I am beautiful no matter what they say ......Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way ........Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today ~~ Christina Aguilera : Beautiful ~~
Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
Dah lama tak dapat award. Tiba2 minggu ni I dihujani dengan "Beautiful Blogger Award" hadiah dari beberapa orang kawan2 blogger I yang memang beautiful eheh. Thanks to Apash, Isabelle, @eda, Zaila, dBalkis , Firahadifa. IbuNafis dan UmmieMiraHaziq
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic :-
♥ beautiful Hanz
♥ beautiful Farah
♥ beautiful Azza
♥ beautiful Kak Nur
♥ beautiful MamaSyaza
♥ beautiful Munira
♥ beautiful MamaMiya
♥ beautiful Nadiah Sidek
♥ beautiful Izza Goldenpen
♥ beautiful Nurul Izza
♥ beautiful Amadaster
♥ beautiful Safinah
♥ beautiful Nieda
♥ beautiful AyuArjuna
♥ beautiful Huda
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
~will do~
4. State 7 things about yourself.Well, here are 7 things about myself :-
♀ suka masak tapi tak suka basuh cooking utensils yang guna untuk memasak tu
♀ cepat lapar, so I suka makan banyak kali tapi dalam amaun yang sikit
♀ suka main games kat lappy sampai sanggup tak pedulikan baby SN huhu
♀ merajuk & memuncungkan mulut ialah aset utama untuk 'mengugut' hubby tercinta ngeeee
♀ penakut dengan kucing sampai pernah panjat meja kat cafe semata2 sebab kucing tu gesel2 kat kaki I huhu
♀ susah demam tapi sekali demam berlarutan berhari2
♀ dah travel ke Thailand, Germany, Spain, Austria, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, France tapi tak pernah lagi pergi ke Sabah & Sarawak huhuhu
Pssssttt : Genting Higlands pun baru je bulan lepas dapat pergi sepanjang seumur hidup ekekek..kesian tak?
9 words of wisdom & comments:
thanks yatie.. terharu lak sebab dah lame tak dpt award.. hehe
tq so much, atas ingatan yati kat akak. semoga persahabatan kita berkekalan
thanks kak yatie..huda actually dh pun tag akak tp lupe nk inform suh amik award tu kat blog..bz benor :)
yeaaa.. dapat award.. thanks! ^__^
wah..syoknye berjalan merata dunia cik yatie ni...
YC.. maceh..atas ingatan..amboiiii..banyoknyo g jjale.huhu
*kejelesan melanda daku*
takpe..yg kat malaysia blh gi bila2 balik nnt ;). syoknya tgk gmbr2 kat merata negara tu..
btw, thank you for the award! (boleh la perasan sekejap jd beautiful..ahaks)
thanks Ti. nanti knur wat.
wah, terharu i dapat award...1st time ni dpt sejak berkecimpung di arena blogging ni..hehehe..thank u very much yatie :)
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