Have you heard about a special bazaar and fashion show event known as Reflection 2012; organized bylast SUNDAY 15th January 2012
at BLACKBOX, SOLARIS DUTAMAS from 10am to 7pm.
I have some other plans for that day thus I didn't tell hubby in advanced that I really wanted to go to this bazaar. Mula2 I pick up my handbag yang I hantar cleaning kat Segambut; then hubby tanya nak pergi mana pulak?. So I slowly jawab nak pergi Reflection 2012 tapi I tak tahu jalan; I cuma tahu tempat tu dekat Jalan Duta je. Then hubby cakap kat Jalan Duta tu komplek kerajaan lah, mana ada fashion event. So, I assume hubby malas layan permintaan I tu dan takkan bawak I pergi situ maka duduklah diam2 dalam kereta dan pandang kat luar tingkap dengan hati yang kecewa.
Being my husband; he is totally aware of the consequences that will occur if I didn't get what I want, i.e. I'll be sulking for the whole day. Thus I guess that thought strike his head and that's when he decided to drove towards Solaris *with the help from TomTom apps* . Yeayyy all of the sudden he could clearly see that; his wife become excited and her face is glowing. That is priceless man, to see your wife smiling from ear to ear *priceless la sangat, padahal tak larat nak melayan bini tu merajuk sepanjang hari*.
+- gambar hiasan :- suami kesayangan di samping isteri yang suka meletup macam meriam -+
I wanted to join the fashion show but the ticket were sold out already. They have VVIP guests like Maria Elena.
Since I tak dapat masuk fashion show, I ronda2 kat area bazaar je.The entrance fee of RM5 to enter the bazaar will They have a bazaar with more
+- dapat badge ni bila masuk kat area bazaar -+
everyone was observing at each others clothes and so I think maybe because
we look at each other as an inspiration..senang cerita to tiru the gaya lah
So throughout the event, banyak persoalan yang berada di minda. Banyak tanda tanya dan juga kata kerja such as "wah ramainya
perempuan cantik yang bertudung di Malaysia ni"; "perghhhh...cantiknya
skirt dia"; "I wonder kat mana dia beli palazzo pants tu?".....dan paling best ialah feeling bilamana I terfikir yang "eh, kalau gitu aku pun geng fashionista jugak lah hari ni". #berangantaklehblah.
+- yours truly with Oleen -+
Overall, I am very happy that hubby bawak I pergi bazaar tu and bagi duit poket RM100 *yang konon2 nya I cakap nak pinjam je dengan hubby tapi sampai ke sudah I buat2 tak ingat, dengan harapan supaya hubby halalkan saja*
Also, special thanks to SN sebab sanggup bersabar dan tunggu mommy siap shopping walaupun perut dia dah kelaparan. Sebelum berpisah terimalah gambar senyuman sememeh dari SN untuk semua, di seri kan juga dengan paha drumstick nya yang gebu #celuptepung-goreng-garing2-sedapnye.
## Others sharing on the event :
(1) Maria Elena
(2) Aishah Amin
(3) Farah Khairuddin
(4) Nisa Kay
(5) Adriani
(6) Anati Lina
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
21 words of wisdom & comments:
ai loike fashion
but since tinggal kat japan ai byk mix n match jer...nk beli byk2 pun x muat nak letak...selalu masuk new season sure ada baju kena buang...nangesss....OMG u jmpa Ami Schaheera ekkk...so sweet
aa kak ami tu dlu snr skolah saya.heheh.beza setahun je pun.huhu
teringin nak pegi tapi tak terpegi.. huhuhuh
kalau Knur gi raso nok jupo dgn Farah Adeeba jah sbb dio my ex-schoolmate maso di SMSAH.
i'm not belog to that event :p x berfashionista diriku ni :p
Eh Oleen! Dia yang introduce your blog to me :-)
Alamak, muka terpampang di blog Yatie la...ambo malu....nice meeting you !!...nak jumpa u lagi in future...
best la yatie. tp ore raso ore x belong dlm majlis sebegitu hehee
Behnyooo I loikeee tp ore tok reti la huhu keno g dgn yatiey kut hehe...
Bestnyer tgk...
woww u look gorjes dear dgn outfit tuh. tingin gak bergayass... tp duk nak nyiap anak2, last2 tepek bedak jela. hahaha....
Tie mwmang pandai & suka bergaya..
kakyong ni memang OUT la.. ;)
kalo ade masa meh la join GA
ala bestnye shopping!! rm100 cukup ek?? bagus nyeee
lady ayu :: wah every new season ada baju kena buang ke? kellas u babe eheh
anum : oo kira nya anum dh lama la kenal ami ye?
mrs k : rugi x pergi ;)
kak nur : kalu nk jupo dio keno masuk fashion show tu, tp tiket dh sold out :(
eliss : xpe je sesekali join the club eheh
coffee mama : ye ke? nasib baik ada oleen , leh kita berkenalan ;)
Almiraz : i pun nak jumpa lagi u ..leh sembang panjang2 lagi ;)
oyis : ore sero gitu jugop mulo2 tp selambe jah la join retep hehe
hanis : takpo2, semula2 kito gi duo deh eheh
angah : mmg best tgk..kalau pi; lagi best
mykhalish : auwww malu nyer...mekaceh dear *blushing*
kak yong : mmg suka bergaya tp idokla pandai sgt nak stylo mylo ni hehe
norai : RM100 x cukup, top up duit sendiri jugak hahaha
thank you so much fo coming and supporting us
hopefully jumpa lagi next time insyaAllah
allow... i missed that event...jelesen nya...
Ammara : thanks for dropping by and thanks for organizing the event. tahun depan buat lagi..leh I join lagi :)
ayu arjuna : xpe2, kita tggu thn dpn pulak ye
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