Have you ever heard of FashionValet.Net?. I'm pretty sure most of you knew this site. FashionValet.net steals the spotlight as Malaysia’s hottest Online Shopping Website with ready-to-wear garments, accessories and handbags, from chic classics to edgy statement pieces. FV.net carry the best of Malaysia's brands and designers.
I always go cuci mata at this site but never did any attempt to buy anything because darling hubby feels that there's no need for me to wear any designers clothes for the time being..haisyyyy. So when FV announced that they are organizing FV Story T Shirt Competition for 20 consecutive days excluding weekends, I was so eager to grab the prize which offers RM 50 voucher for shopping at FashionValet.Net.
Contestants were required to continue the sentences from the previous day and making it
I continue the story with --> I was thinking...."time for revenge!".
Here's the final outcome of the FV Story T Shirt Competition.
I was so delighted when they announced that I'm the winner so without further ado I quickly use the voucher that have been sent to my e-mail. I choose this Zaza Striped Top in Navy worth MYR 59.90 *so I cuma tambah lagi RM10 je la plus RM7 for shipping fee*.
+- Pic source: FV.net -+
Note how nice the tops is with the thin stripes. Navy and white stripes
are a must for my wardrobe collections as it is the latest trend in Japan and all over the world right now. I love the horizontal stripes as it'll makes me look bigger than I am actually are. So, this nautical stripes tops from FV is the latest addition to my stripes-collections along with the reds stripes cardigan, the nautical stripes t-shirt and black stripes jacket..perfecto!.
"For those fashionistas who are nautically
inclined in 2011
the classic navy and white colour palette should be worn as dominant stripes. The real key to take on nautical stripes is that they dominate
the outfits because it draws attention to the stripes above all else in the outfit". - Fashioning.com
Pssssssttt : agak2 kalau I jalan2 kat zoo, ada orang confused tak yang mana satu zebra dan yang mana satu I? |
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
18 words of wisdom & comments:
usaha tanda kejayaan khen
x sia2 pulun ngeee
lawa la baju tue
harus uols lagik lawa dari zebra tu ngeee...ai yg pakai baju leopard ngan tiger ni lg confuse kot ngeee
Dah lama takde baju belang2 gini..heeee..kalau nak nmpk lg kurus kena pakai belang2 menegak ke ye..dah lupa dh..dlu2 penah baca..heee
Erk, t br tau nih pasal FasyenValet..kalu yati dop share nih, mmg sampai ketua la kot x tahu hehe...oghe buta fesyen ckit huhu..comey bj belang2 tu, dolu2 minat gop..lonih jeles jer lah tgk oghe paka huhu...
omedeto..gigihnya yatie..kalau saya the very first day dah give up..
cute la SN pakai sunglasses tu.. hehehe..
Lucky! tahniah! sesuai la untuk yati. :D
Of coz la buleh bezo dgn zebra hehe suko jugok baju beley.
Tahniah Yatie Chomeyl. usaha tangga kejayaan. hikhik
P/S : boleh beza juga..
tahniah. ni contoh usaha tgga kejayaan.
btw, ore ado sehelai gak baju gini. penuh vangga pakai, skali my cousin yg dtg melawat tanya, 'eh baju awak ni terbalik eh'. ya Allah, pakai inside out ok. sbb stripe2 mcm ni, x terperasan! terus x vogue
u always got the creative juice in you! congrats!
bagus2.. rajinnnya yatie.. ada luck plak tu..:)
Sungguh kreatif contest tu,tak pernah terjumpa contest yang macam ini.First time!
and OMG baju stripey sangat in sekarang ni:) sukeee
bagus la yatie u slalu join contest. rezeki gak tu slalu menang hihi. tahniah. canti baju belang2. i pn suka. tp kdg2 serba salah nk pakai sbb takut menyerlahkan lagi kerendangan hihi. haa kalau g zoo jgn zebra tu nk ikut u blk dh la. dia ingat awek cun mana ni usaha dia nk ngorat yatie nnt hihi.
lady ayu : auwww susah2 je puji i lagi lawa dr zebra, mak terharu noks :p
anum : aah gitu la kalau nk nmpk kurus kena pakai baju belang2 vertical
ezatie : soho FV.net ni sbb baju2 designers msia.tp gop hargo pun buleh kiro la jugop mahal huhuhu
Rai : gigih sbb mmg nak sgt shopping kat web tu eheh
atoyis : mmg best ;)
Kak As : x pakai lg x tau sesuai ke x ni tp harap2nya ok la ;)
Hanis : comam key baju bele2..kaloh zebra kui3x
Rinah : mekaceh...:)
Oyis : wakakkka , hile habis vogue bilo pakai baju terbalik ngeeeeeee
kak nur : tu pun letih peroh otak huhuhu
kak ita : nak tungu luck tu hai ke 7 baru ada kui3x
potato mommy : tu la, kat jepun skrg ni mmg baju stripe design navy sgt in...haruslah i tergedik2 nak jugak
ina : aiyoo kalau zebra ngorat, i lari laju laju dari cheetah nanti mauhahahaha
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