Fukuoka has been under the spell of a sweltering heat wave for the past week. Officially, temperatures are around 30 to 35 degrees centigrade, but with black asphalt under your feet and concrete all around, real temperatures are a lot higher than that.
But anyhow, you wouldn’t say that from looking at the fashion seen on the streets, though. Not much of shorts and tank-tops on Fukuoka’s streets. People dress as carefully as always.
I am amazed to see how the Japanese women styled themselves so I took the chance of taking some pictures when I went to Tenjin last 2 weeks.
Tenjin is an area which is located in the middle of Fukuoka City, which is known as the ‘gateway to Asia’ due to its many international connections. Tenjin is the biggest commercial district in western Japan. The main street runs from south to north and has many department stores and shopping malls along it. Also, there are 600 meters of shopping amenities underground.
Here's few pictures of Fukuoka summer style that I snap from inside my car while I was at Tenjin :-
(1) Dress + Leggings
Nature and simplicity seem to be the keywords for this summer’s fashion in Fukuoka. We can see lots of soft-colored clothes (white, off-white, beige, light blue), often paired with a darker item like blue denims or black leggings.
If I had to highlight one trend from these street snap shots, it would be the supremacy of layered outfits. Many Japanese woman loves the trend of several layers of clothes, be it a large white T-shirt with shorts and leggings, a light Chinese tunic and dark pants, a flower-printed smocked dress with see-through cardigan, or a see-through tunic over a striped tank top and flower-printed skirt.
(4) Yukata
I'm lucky to get the chance to see it with my own eyes so that I can adapt their sense of style into my own style which should be more in a way following the Islam guide and appropriate for Muslim women but still trendy and fashionable, Insya Allah.
** Fashion guide source: Asian fashion
Pssssttt: I'm not a fashionista blogger, but I couldn't resist myself from loving these Japanese woman style so I decided to share it with u guys. After all, I'm just a chomot woman who thinks she's chomeyl *only in her husband's eyes*
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
12 words of wisdom & comments:
ai ader raffia bag 2 ketul now dah jarang pakai....mmg waktu summer jer galas ngeeee....now ai suker dress + sandal or pump
kawaii :) dhla mata sepet, kulit putih, comel je depa berfashion kan kak :)
Pakaian dorang masih sopan... kita pon bole tiru gaya dorang sikit...cume tukarkan legging kepada seluar slack or jeans...
labuh2 jugak bajunya :)
panas kak loh summer deknu, best la.. boleh raso cuaca betul2 panas n betul2 winter. Scotland gak, summer pun takat 23-25 degree jah
panah2 pong molek2 lg ore Jepun pakai.
Nampak simple2 je pakaian diorang yea...kalau kat mesir lebih kpd fesyen tudung.
lady ayu >> wah, siapa ada 2 tu. bagi I satu buleh? kui3x
Huda >> aah style diorg mmg comel, suka tgk
zara zaman >> lg sopan dr sesetengah org Islam kat msia kan?
eliss >> memang baju diorg labuh2 dan longgar2 gak, senang nk shopping baju
fa10 >> sini meme panas. x sbr tunggu autumn ni huhuhu
k/nur >> tu la, ore fukuoka ni sopan2 belako hehe
Ummu AS >> aah simple yet classy
bestnya kalo berpeluang kesana
mama syaza >> jemputlah datang, accommodation free kat umah yatie ehehe
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