Dah 3 hari berturut2 duk share pasal kisah YLS je, hari ni mari lah kita sama2 berpijak di dunia nyata pulak
For those yang dah lama baca blog ni, mesti dah tahu yang I suka menerapkan Montessori method to my son. Especially sebab nursery SN pun memang guna Montessori tools. Since we went back to Malaysia last Nov, SN has to stop going to his nursery for a while and will only be enroll again this coming April.
Untuk mengelakkan SN boring duduk rumah berdua je dengan Cik Lin dia kat sini, I've introduce several activities suggested by Montessori method to keep him occupied at home. So hari ni I nak share few Montessori activities for toddlers age 3 years old yang boleh di buat kat rumah. Tak semestinya kena hantar anak2 ke Montessori nursery je, parents pun boleh introduce sendiri method ni kat rumah.
+- Montessori play & learn book by Lesley Briton *best buku ni* -+
First of all, kena ada jadual. Kalau kita hantar anak ke nursery, kita tanya jadual dan apa yang dia buat kan?. So kalau kita jaga sendiri anak kat rumah pun, jadual memang penting. Bila ada jadual dan rutin yang sama tiap2 hari, the kids will know what to expect and what he/she was expected to do. Dah ada jadual tu, at least kita akan lebih aware dan lebih berusaha untuk ikut jadual yang dah di tepek tu.
+- SN's daily timetable at home -+
Here are some Montessori activities for 3 years old toddlers :-
(1) Transferring activity
• Cotton balls transfer using chopsticks
• Strengthens the small muscles of the fingers and hands and coordinates
eye-hand movements.
+- cotton ball (18biji = 100 yen) -+
+-kejap guna tangan kanan, kejap guna tangan kiri..bersungguh2 nak pindah cotton ball -+
(2) Lacing cards
• Lacing is an excellent activity for developing fine motor skills, improving
hand-eye coordination and concentration, and keeping little kids happily amused!
• Print and cut out our lacing cards. Laminate,
and cut carefully around the edge.
• Using a single hole punch, punch holes evenly
around the edges, just inside the solid line, following the shape.
+- print sendiri -+
+- muka tak sabar2 nak start activity -+
• Use a shoe lace or lengths of coloured wool (yarn).
+- bersungguh2 masukkan tali ikut lubang2 yang ada -+
• I download printable lacing card kat sini, then lekat kat atas kotak cereal..lepas tu guna tali kasut harga 100yen yang beli kat Daiso je. Seronok bukan main SN bila dapat siapkan lacing cards tu.
+- senyum penuh bangga dapat siapkan lacing card activity
(3) Lacing Beads
• Lacing activities call for children to not only use their fingers and wrists, but help promote visual coordination as well.
• These activities help develop fine motor skills needed to perform future functional tasks.
• I beli set ni kat Daiso jugak (100 yen). SN learns a lot through this activity e.g shapes, colours as well as develop his fine motor skills through this activity.
+- buat sikit2 tiap2 hari, tak payah terus siapkan pun takpe -+
(4) Playing with dough
• This
jack-of-all-trades medium provides hours of fun while improving hand
strength, dexterity, and motor skills. Using fingers and hands actually stimulates children brain and
increases the number of neural connections it makes.
• When your child
digs into play dough, he's not only building little figures and
shapes, he's building his brain!
• Here are some ideas for the activity :-
(i) Make an impression: With a rolling pin, help your
child roll out a handful of play dough. When the dough is smooth and
flat, he can press small objects with different shapes and textures
(e.g: fork, buttons, dried pasta, seashells) into the dough to make imprints
and create an interesting pattern.
(ii) Shape it: Roll out the dough to about a
quarter-inch thick. Then have your child pick his favorite cookie
cutters and show him how to lean on them with both hands to cut out his
(iii) Snip and cut: Roll out half-inch thick sheets,
pass out the child-safe scissors, and watch your child become a super
snipper. Play dough is a good learning material because its rigidity
provides resistance so your child can feel what he's doing with the
+- mula2 golek2 dan leperkan, lepas tu guna cutter. lepas dah berjaya,senyum simpul
• Macam biasa I beli kat 100yen shop je, siap 2 set dough and cutting
tools lagi. Plus I beli cutting board tu untuk elakkan dough tu melekat
atas lantai/carpet.Kalau tak nak beli dough, boleh jugak buat sendiri --> homemade play dough.
(5) Colouring activity
• Coloring activities are perfect for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten children learning colors.
• Since I malas nak beli water colour, I beli buku colouring yang dah ada colour on the paper. Bila kita basahkan berus dan sapu atas kertas tu, automatically warna tu akan keluar sendiri.
• Buku ni I beli kat kedai 100 yen Seria, tak sure kat Daiso ada ke tak.
+- Leonardo Da Vinci -to be -+
• Kalau tak nak beli, boleh je print sendiri, download kat sini.
(6) Flash card activity
• Flash cards are a simple, versatile, yet often underexploited resource.
• For children at reading age, flash cards can be used in conjunction with
word cards. These are simply cards that display the written word. Word
cards should be introduced well after the pictorial cards so as not to
interfere with correct pronunciation.
+- SN's flashcards collections -+
• I beli yang jenama Alex Toys and Feels Cards kat Toys R Us yang jenis touch material tu so that he can also learn about smooth, grumpy and fluffy surfaces.
