The word "genamo rimau" is widely used in Kelantan and can be literally translated as "What Name Of Tiger?"...hahahaha...or in other words; if you heard any Kelantanese saying "genamo rimau"; he/she were actually meaning to say "What the heck is that?". It's just so catchy to say "genamo rimau" because Kelantanese people are cool like that maaaaa
Ever since I was born to this world *i.e about 29 years 6 months ago*; I've never heard or bumped into this "Baccalaureate" word, despite the fact that English is the medium language for my undergraduate studies + master studies and my PhD studies.
Last Monday, I was told by my youngest sister Awin that she has received a scholarship by Yayasan Peneraju Potensi Bumiputera to pursue her study *after SPM* in the so called International Baccalaureate program. That's when I wrote a comment on her FB wall post; asking her "genamo rimau is this Baccalaureate thingy?'.
International Baccalaureate is actually a pre-university program which take places for 4 semesters. It is designed to provide a broad-based, comprehensive, college preparatory education. Students who participate in the program may earn an IB Diploma, which will earn them college credit at most universities around the world.
The IB Diploma has become a symbol of academic achievement centered around high international standards.
As for Awin; the first two years of her study will be conducted at Kolej MARA Banting; then after the 2 years preparation; she will then be send at higher institution university/college in United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or some other foreign countries as suggested by the scholarship committee.
Of course I'm happy for her. Despite the fact that I'm her most super-duper garang and kakak-yang-paling-kuat-membebel
in the world; I'm glad that she gets what she wants. Actually she was also offered a place at Negeri Sembilan Matriculation (for matriculation) and International Islamic University Malaysia (to do TESL) but she decided to go for her dream i.e to be a pharmacist. Insya Allah she'd be able to further study in pharmacy; after that 2 years preparation.
This little girl has suffered through A LOT of emotional ups and down in her life; especially after Arwah Mama passed away 4 years ago. But I always believe that if you put your trust and hopes in Allah; there will be a rainbow after the rain; there's a calm after the storm; there's morning after the night and most importantly there's a new beginning awaits for you after any ending
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
19 words of wisdom & comments:
omedetou n all d best utk Awin...
congrats! moga dipermudahkan urusan nanti ye. :D
Tahniah.. Suko tgk anok kelate pakat further study.. Gomo kelate gomo..hehe..
tahniah to awin.
Takut akak tgk gambar awak melompat tu.
omedetou awinn..
omedetou awin lepaih ni uols boley jejalan kat sana plak...
tahniah la awin... berbaloi-baloi kakak garang dengan adik.
semoga dia dapat mencapai cita2nya :)
IB mace A-Level tapi lg byk diiktiraf di serata dunia.
Oh My English Yatie...!
Ambolah produk IB dari KMB....hello super duper muper junior! *melambai kat Awin....
Serious course IB best sokmo (despite the 7 subjects la...) but all in all memang terbaik la study situ....I gained all good memories and good friends from there...
congrats to your sis.kat sini i selalu npk IB Prog offered at international school.
tahianh awien. merasalah belajar di negara org plak pas ni. dan kakak awien tu, merasalah buat 'lawatan turun pdg' nnt ;)
tahniah untuk adik kemah ah set2 demo:P
tahnuah utk adik u..semoga impiannya tercapai
Thanks kawan2 semu afor the wishes. Doakan kejayaan budak kecik ni ye :)
Almiraz : if anything OI nak tahu pasal IB ni, nanti leh buzz u tak? ;)
FIZA : I pulak 1st tme dgr pasal ni :)
Lady Ayu & Oyis : wajib lah kakak ni datang jenguk kawasan nati...kena selalu pantau Awin ni hehehe
No prob Yatie!
Tahniah buat Awin.. Yatie memang dah jadi contoh untuk adik2 yg lain.. Suka membaca berita anak2 Melayu yang berjaya..
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