As I've mentioned in the entry Cikgu kecik yang garang, SN love to spent his nighttime before going to bed on imaginative and pretend play. I've shared some of his photos and video when he acted as a TEACHER/SENSEI to mommy & daddy. As for this entry, I would like to share a video and some photos of SN during his latest imaginative and pretend play i.e. to be a CHEF.
Let's check out his video as a chef cum restaurant owner.
#Translation Jap-English :-
Irrashaimase = welcome
Nani ga ito = what would you like to have?
Aru = available
Aru = available
Douzo = please help yourself
Ikura desuka =how much is it?
Wakaran = I don't know
His so-called 'tables-in-the-restaurant' are made of pillows. Susun 2-3 ketul pillows , konon2 set as counter table gitu.
+- habis bantal2 mommy kena susun jadi meja -+
Then, food will be served on a plate and given to the customers to eat.
+- chef tengah buat plating -+
This restaurant also offers fruit and vegetable juice for the customers. This is the photos of the owner masa tengah blender fruits and vegetables tu *padahal dia main sumbat2 je semua bubuh dalam balang toys, konon2 blender la tu
+- ececece, konon2 tengah blender nak buat fruit juice la tu -+
The foods and drinks served here are extremely good in taste. As a regular customer to this restaurant, I somehow become familiar with the owner. So, for other customers that wish to go to this restaurant, I have a small advice to give to you.
CHEF cum the owner of this restaurant garang gila OK!. Kena habiskan makanan yang dia serve...kalau tak, this is what you'll get!.
+- menangis meraung-raung paksa mommy makan foods dalam pinggan tu, haiyoh -+
Psssstttt : kecik2 dulu I selalu main susun2 kusyen sofa dengan adik2 dan buat fort. I guess nanti SN Jr keluar, mesti lagi panjang akal la Abg SN ni for his imaginative play session.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
22 words of wisdom & comments:
perangai SN mcm si adam kecik2 dulu
buat perangai if kiter x mkn apa yg dia buat...asal benda tue plastic hahaha...nnt blk mesia ckp juga basic nihongo ngan dia if not dia lupa nnt...rugi
chef kecil garang..cakap wakaran je.. dia mintak duit tak lepas tu?
wow garangnya chef kecik ni..takuttt aunty
mahal ke murah makanan di restoran SN tu? kalau mahal, tak nak pergi la :p
penangan Master Chef ke ni?? hehe semua dok cite psl chef..haishh tokleh jd ni..tgn dh lama sgt x pegang brg dapur..
daha de geng
bkn bhn masak2 menan jadi mainan
kat ruamh aku
abis seme tepung
sudip and spatula jdi bahan
haiyoh kena habiskan??....cakap you sakit perut....heheheh
Budak-budak mmg banyak imaginasi dia. Layankan jer.
Sama macam Sofiy, tapi Sofiy suka belakon dgn kenderaan. Waktu jadi pemandu bas, umi la kena jadi penumpang. Rasa macam tak koser nak melayan, tapi tu la budak takde adik, umi la jadi kawan dia.
laju2 btul ore jepun ni kecek, x leh nakap walaupon translation dah bg kat tepi. kena mai 2, kali video tu, baru la bole follow. haihhh... hok nakap molek ialah SN sebut, 'tok sir' dihujung video tu hhahha
Chef Nazhan keno lawe dgn Chef HAfizah, tgk sapo lg terer. hehe
lawak bila dia paksa mommy habiskan..
sn,auntie nak orange juice satu boleh?
amboi little chef ni..
ni mesti ikutan mama dia suka tengok MC. kihkih.. comel la tu main masak2. kat rumah ni pun adik2 layan gak kakak dia main mask2 nih. hihi..
Lady ayu : takut2 mommy yg lupa nanti hahaha
Rai : x pernah mintak okane, murio je hehehe
nieda : tu la pasal, garang wooo
nadiah : free je aunty, mommy makan x pernah kena bayar hehehe
AA : tp dia x tgk pun masterchef tu...heheh
ayu : kat umah ni semua tu mommy letak tingi2, so dia xleh nak amik
Almiraz : dia x dulik, skait perut ke apa ke..ttp kena habiskan
Ey : tu la, layannnn :)
Aina : aah kan, nti dh ada adik...adik la pulak jd mangsa dia hahaha
Oyis : meme pong, ore kade2 x pehe dio oyat gapo kui3x
kak nur : mesti la nazhan mene hehehe
kamalia : boleh2x, nanti SN buatkan :p
Lya Suriany : chef garang nama dia :p
Kak As : nasib baik toys masak2 ni murah je kat 100 yen hahaha
ingat anak dara kita jer suka main masak2. kalu suh repeat order manjang fail :p
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