergency hehe

k/hamizah >> jangok ko lagu ni, serabai jah ni..ngeee

yatie chomeyl said...

k/yong >> mmg x berhias k/yong.tiba2 je pergi taman sukan tu..bantai je la sarung apa yg ada masa tu

jiji >> nasib baik, it's a ball..phew,legaaaaaaaaaaa

idayu >> hahahaha, ye tak ye jugak...ustazah pun ustazah lah ekekeke

isabelle said...

makcik jual karipap ke?hehehe

reitak said...

beg beso makcik tu ada pe?
picnic bag? :) kekeke

yatie chomeyl said...

isabelle >> maaf dik, karipap makcik dah habis :p

reitak >> ada bola tuan putera dgn jajan untuk mommy hehe

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