Yesterday was perhaps one of the historical date in my life and maybe to some of you who have had the chance to view the transit of Venus across the Sun. This phenomena takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, becoming visible against (and hence obscuring a small portion of) the solar disk.
During a transit,
Venus can be seen from Earth as a small black disk moving across the
face of the Sun. The duration of such transits is usually measured in
hours. While the diameter of Venus is more than 3 times that of the Moon,
Venus appears smaller, and travels more slowly across the face of the
Sun, because it is much farther away from Earth.
Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena. The latest transit of Venus has occurred on 5 and 6 June 2012.
After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and
December 2125.
OK, I tahu ada yang malas nak baca panjang2 dalam english tu kan...I dengan baik hati nya bubuh dalam bahasa Melayu sekali --> Fenomena
Transit Planet Zuhrah - 6 Jun 2012 (semalam) : Objek tompok hitam kecil
adalah Planet Zuhrah manakala objek paling besar adalah matahari. Planet
Zuhrah ini sebenarnya hampir sama saiz dengan Bumi. Namun, disebabkan
ia berada amat jauh dari Bumi, ia hanya akan kelihatan seperti sebuah
bulatan hitam yang bergerak melintasi hadapan matahari.
the telescope by placing solar filter in front of it; then he project the image of the Sun onto a white paper.
+- technician tengah setting, sensei tengok je -+
+- technician tengah tunjuk lintasan Zuhrah -+
The Venus is visible during the transit as a small black dot on the Sun's disk. Venus will be only 3% of the diameter of the Sun, so very small. It will be an intensely black spot in contrast to the bright solar disk which will make it stand out.
+- nampak tak? kalau tak nampak pendek umur
+- haaaa tu, black dot kat anak panah merah tu la. kualiti gambar biasa2 je sbb pakai kamera phone je...mak tak kuasa nak angkut si godang ke lab -+
For better picture, korang boleh tengok kat website
+- A composite sequence photo of the steps of the entire transit of Venus seen over the sky of Seoul, South Korea, 6 June 2012. Source [3] -+
+- Dramatic: This image provided by NASA shows the
Solar Dynamic Observatory's ultra-high definition view of Venus on it's
transit, an event which will not occur for another 105 years. Source [3] -+
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
14 words of wisdom & comments:
kemarin kat sana cerah ekkk ??
blh la nmpk sini tgk live kt tv sbb mendung ngan ame nangesss!
kalau xde alatan mmg tak boleh tengok direct kan. Alhamdulillah rezeki dpt tengok live, kita tgk kat tb ngan tenet je la. hehe..
bestnyoo... payoh nok dpt peluang tu ore tgk kat tiwi jah dgn kt blog yatiey ni hehe...
awal2 dah marked kat calendar. walaupun tau tak dpt tengok, tapi tetap rasa macam dah tengok. tengok dengan mata kasar memang tak nampak sebab dot tu halus sgt
subhanallah.... Sungguh besar ciptaanNya
ore tahu psl kejadian ni, tp x leh nak wat gapo sbb hanya kelihatan di pacific, australia, NZ and some asian parts of the world sob sob
Jepun selalu sgt2 prihatnin dengan keajaiban ciptaan Allah kan... contohnya masa gerhana matahari tempohari, sekolah my son siap kena datang awal kul 7 pg cos sekolah wajibkan semua budak tengok gerhana matahari...siapnkena prepare gugel bagai...
seronoknya dapat tengok sendiri. gambar NASA tu sangat cantik!
banyak berlaku fenomena tahun ni, kan?
gambar NASA sangat cantik!
mesti lagi bermakna kan masa moment tengok tu..tengok kat tenet je rasa macam kurang feeling..
teringat tahun 1998..fenomena bulan melintas matahari..masing2 ambik filem xray untuk tengok.. syahdu rasa masa tu..
Lady ayu : aah masa kul 11 tu mmg langit cerah, lepas ktiorg tgk tu baru mendung..Alhamdulillah dpt tengok :)
Kak As : aah xleh tgk bare eys, buta mata nanti hehe
Hanis : tu la, mujur jugop sensei ajok gi tgk..klu dop ire pong tgk kat tv jah
Liz : aah halus gila dot tu..i tgk pakai film protector directly kat sun pun xnampak...tgk kat white paper tu baru nampak
kak norliha : tu la, terasa kerdil sgt masa tgk tu
Oyis : aaah kat UK xnapok kan...xpo, tgk gmbr NASA mmg clear sgt :)
FnF : wah, mesti anak u seronok kan dapat tgk solar eclipse hari tu
Rai : aah sgt2 bermakna..smbil mulut x henti2 ckp sugoi, dlm hati bertakbir kebesaran Allah :)
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