Toddlers are great imitators: they like to do what you do and say what you say. That’s why role playing is an effective tool for teaching 2 - 3 years-old a variety of behavioral and learning skills. The best thing about role playing is that toddlers see the process as one big game. And we know that learning is at its best when it’s just plain fun.-->Read more HERE.
One of Abg SN's latest imaginative and pretend play is to be a TEACHER/SENSEI to mommy & daddy. Dia siap ambik balloon stick tu, lepas tu tunjuk dari A-Z sambil tanya mommy & daddy "kore nanda?" (what's this?).
+- Cikgu SN : what letter is this? -+
we dont know the answers, Cikgu SN will give out the answers to us. But
sometimes, ada jugak yang dia pun tak tahu apa words tu, anak murid
pulak kena ajar cikgu
+- CIikgu SN : tengok betul2, jangan main2! -+
Imaginative or pretend play, stimulates the senses, creates
opportunities for exploration and creative thinking, and helps your
child to develop key skills vital for intellectual and emotional growth
as well as social success. Here's Abg SN's (at the age of 3 years 1 month old) video during the pretend play as a teacher session.
+- Multilingual teacher : English + Malay + Japanese + Kelate *garang pulak tu, ngajar siap guna kayu tunjuk merah
ehehe* -+
#Translation Jap-English :-
Neko = cat
Inu = dog
Tamago = egg
Kitsune = fox
Wakaranai = I don't know
Owari = Finish
Owari = Finish
Pssssttt : nanti adik SN Jr lahir , confirm dia pulak kena paksa untuk jadi student Abg SN
~ Thanks for reading this ~
14 words of wisdom & comments:
kitorang tak pernah lagi officially main camni..tapi selalu bila duk baca buku dengan anak anak lepas tu nanti kita tanya dia.. dia tanya kita balik.. bila kita dapat jawab siap cakap..
"pandai ibu abang" time nak suruh dia jadi cikgu camni..stick ada satu kat rumah tu..
hebat cikgu kecik ni. multilingual gitu.
di rumah ni ada jgk stick lbh kurg lagu tu, tp kitaorg guna sbg rotan. x rajin rotan pon, tp kalo aisyah wat pe'el, ayah dia akan kata 'mummy, ambik stick'. behave la terus hehe
hehehehe..comel je cikgu kecik ni :) aunty confirm nak belajar ngn cikgu ni..encem :)
Wowowowo..bekeng ikot sapo tu? Hehehe..
Seghupo ngan kakak damia, ngajar oghe sokmo.bekeng plok tuh..hohoho
Wowowowo..bekeng ikot sapo tu? Hehehe..
Seghupo ngan kakak damia, ngajar oghe sokmo.bekeng plok tuh..hohoho
Nak jd cikgu ke bila besar nnt tu??? huhu
Kak Tini & Kak Fizah pun sokmo main jd cikgu. K.Fizah lg bekeng bilo jd cikgu.
pandainya nazhan
Peningnya cakap 4 bahasa. Tapi budak2 cepat belajar kan.
Rai : ibu pun dpt pujian jugak ye hehehe
Oyis : ore xrajin ugut dgn rotan lagi ko SN, lps ni mungkin leh guno jugop kot caro tu. lo ni ugutan letok kat naughty spot jah dulu hehe
Huda : boleh2, meh la isni SN ajar aunty bhs jepun
Lailasani: bekeng supo daddy la, mommy xbekeng hahahah *koya*
Affieza : entahla dia nak jd apa eheh
kak nur : buleh lawe bekeng dgn nazhan la nanti
Nadiah : Insya Allah, Ameen :0
Teratak Hami : aah, dia rilek je..mommy & daddy yg pening hahaha
Alahai comelnya... SN memang ada bakat jadi cikgu.. Nanti Auntie Nur kongsi ilmu macam mana nak mengajar Math dengan Science .. :)
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