Hanami is a yearly event organized by FUKU(3)M, persatuan student2 Malaysia di Fukuoka ni. Well actually it's not only a yearly event for FUKU(3)M only but this event is an annual festival held in Japan during the spring season. Apparently, this year it was held at the same place as last year i.e at Kasuga Park.
I prepared nasi daging and goreng some keropok for the party. The party was supposed to begin at 10.30 a.m. We thought we were late to arrive as we depart from home at 9.40 a.m (it took about 1 hour from my home to the park). Surprisingly our family arrived at the place
at 10.30 a.m and no one from other Malaysian family has showed up yet. As we are amongst the early bird to arrive there, we get the
privileged to choose the best spot for our Hanami party.
+- cop tempat dulu, hampar tikar banyak banyak -+
We choose the spot that is quite near to the playground so that it'll be easier for the parents to monitor theirs kids. The sky was clear blue and the sun was bright so I thought it is warm enough so I decided to just wear my chiffon maxi dress and a cardigan. But man, I was wrong!
+- langit cerah dan mentari menyinar, jangan di sangka cuaca panas -+
+- bajet stylo habis lah tu, pastu mengigil-gigil terketar-ketar gigi -+
The weather was actually quite cold ~10deg and the wind was quite strong. SN lagi kesian, cuma pakai t-shirt biasa dengan sweater. Nasib baik I sempat grab my spring jacket sebelum keluar dari rumah, just in case kalau cardigan tu tak cukup untuk menghangatkan I. Itu pun jaket nipis je, hoihh sejuk tak menahan tapi terpaksa control macho sebab nak bajet stylo sangat pakai maxi dress bagai hahaha rasakan penangan nya, sampai nak terkenchh laaa
+- SN yang kesejukan, tetap sudi posing untuk kamera daddy -+
+- terkial-kial tarik cardigan sebab dah kesejukan. lepas tu terus sarung jaket -+
The thing I love most about gathering with other Malaysians is of course I get to indulge into Malaysian foods here in Japan. There were nasi daging + air asam, Nasi lemak, spaghetti, all kind of pizzas, cakes, kuih muih and mee goreng awas pedas!!.
+- sabar menunggu majlis makan2 di mulakan -+
+- hah ambik kau, ni baru sebahagian je ni -+
+- inilah dia menu mee goreng awas pedas!! hahaha -+
While the thing that SN love about Malaysian gathering is that he get to run here and there without mommy menjerit2 panggil dia and he also get to roll on the sand without mommy saying no.
+- bergulinglah wahai anak2, asalkan korang bahagia -+
During the gathering, new students were introduced to the rest of Malaysian community here in Fukuoka. Tahun ni ada 2 orang budak lelaki & sorang girl untuk undergraduate students. There were also few students from Kurume (nearby city) yang turut join sekaki dua kaki kat gathering ni.
+- sebahagian warga Malaysia di Fukuoka -+
Macam biasa jugak, musim bunga ialah musim posing dengan bunga-bungaan. There are lots of sakura trees and few tulips at the park. So posing lah sedas dua buat kenang-kenangan lagi tahun ni, walaupun tahun lepas pun dah posing kat tempat yang sama.
+- mommy & SN with tulips -+
+- ok tukar orang, daddy & SN pulak with tulips -+
+- pakcik2 kat belakang tu tengah karaoke -+
We decided to leave the park a bit early than the others as hubby got some stuff to do later in the evening, so tak sempat nak posing beramai-ramai dengan geng Malaysians yang lain. We had so much fun *especially me sebab dapat makan sedap2* despite the cold weather.
+- lagi2 posing, sila jangan muntah -+
+- senyum temewek ialah trademark family SN
eheh -+
Hoping you guys that is reading this entry had some fun with the nice view of sakura too. Happy viewing
Psssstt : sebelah malamnya sejuk2 pun keluar ber-embun untuk ambil gambar sakura at night pulak. Will tell you later in the next entry...stay tune.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
22 words of wisdom & comments:
cantiknye pemandangan.
banyaknye makanan, mesti sedap2 belaka tu.
meriahnya suasana camtukan
Nice view... yati cantik & sesuai la pakai tudung mcm tu...
yati memang stylo. cun abeh hehe
cantik pemandangan.. orgnya pun cantekkk.. hehe
bestnye dapat gather together2 ye...salam kenal yatiey chomeyl yg mmg comey pun.
subahnallah sangat cantik..mmg betul kalau jumpa beramai tu best sgt sebab dapat makan macam2..hehe
Cantik bunga2 sakura tu..mee goreng awas pedas yg tak leh tahan u..betul ke pedas? ;-)
biar sejuk asal stylo...hehehe....eh cantik lak maxi tu ngan cardigan. Kena pulak ngan shawl tu.....
Cantiknya sakura....
gambar cantik, tuan cantik, baju cantik.. bestnya ada kelab sebegini. di plymouth ni hok tinggal suku sakat nak balik dah belako, demo gilo hambat maso nak perabih PhD, so thn ni x dop aktiviti ge satu. boring... nak2 pulok starting today sampai la friday katanya, hujan brenk2... hmmm... x dop harapan la nak amik gmbr
kumpul2 ramai-ramai make mace2 meme sedak. tempat pun molek.
biar merana..asal bergaya..hihi..
Mmg best kan dpt mkn masakan Malaysia yg pelbagai lagi2 kt negara org ni..hehe
Cantinya! Huhu xboleh tgk gmbr2 ni nnt rindu. Teringat g sakura hanami last year. Alhamdulillah nasib baik ada juga rezeki nk tgk for last time. Harap2 ada rezeki next time plak. Hihi ntah bila la tu
mama syaza : meraih sgt tp xtahan sbb sejuk je la
zara zaman : mcm makin tembam muka bila pakai tudung gitu, x eh?
azza : xde stylo nye, berangan je lebih hahaha
nieda : mekaceh *blushing*
rostina76 : salam kenal, thanks usdi jenguk sini :)
kamalia : tu la, yg paling best ialah makan2 hahaha
Nida : aah betul2 pedas.nasib baik diorg dh letak label
ummi dania yasmine : mmg beli shawl tu semata-mata nak padankan dengan maxi tu la hehe
oyis : dasyat nyo, study hard belako ni. geng2 sini stail rilek hahahaha
kak nur : meme molek cumo tu la, sejuk la pulok hari tu
nadiah : btol, tepat sekali!
affieza : aah bets sgt smp senak2 perut mkn byk sgt
Ina : rindu kan? i'll sure miss all these too bila dh blk msia nanti
wah makanan...meriah gitu....
mmg stylo..sejuk tu tolak tepi yang penting gambar mesti dressing terbaek :)
ladyzul : bab mkn memang sentiasa meriah, Alhamdulillah :)
Irfa : ya betul! tepat sekali hehe
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