Yesterday I had to ask my husband to cook dinner. So at 4 p.m, I text-ed him and ask : “What will we have for dinner?”
"Am thinking of making fried rice". He answers.
So on the way home, I imagine to arrive home to a prepared dinner. After I get home, danggggg
all my dream shattered into pieces. It turns out that the frozen chicken were just coming out from the fridge and have to be defrost for 7 ~ 10 minutes before it is ready to cook. Well at least I should give him credit for his effort to cook the rice beforehand.
He brought along laptop to the kitchen and browse for recipe while peeling the onions. While preparing for the cooking ingredients, he comes out with lots of questions such as "kito ado bawe meroh ko?', "bawe nok keno tumis dulu ko?", "eh kalu tumis tu kalu letok lado kering kan", "nok nasi goreng kampung ko nasi goreng cino?" and etc etc.
Feeling sorry for him, I managed to find the fried rice seasoning for him *itu pun dah last packet yang tinggal kat rumah ni*. He was so delighted after I gave him that seasoning and so it took him only 20 minutes to prepare the fried rice and not to forget with minimal usage of kitchen utensils *unlike me yang kalau lepas memasak, penuh sink tu dengan pinggan mangkuk*.
+- amateur chef in action -+
+- end product : nasi goreng paprik -+
Although the taste of the fried rice is a bit off i.e tawar, but I really appreciate his effort to cook for us ianya tetap sweeeeeeettt
. Also, this could be a lesson to him that cooking is not as easy as it looks like.
So I guess, both of us learn our lessons. He learn his lessons that cooking is not so easy. While I learn my lessons that my husband should just stick to his cleaning chores for his shares in the housework and I'll stick with my cooking chores *not saying that I'm a good cook, but at least I cook better than him*. And so we live happily ever after lalalalala
Pssssttt : Mintak maaf lah kalau ada yang baca entry ni lalu merasa "hoih berlagaknya entry, macam laki ko sorang yang rajin masak!". Ini sekadar entry mengenang usaha gigih seorang suami dalam menggembirakan hati si isteri eheh.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
21 words of wisdom & comments:
hihi..sama macam suami kite...nak memasak tu bertubi-tubi soalan ditanya sampai rasa malas nak jawab :p
hahah.. tergelak besar ni, sebab it happened to me right now!! husband teringin nak mkn daging, sebelum pegi smyg jumaat td baru nak keluarkan, ni tgh bertungkus lumus kat dapur nak masak. dah sejam dahni.. hehhe.. harini ai cuti masak saje nak rasa air tgn husband, ai sedap2 duduk depan komp. dia dok tnya itu ini kentang, rmpah dll. punya la lama rupanya nak masak daging masak kicap, haha..(penat jugak melayan tnya mcm2 katanya dah 10 tahun tak masak beriyer) kihkih..
if suruh my darl masak sure gulai gulai n gulai sebab benda ituew yang paling dia cekap buat sebab peberet dia ngeee....sekali sekala mmg enat bangat ayaq tangan sang somi auwwww
laksa MIL u pos jenis besar or kecil ekkk??? selalu yg ekcil cepat masak yg besar take time sket...rebus lama sket na
in my case!
my husband win again!
He's a good nasi goreng chef and also BQQ types food except satay...
*I've learned how to make a best coleslaw ever.
by the way..
prektis mek perkpeks!
sgt syahdu weih klu laki sndiri masakkan..
*RAHMAT ALLAH TELAH TIBA!!(tekup muka mcm Nabila!)
baik Solah la dr Abe Ariff sbb maso knur beranok di NZ, dio masok maggi jah. huhu. puah make maggi, knur suruh dio beli ike, knur bakar utk make maso dle pate' beranok.
laki aku bab masak bolehlah tahan pandai masak tapi cerewetnya bukan main mengalahkan aku contohnya kalau basuh ayam tu, dia lurut2 buang habis semua darah, kalau basuh ikan pon sama..lama kemain..last2 aku suruh dia keluar biar aku je yang masak..
tapi time pantang, dialah masterchef i:)
look yummy!
sesekali laki masak ni,best jg kan?
my hubby pula kalau masak,dia tanak i masuk dapur...hehe
haha..agree on "minimum usage of kitchen utensils".husband sy klu masok (well, jemput2 ngn lempeng je pn hok dia ajin masok), die gune sudu yg same dr kacau tepung sapa la goreng..
my hubby plak kalo masak MAXIMUM use of kitchen utensil. senduk sodek yg x rajing guno pon habis dia guna. senduk nasi comel2 (ala2 queen anne) utk tetamu2 mari pon dia wat menumis (aiyark!). pastu lps masak tinggal sbb keletihan, kita la plak yg kena basuh (padahal kalo kita masak from A-Z buat belako). tp mungkin tu la hikmah Allah bg dia x rajin dan x cekap memasak, so kurg sket mengemas lps tu. dia mcm solah jg, better off bg task hoover and lap2 meja lps mkn hehehe
hebat cik abe demo tie...! kalau kak la lebih baik cik abe wat kijo laing sbbnyo lantai mminyyok wpun memasak megi.. hoohohoh...
nadiah : penat jwb soalan kan haha
Kak As : baru lah diorang tahu bukan senang rupanya kita masak tiuap2 hari kan ;)
lady ayu : laki i klu buat gulai xtau la jadi ke x, tp klu buat tomyam mmg terbaik ;)
ayu : tu la pasal, wpon kureng sedap tp aku bantai makan je....sbb terharu haha
kak nur : dlm pantang buleh make megi ko?
zaila : mujur terer, sedak sikit maso dlm pantang :D
Nanak : dia malu ye u tgk dia masak? hehe
mygoldenpen : tu la...klu kito masok..penuh bekas dlm sink hahaha
oyis : ooo gitu ye. klu or epulok meme lepa smasok hubby yg basuh sbb ore xsuko basuh pinggan *takut jari kasar* alasan jah hahaha
kak laila : dasyatnyo smp mminyok lantai..numis ko gulai tu kak? hehe
alhamdulillah baguh la gitu i loike suami yg tolong isteri kat dapur...
takpe..bagi je your hubby memasak.. nanti lama lama pandai la tu..kalau tak prektis bila nak pandai kan..
ingat senang ke nak suruh doktor falsafah masuk dapur siap belek resepi bagai..hehehe...
clap clap untuk effortnya. :-) Kalau puji mana tau next time leh masak lagi....wink wink...hehehe
Hanis : I pun loike sekali sekalo hehe
Rai : tu la, practice makes perfect gitu ceewah
Ummi Dania : aah btol2x, harap2nta rajin lagi lah pasni ;)
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