It's my 30th birthday today..or it sounds better if I put it this way --> "I'm not 30, I'm 18 with 12 years experience".
No cakes to celebrate this special date as I'm still in the confinement period (37th day) and also coz hubby is not around. I couldn't be bothered to expect any birthday gift from hubby as he hasn't even send any wishes yet for my birthday.
Dulu2 masa awal2 cinta nak mula berputik, dia lah orang pertama yang
wish. Sanggup call tengah2 malam dari Yogyakarta ke Madrid...sekarang ni
lepas 4 tahun kahwin, perhaps he wanted to be the last one to wish me **maybe**
Plus, I've just received a nice gift last week from hubby as a token of appreciation for giving birth to our 2nd prince, SN Jr. I guess hadiah tu kira 2 in 1 lah kot, hadiah bersalin merangkap hadiah birthday *ayat pujuk hati sendiri*.
+- opocot mak kau terkejut bila bukak handbag dan nampak kotak ni. terus melompat riang ria xsedar diri dah ada anak 2 eheh -+
Whatever it is, I'm thankful to Allah sebab masih lagi di panjangkan usia, semoga nikmat usia ini dapat I manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya..Ameen. I'm also thankful that in my 30th birthday, I am already a mommy to these 2 adorable boys.They are the greatest gift in my life and I'm blessed to be able to get to see their smiles on my (18 + 12)th birthday.
+- SN(s) are the best gift in my life -+
Thanks to family and friends for the lovely birthday wishes thru my FB, its the thought that counts. Love u guys..muchos!.
Psssttt : Jom sama2 kita doa kan keselamatan dan kemenangan buat saudara2 kita di Palestin. Semoga rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah sentiasa bersama mereka...Ameen.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
17 words of wisdom & comments:
Happy birthday yatie...may Allah bless u
happy birthday..semoga panjang umur dan murah rezki..
happy bday kakak..ngehehehe...
(padahal beza setahun je)
happy bday yatie. 30 muda lg tuuu... :)
gapo dle kotok tu?
happy birthday yatie. hmmm.. what? 18 with 12 years experience...i'll join the club soon :)
hepi besday yatie..
welcome to 3-series club. hehe..
happy birthday mommy..rupanya u tua setahun dari saya..hehehe...
next year saya join ya..:D
Happy Birthday Yatie.. Semoga berbahagia di samping suami dan anak2..
Happy birthday mommy SNs ... muda lagik :-)
Apa dlm kotak tu?
happy birthday Yatie,
aku setiap tahun laki aku tak pernah bg hadiah pon kalu birthday aku..hihihi
Thanks semua utk wishes tu....sayang korang ketat2 .. HUGS XOXO
selamat hari lahir yatie n congratulations on ur newborn baby. Alhamdulillah.
sure terharuzzzz dapat surprise gituew....welcome to 3 plak this weekend :P
Hepi belated bufday dan tahniah dpt baby...salam kenal dari Aina.
hubby dah wish ko? hubby eliss hr tu terlupa jugak :p memang dah 30 tahun ni x perlu ucap doh kot happy bday. kah kah kah
anyway, happy belated bday yatie. sket lagi nak abes pantang tu :)
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