Baby SN dah tak jadi baby. Dah kira toddler lah dia kan as according to Wikipedia a toddler is a young child who is of the age of learning to walk, between infancy and childhood. Toddling usually begins between the ages of 12 and 18 months. Since baby SN is now already in his 15th months, should I changed his nickname to Toddler SN instead of Baby SN? *haha.......erk,it's not funny*
Regardless of the nickname for Baby ooopppsss I mean Toddler SN in this blog, he will always be my baby forever. Aiseh, macam pelik bunyinya nye Toddler SN, takpe kita try guna dulu dalam entry ni..tengok macamana penerimaan umum berkenaan nickname ini eheh.
During his 14th & 15th months old, Toddler SN :-
• has reached 9.11kg in weight
• really loves to climbs the stairs or up on furniture ~ tapi kalau tunggu dia panjat tangga dari ground floor sampai ke tingkat 5..alamatnya berjanggutlah nak sampai atas huhu.
• able to hold a pencil well and loves to scribbles vigorously in his coloring book and then after few minutes, he'll put the pencil in his mouth huh
• Begins to have temper tantrums whenever his wants/need is not fulfilled ~ siap menangis terdampar kedugongan atas lantai
• Socialize well with older kids but dont really likes to play with girls in his age hik3x
• Obey simple commands like : "salam", "kiss", "go to mommy", "give it to daddy", "come here or oide (in japanese language)", "sit down and put on your shoes", "sit down and eat", "sit down in your car seat", "drink slowly" and etc.
• Mimic parental activities such as cleaning up ~ tiap2 kali daddy pegang penyapu, dia pun sibuk nak berebut penyapu dengan daddy
• Mimic others gestures such as talking on a phone, praying (solat) and even strike a "peace" sign for photo taking ~ tapi dia punya peace guna ibu jari dengan jari telunjuk daaaa ekekeke
What makes me proud of him nowadays is that he didn't cry anymore when I send him to his nursery. Instead, he'll wave goodbye to me when his teacher took him from me and whenever his teacher said "Itterashai". Kadang2 rasa sayu jugak bila hantar dia pagi2 dan tengok dia macam redha jer kena tinggal kat nursery for 8 hours everyday..tapi I pujuk hati sendiri dan cakap kat diri sendiri Toddler SN enjoy being in the nursery with his teachers and friends; and furthermore he learns a lot at the nursery.
Alhamdulillah, Toddler SN has grown up healthily and becoming cheekier each day. There are times when I feel tired to entertain him and thinks that I need my ME time, so I ignore him for a while. But after some deep thoughts, I akan rasa menyesal bila I tak pedulikan dia sampai dia tertidur sorang2 huhu. Plus, there are times when I lost my patience with his behavior and burst out my temper by patting him on his leg. Tapi lepas tu I akan menyesal sebab tak sabar dalam melayan kerenah dia isk3x..bad mommy.
Hopefully I'd be able to be a better mommy and I'd be more calm in dealing with him. I'll try my very best in taking care of Toddler SN so that he'll always loves me throughout his whole life...Insya Allah.
10 words of wisdom & comments:
toddler SN eh? tak best la yatie! stick to baby SN lah..lagipun like u said he'll always be ur baby kan kan kan. hehehe
suka gambar tunjuk perasaan tu...sunguh2 dia tunjuk perasaan hahahaha. peaceeee baby SN!
tu la, i pon slalu gak hilang sabar, esp time stress nak siapkan keja kat umah utk present kat SV ke, time tu la aisyah dtg nak ajak main, nak panjat2, nak conteng. masa stress tu tertinggi la jgk suara, tp bila dah gi lab tu menyesal sgt sbb nya patut kita ni cherish diorg masa diorg kecik, kang dah besar dah x manja. ntah la, mmg seorg ibu akan merasa guilty sebegini, tp nak buat mcm mana, kena pandai2 la balance kan, huhu...
aliya dah 2 tahn pun kami masih panggil 'baby'... hihiiii
comel pics dia buat peace tu hihi. ahaa ihsan pn dh mula pandai mengamuk berguling2 di lantai. bab ni sgt menguji kesabaran. but usually i buat derk je smbil cepat2 setelkan what i need to do. sbb kalau i layan sgt nnt i stress pastu xpasal2 break lose on him then i jugak nyesal hihi.
suke gmbr yg dlm bakul tu:) selamat hari raya:)
drama mama >> x best kan toddler SN, i should just stick to baby SN la klu gitu ;)
oyis >> btul3x...bila stress tu cot jah hile sabar kan
k.yong >> ye ke? klu camtu x jd la panggil todler SN..balik ke baby SN semula la hehe
ina >> klu kita buat derk je, pandai pulak die berenti nangis sendiri kan eheh
maya amir >> slmt hr raya 2 u too ;)
dah biasa guna baby SN..hehe..
seisi tunjuk perasan geram tgk
klakar lak bile sebut todd sn..lain je mcm bunyinye..btw, kak yatie, hubby huda keje kat tnb jana manjung. pak cik akak tnbd manjung or tnb jana manjung?
Comeyyyyyyy nyoooo SN..
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