As I've told in the previous entry Golden Week Holiday in Japan, I had to attend a conference which was held in Osaka (3-6th May 2012). I was scheduled for the oral presentation on the Saturday evening, thus explained why I decided to go for a trip to Kyoto with hubby & SN on Friday before getting ready for the big day on the Saturday afternoon.
Macam biasa, kalau nak kena present je mulalah rasa seram sejuk satu badan, peluh jantan betina berlumba-lumba keluar. So, I have to be fully prepared and rehearsed few times; thus hubby decided to brought SN out from the hotel room to give some space & time for mommy to be alone and practice before my presentation.
Daddy bawak SN pergi Tennoji Zoo which is located at the southern gateway to Osaka. It is over 100 thousand square
meters in area, occupying fully half of Tennoji Park on its west side.
It houses some 1,500 animals of 300 different species, including koalas,
lesser pandas, elephants, and the only kiwi bird in Japan (kept in the
nocturnal animal house which replicates the habitat of night animals).
+- panjat naik rhino & lion -+
+- kat kandang giraffe and koala -+
SN kan memang obsessed with animals, so memang seronok lah dia bila daddy bawak pusing2 dobutsuen (zoo). Yang tak seronoknya ialah daddy sebab zoo tu luas gila, lenguh kaki bawak kereta semalam pun tak hilang lagi..dah kena jalan kat tempat luas macam tu untuk temankan si anak...kasih ayah namanya tu
+- kusyuk tengok animals,macam nak masuk dalam kanduang tu nampak gayanya -+
+- bapokkkk luas zoo ni -+
While mommy on the other hand; tengah bersiap2 kat bilik hotel sebelum gerak ke tempat conference. Jenuh jugak nak pilih baju yang tak menampakkan bumper di perut ni. Seluar slack semua dah tak muat, so I opt for Vela skirt by Cala Qisya yang sangat comfortable to fit in my 4-months-preggy-belly.
+- abaikan sepah2 kat ats katil tu, housekeeping belum masuk lagi masa ni -+
My session was at 3p.m for a 30 minutes presentation. Since I prepared 75 slides with lots ans lots of animation, memang ngam2 ho je 30 minutes tu untuk presentation. Thus, no Q&A session yang sempat di layan. Overall, the presentation went well *Alhamdulillah*; right before present tu ada rasa nervous nak terkucil terberak semua tapi bila dah berdiri kat depan; terus hilang berterbangan segala butterflies in the stomach tu. Pung pang pung pang explain la sampai naik kering tekak
+- presenter's ID -+
+- tukang2 dengar kat back row seats -+
I suka conference kali ni sebab tak lah macam formal and stressful sangat. Semua nya santai je dan lebih kepada discussion rather than menghentam hasil kerja orang lain. Sempat jugak I pergi dengar another presentation from USM's researchers which presented related topics to my research. Sempat bertukar-tukar contact dan borak2 for future joint venture project bila balik Malaysia nanti, Insya Allah.
+- one of the presneter from USM Penang -+
Then, hubby and SN datang jemput I kat tempat conference tu. Hubby pun sempat jugaklah jumpa dengan researchers dari USM ni. Al-maklumlah kitorang kan grad USM masa degree dulu, sikit sebanyak ada lah rasa seronok bila dapat jumpa geng USM jugak walaupun lain2 kampus.
Diorang pun ada bagi kata2 semangat kat I untuk kuatkan semangat nak habiskan perjalanan PhD I ni.."we've been there, we know how u feel. Insya Allah, it'll soon be over". Terus rasa semangat membara dalam diri bila dapat kata2 dorongan macam ni. Prof tu pun siap puji hubby sebab ambik unpaid leave untuk temankan isteri tercinta kat sini as he understood well that bukan senang nak siapkan PhD tanpa dorongan insan2 tersayang gitu..ceeeewah *ayat nak sentimental je*
Pssssttt : sikit lagi ni Yatie sikit lagi..yosh gambatte..*kataku pada diri sendiri* sambil kepala terbayangkan tesis writing & journal submission dateline melambai2 depan mata
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
14 words of wisdom & comments:
mari kita berusahaa....!!!!
ganbare another 5 months to go rite??? zoo tue luas mcm tobu zoo kat saitama kot...kat sini byk zoo yg luas giler mmg pancit nak jln ...esok bangun pagi urat berbelit *ayat apakah ituew ngeee*
good luck babe :)
insyallah. Tie bulih buat. Knur doa sokmo ko Tie.
kira macam jumpa orang kampung lah yee.
mesti mommy sedih tak dapat ikut nazhan pergi zoo. hehe..
yaya...sikit lg...ganbatte ucu...all the best..
May all the luck be with u sis...
Yana : jom kita...!!!
Lady ayu : aaah semua zoo kat sini luas kan..lenguh kaki nk jalan huhuhu
FIZA : thanks ;)
kak nur : Insya Allah, Ameen
Azian Elias : aah kgitulah feeling nya lebih kurang eheh
nadiah : x la, mommy lg suka xyah jln banyak2 hahaha
angah : doakan ucu ye
Affieza : thanks dear :)
sedapnya laa dengar citer orang belajar ni..terasa semangat jugak. kalau hari2 ada orang zikir kat telinga ni further study confirm eliss sambung ;p
All the best Yatie.. Wahh dah 4 bulan rupanya.. Jaga kandungan baik2 ye.. Semoga semua urusanmu dipermudahkan olehNya..
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