Alhamdulillah, my little caliph was able to read and know some of the hijaiyah letters especially from Alif to Dal at the age of 2 years old.
I didn't really give him any real formal teaching regarding to this at first as I thought it was too early to introduce this to him. Apparently this all happens about two weeks ago in the weekend as he was getting bored to play with his toys and request for his " time". So I decided to let him watch hijaiyah letters video in YouT.ube.
Next thing I know, he was glued to the screen and gave his full attention to the videos. Children are not known for their long attention span, but SN seems to be be mesmerized by the videos that he was able to have longer periods of intense concentration watching it.
+- these are the videos that SN watched to learn alif ba ta -+
After about 4-5 times watching it, SN was able to remember few letters so I decided to record it not for the sake of parental bragging that my 2 year old can read but more on the thoughts that he enjoy reading in his early age. Plus I wanted to share with other parents out there on how great a toddler's brain can act with just little stimulation.
Here's SN video on reading alif ba ta using flashcards that I printed *sebab kat sini tak de jual buku Iqra*. Towards the end of the video, he refuse to be recorded *zuhud anak mommy ni,

So, basically those "I LEBBU" wish by SN is for those who's been watching this video of Imam Muda SN especially untuk aunty2 yang ada anak perempuan umur <2 years old. *mommy cakap kalau nak ngorat anak dara orang, kena ambil hati mak nya dulu*...


+- Imam Muda SN tengah solat, pinjam kopiah daddy. yang berdiri kat hujung gambar tu ialah mommy, bukan cik ponti ye

~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~

18 words of wisdom & comments:
bagus SN kecil2 dah minat untuk belajar
huh..bgs btl..dio sbt "sa" 2 nipis molek..hehe
good boynya SN!bla nk jumpa aunty ni?
betul tu husna, kami biasakan dia layan video alif ba ta since dia 10bulan lagi..then dia sendiri nak ikut. abc semua dia belajar thru video. wlupun x smua dia kenal tp bila tnye tu dia leh jawab gakla :)
nok suko dulu pasal cik ponti tu buleh ahahha dey lagi duk cegat situ hahaha
comel la buku alif ba ta tu..colorful..biru dio pekat..sedap ngelih hihih..
bijok la SN ni..doh mok ayoh bijok tu gak..pahni acu ajar randomly huruf tu.lg kuat dio cepat igt n kenal
congrates SN...meh la nak beranak perempuan solehah sorang untuk SN muahahahahaha
bijak SN, independent study gitu. btw, nak tanya la, yatie ada ajar huruf jawi skali dok? sbb saya ngan aisyah ni, mcm konfius sket. di rumah saya suka nak ajar biar bole huruf hijaiyah dulu, biar pandai ngaji quran yg utama, jawi tu kemudian la. tp ada buku2 hok dari msia ni buku ejaan jawi, so bila aisyah belek2, dia mcm bole sebut huruf la mugo lebih kurg sama jah, tp konfius sbb kejap ada huruf cha, pa, ga, kjp lg bukak buku lg satu x dop plak. wat pening budak betul. at the same time kalo dia dah kenal huruf cha, ga, pa, nga, nya tu bagus jg, senang besok2 x la payah nak re-introduce. tp baso budak 3 thn ni, kita royat, hok ni jawi, hok ni quran, x paham gapo pon dia. how do u think we should go about tackling this eh? just tukar2 fendafat, thanks
aiseh..anak dara i >2 tahun (2 ++ takkan tak boleh kot?). melepas la nak bermenantukan nazhan :p
nanti MOk Long hantar buku Iqra' ko Naazhanlah. Bulih Nazhan baca guno Iqra' pulok.
saya bli cd hijayiah...
Good boy Baby SN...hehe
tahniah untuk SN, terang hati... cepat belajar..
Aliya pun kakyong tak force sgt dia nak belajar.. tp nampak dia lebih 'laju' dari Anis.. dia suka menulis huruf, nombor..
Alhamdulillah...terang hati ek...
Nieda >> harap2 smp ke besar la rajin belajar
Paan >> dio tiru dale video sebut gitu :)
Hanis >> aunty mari la derat sini, leh jupo SN dgn mommy SN *wink wink*
Huda >> kena selang seli video dgn flashcards, baru seimbang cara pembelajaran dia tu ye tak?
eliza >> aah, lo ni ore nk bg dio ngafal huruf ikut turutan dulu..lps tu bilo dh reti tu..ore ajar randomnly pulop. thanks 4 the tips :P)
ahkak pija >> sila la beranak anak pompuan kecik lagi, pastu kita tunangkn diorg dr kecik hehehe
Oyis >> ore x ajar huruf jawi sbb niat oghe nak dio belajar bc quran. kalu campur jawi pulop, tkut dio pening sbb dale Quran takdop huruf2 cha nya tu
Nadiah >> kalau safiyyah berkenan kat SN, boleh je..I tak berkira sgt takat setahun je tua hehe
k/nur >> yea yea, nanti leh la Nazhan bljr lagi advanced
Mama Amana & Arief >> kat sini xde jual, tu yg I pasang yg kat youtube je tu :)
Affieza >> thank u ;)
k/yong >> Mesti Anis rasa tercabar tgk Aliya lg maju dr dia ye tak?
Aleyn >> Alhamdulillah, harap2nya kekal gitu lah smp bila2
sejuk perut ngandung dia yatie..
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