+- Alex Toys and Feels Cards -+
+- sambil belajar words, sambil belajar pasal surface -+
• I also bought him a box of set of flashcards i.e Early Learning Fun Flash Cards by
Vincent Douglas, McGraw-Hill Childrens Publishing that includes "Alphabet, Colors and Shapes, First Words, Sight Words, Phonics, and Numbers."
• Beginning with the concepts of colors and shapes, and
progressing through letter recognition, sights words, and phonics
concepts, the colorful cards offer children the opportunity to learn and
practice basic skills at their own pace. These cards also provide
suggestions for fun games that will reinforce learning.
+- belajar mengira sambil golek2 atas kaki mommy -+
• Dulu masa SN kecik, I print sendiri je flashcards macam yang I pernah share kat dalam entry Nazhan learns to read & count @ 20 months old. Kalau nak print sendiri, boleh download kat sini.
Also, bear in mind that it is better to turn off the TV, radio, and stereo during the learning session. Your toddler cannot be selective in the sounds he blocks out,
like we can. This means that he will be blocking out your voice along
with any constant background music. Playing in silence will aid his
concentration and help him to process his thoughts.
When you talk
with your toddler without the distraction of background music or
chatter, he will be able to really listen to what you are saying and
distinguish the sounds of our complex language. Talking and
interacting with your toddler on a daily basis is very important for his
language development and self-esteem.
Pretty much all of the activities
and games on Clever Toddler Activities can become tools in fostering
your toddler's bond with you while you play together. So, sibuk macamana pun at least spend lah 15-30 minutes of your precious time to play with your child.
biasa lah kalau entry pasal early childhood education ni panjang
berjela sebab I summed up everything in one entry je, senang nak refer
in the future. Harap korang tak bosan baca entry ni and harap2 ianya
bermanfaat pada yang nak cuba activity ni kat anak2 di rumah. Good luck guys!.
Pssssttt : part nak tutup TV masa learning session tu memang susah sikit nak buat *sebab mommy nak layan drama2 Melayu*
tapi kena kuatkan hati dan buat jugak demi anak tercinta. Yosh, gambatte!.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
16 words of wisdom & comments:
thanks for sharing Yatie, betul2 membantu aku yang ketandusan idea nak buat aktiviti ngan anak2 ni
tapi memanglah TV ni memang mengganggu pemerhatian anak-anak..loni aku hadkan anak2 aku tgk Tv,nk wat ghano kalu dae start tgk kartun gak, ore panggil pecah anak tekok pon nya dok respon! geram sungguh
rajinnyer buat timetable bagai kt SN ...makin bijak n kreatif lepas ni SN la....
Memang good idea. Kakak akak mmg belajar montessori method then dia buka Q-Dees. Akak pun belajar le skit2 yg boleh buat kat rumah. Cuma part Dough tu mmg cuba elakkan. Kotor rumah.
Rajin awak buat timetable for SN. Teringat zaman sekolah dulu2.
kalaulah ada modal, meme nok bukok kindy sediri. bulih kito jd partners.
thanks for sharing yatie. banyak yang kite belajar daripada yatie
yeah..me likey montessori education.
Btw babe,
tolong promote blog/fb i utk educational toys-montessori kat ur reader k.
this is the FB intelligent.toys@yahoo.com
and the blog
yeah..me likey montessori education.
Btw babe,
tolong promote blog/fb i utk educational toys-montessori kat ur reader k.
this is the FB intelligent.toys@yahoo.com
and the blog
yeah..me likey montessori education.
Btw babe,
tolong promote blog/fb i utk educational toys-montessori kat ur reader k.
this is the FB intelligent.toys@yahoo.com
and the blog
bagusnyola sungguh teratur... pandanyo SN pegey hashi...
hah molek. ada lebihan chopstick kat umah (from kayu wat wayng kulit hari tu). nnt nak ajak aisyah main kutip cotton balls. silap haribulan pandai dia lg, sbb ore pon x lps mkn ngan chopsticks ni hehe
zaila : tu la, tp kdg2 kito sendiri pun payoh sero nk tutup tv hahaha
lady ayu : tpaksa buat timetable sbb nak dia kekal dn rutin. nti senang bila masuk hoikuen semula
teratak hami : Q-Dees kat area mana? agak2 kat area batu pahat ada tak tadika montessori ye?
kak nur : insya Allah, samo2 kito usoho
Nadiah : u r most welcome dear ;)
cuppycakemommy : Insya Allah, nti i promote
Hanis : xreti mano lg tp dio pege jah janji lekat hehe
Oyis : klu gitu mama berlatih sekali la dgn aisyah hehe
Barang-barang dah ada dah lebih kurang, kalau pun tak sama. Tapiiii....anak saya Sofiy tu tak macam SN disiplinnya. Kadang-kadang cara aktiviti yg kita rancang dan ajar lain, dapat ke dia jadi lain. terlebih kreatif ke apa.
Macam doh tu, lama dah beli last2 simpan sebab dia bukan main lenyek-lenyek tapi dia buat bola, baling sana sini. Beli set golf, tapi last-last jadi pedang. Beli angklung kayunya patah, beli magnet semua terkeluar dari sarungnya. Memang seriau nak beli manik-manik, atau cotton ball tu sebab tak dapat fikir apa yang dia nak buat.
Aiyyaa..ada solution tak untuk anak-anak yang lagu ni?Bagaimana nak menerapkan montesori.
Aina : Insya Allah nanti Yatie cuba share solution untuk soalan Aina tu
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