I'm pretty sure that most of you are probably being aware of my condition as being scholarship-less ever since I've started my PhD from October last year. Hubby & I have hardly succeeded in the effort to wisely spent our money in order to ensure that I'll have enough money to pay for my entrance fee and also my tuition fee. So, for the time being I am also still in the process of searching for possible scholarship or fellowship to support my 3 years studies in this wind engineering studies.
Few weeks back I was informed by the secretary of my department's office about the Amelia Earhart Fellowship offered by the Zonta International Club. This fellowship is offered to women of any nationality pursuing a PhD/doctoral degree who demonstrate a superior academic record in the field of aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering are eligible. I put some effort in sending e-mails to them asking about this fellowship. Alhamdulillah, I received a warm response by the vice chairman of the club itself. They invited me over to the monthly meeting so that I can 'sell' myself in front of the club members.
The good thing about this invitation is that :-
♥ my train ticket will be paid by them
♥ it will be held at Rihga Royal Hotel in Kokura, Kitakyushu *about 1 hour train journey from my place*
♥ dinner will be served based on my preferences list of foods
The meeting + dinner will be held today at 5-8 p.m. Thus, I didnt leave baby SN at his nursery today but instead I have to ask for my kind neighbour i.e Kak Azma to look after baby SN. I have to ask for Kak Azma's help as hubby is going away for a two-days study trip to Nagasaki starting from this morning. Malam ni pun I stay ber2 je la kat rumah dengan baby SN. Hubby will be back home by tomorrow night huhu. Thus, I hope that luck will be with me today during the meeting. I wish that my effort meets the golden opportunity this time and will later sparks the blast joy in the end.
Pray for me and wish me luck!.
Pssssttt : batuk masih menjadi2, harap=harapnya masa sesi 'menjual' diri depan panel nanti, batuk ni akan 'berehat' sekejap huhu.
Few weeks back I was informed by the secretary of my department's office about the Amelia Earhart Fellowship offered by the Zonta International Club. This fellowship is offered to women of any nationality pursuing a PhD/doctoral degree who demonstrate a superior academic record in the field of aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering are eligible. I put some effort in sending e-mails to them asking about this fellowship. Alhamdulillah, I received a warm response by the vice chairman of the club itself. They invited me over to the monthly meeting so that I can 'sell' myself in front of the club members.
The good thing about this invitation is that :-
♥ my train ticket will be paid by them
♥ it will be held at Rihga Royal Hotel in Kokura, Kitakyushu *about 1 hour train journey from my place*
♥ dinner will be served based on my preferences list of foods
The meeting + dinner will be held today at 5-8 p.m. Thus, I didnt leave baby SN at his nursery today but instead I have to ask for my kind neighbour i.e Kak Azma to look after baby SN. I have to ask for Kak Azma's help as hubby is going away for a two-days study trip to Nagasaki starting from this morning. Malam ni pun I stay ber2 je la kat rumah dengan baby SN. Hubby will be back home by tomorrow night huhu. Thus, I hope that luck will be with me today during the meeting. I wish that my effort meets the golden opportunity this time and will later sparks the blast joy in the end.
"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities" ~ Maya Angelou
Pray for me and wish me luck!.
Pssssttt : batuk masih menjadi2, harap=harapnya masa sesi 'menjual' diri depan panel nanti, batuk ni akan 'berehat' sekejap huhu.
25 words of wisdom & comments:
good luck yatie...yatie boleh malaysia boleh...
all the best yatie..
Doa dari me yang jauh mengiringi....
good luck & all the best yatie..:)
all the best.
insyaAllah semua bjalan lancar.
keep us updated!
go yatie go!
u can do it!*nada menyokong pasukan bola keranjang hehehehhehe*
Salam kak yatiee..
All the best..scholar ni la nisa ade bg email kt kak yatie dulu kan..im not sure if u received my email..uhuh..ape2pn...
all the best!..
-Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya-
-All prayers for you-
goodluck kak yatie....
patut la mace pnh tgk kak yatie n adk kak yatie hk nikoh tu...ex-smipian ruponyo..hehe...
Good luck Yatie...berdoa pada Allah agar dibuka pintu hati diaorang utk bagi scholar tu..
wahh... layout baru.. suker!! aku tertinggal ketapi ke ni? nway.. gud luck yatie.
good luck dear!:)
gud luck kak yatie :) huda doakan semuanya baik2..amin :)
yatie chan... GAMBATE!!!! ~_^
Moga2 yatie sucess..sian tengok yatie ke sana kemari cari penaja. Insya-ALLAH ada ganjarannya nanti..AMINN..(jangan lupa buat solat hajat tau)
all the best for kak yatie..semoga allah sentiasa melindungi kak yatie sepanjang perjalanan pergi dan pulang,...insyaaallah..ade rezeki kak yatie..harap2 mereka 'beli' kak yatie sewaktu sesi men'jual' diri akak tu...
gud luck kak tie...all d best with ur scholar-hunting!!God bless you~~
gudluck kak yatie!!
all the best for u. insyaallah!
gud luck dear. gambate neh
all the best...my the force be with u!!
gud luck..yatie pasti bolehhh
best of luck sis !!!
yatie...berminat tak nak join mechanical eng. unimap? nk try recommend yatie kat org2 atasan...manatau kot2 ada peluang...tp kena kerja perghlihhh la pasnih hehehe..
thank u korang utk doa ^ semangat nya...korang memang kawan2 blogger TERBAIK!
bibi >> hari tu dh try contact dekan meche Unimap, dia ckp peruntukan utk ke jepun thn ni dh ada org. maybe kena tggu next year plak huhu
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