One of SN's favorite activity at home is to get creative with his playdough.So, I bought him a playdough set few months ago which have 12 different colors. The thing is, after few months using it; the dough becomes hard.
+- muka happy, masa ni hari 1st beli playdough tu...siap boleh buat macam2 animals -+
+- yang ni last week masa SN main, muka frust je sebab tak boleh nak buat bentuk apa2 -+
+- Abg SN siap guna gergaji lagi sebab keras gila nak potong
ahahaha -+
Selaku mommy yag koya prihatin
tetapi masih cuba mengekalkan ciri2 cheapskate *macam mak dalam cite kartun Atasinchi tu*; I decided to make my own playdough. Resipi di ambil dari blog Ida A Moment To Remember. Serius senang je nak buat, bahan2 pun guna yang ada kat dapur je...I like ♥.
Bahan-bahan :-
1 cwn tpg gandum
1 cawan air
2 sudu besar cream of tartar
1/2 cwn garam
1 sudu besar minyak
Cara-cara :-
--> masak semua atas api sampai jadi
--> sejukkan dan uli
--> lepas tu letak food colouring so that the playdough is safe, non-toxic and edible
+- haaa siap boleh buat mee udon & spagetti lagi guna playdough yang mommy buat -+
So, if korang pun mengalami masalah playdough keras tu boleh lah try homemade playdough ni untuk ganti playdough keras tu. Actually the hard playdough can be soften using water. Just put it into a bowl and wait it out pretty much. Then, knead the dough. If the play-dough is still hard, repeat. Eventually the play-dough will get soft. Eh tapi kalau dah try campur dengan air pun tetap keras jugak, buy a new playdough or make new play-dough je lah, senang cerita
Pssssttt : lagi senang buat sendiri ni sebab tak payah turun dari penthouse kitorang kat tingkat 5 dan drive kereta gi kedai untuk beli playdough baru. Save money and safe for my kid
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
14 words of wisdom & comments:
SN.. buatkan aunty pavlova satu. :)
aunty nak order soba la..hihi..
crm tartar tu nak cari mano?? huhuhu gapo nama ghimaulah tu..hehehe
wah... rajinnya mommy SN buat play dough
menarik boleh buat yg kalerful. yg ada kat rmh ni semua plain kaler je, tu pun yochien punya, tiap tahun sorang 1/2 kilo bawak balik. skrg dah ada 3kg dah. hehe..
Wah menarik sangat.. Tekun SN mengerjakan playdoh tu.. Siap pakai gergaji.. hebat2.. :D
dulu hr2 keno wat playdough kat playcentre. kalau tok bubuh cream of tartar pun takpo. jd jah.
betul lah... senang aje buat nyer!.. Salam kenal n dah follow u !
la buat tue mcm buat biskut jer
guna cream of tartar tue ngeee
ala2 kek gak ngeee
Fazlinil Irma : yg tu mommy xajar lagi SN buat hehe
Rai : soba siap, hait douzo :p
Zaila : kat kedai bakery ado. kalu x bubuh pun Ok jah, jadi jugop :)
FIZA : sbb mommy kedekut nk beli lagi yg baru hahaha
Kak As : kalau gitu campur je food colouring kat playdough yg youchien bagi tu, hehehe
Nur-nba : sbb keras sgt, tu yg siap pakai gergaji tu
Kak nur : aaaa tapi klu bubuh jd lg lembut kot
kesuma : thanks sbb sudi follow :)
lady ayu : aah, mcm buat biskut..senang je xyah susah 2beli dah lps ni :)
akak paling tak suka bila anak2 main playdough. Habis le melekat2 kat lantai.
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