A few hours ago i.e. 3.45a.m (GMT +9), millions of people all over the world have just watched the final match of EURO 2012 between Spain VS Italy. For my family, friends and those of you who have been reading this blog for quite some time, you must've knew my interest towards football or soccer *as the Americans called it*.
If you haven't had any idea on how much I love watching football/soccer, go check out these previous entries in my blogs --> Memang tiada jodoh kita (T_T); UEFA champion league and Soccer . After you read those entries, I'm pretty sure that you'll get the idea. Or if you are too lazy to browse through my previous ramblings; here's a compilation of photos on my visits to several stadiums in Germany and Spain while I was doing my M.Sc few years back.
+- At the Allianz Arena Stadium (official stadium for Bayern Munich FC): Frottmaning, Schwabing, Munich-+
+- during the Bayern Munich FC training session -Säbener Strasse. *dalam gambar nampak Lucas Podolski & Oliver Kahn* -+
+- at the Santiago Bernabue Stadium (official stadium for Real Madrid FC) : Avenida Concha Espina, Madrid -+
+- At the Nou Camp Stadium (official stadium for Barcelona FC), Avinguda Aristides Maillol, Barcelona-+
+- At the Vicente Calderon Stadium (official stadium for Atlentico Madrid): Marques de Vadillo, Madrid -+
I was lucky enough that my husband is also a big fan of a football/soccer game; thus we enjoy watching it together and later on discussing on the game. However, as for this EURO 2012..I wasn't allowed by hubby to watch the game AT ALL during the group match
sob sob sob.
This is due to the fact that I am in the middle of completing my PhD thesis; thus hubby don't want me to stay up and watch the match...and then later on feeling sleepy and lazy to go to the campus *lagi dasyat dari my own PhD SV laki ku ini
The second reason is because I am in the middle of my 2nd trimester.Preggy ladies need good sleep at night and pretty much enough rest to face the day. Not enough rest + not enough sleep will make me become a walking zombie and then later on become restless, super duper tired and it might end up to massive headaches
. Thus to prevent form all of these symptoms; hubby has BANNED me from watching EURO 2012 and make any possible efforts to PROHIBIT me from watching the games sob sob sob *dia akan tengok kat laptop sorang2 kat dapur and suruh I tidur*.
The only time that he allowed me to watch the game if it is during weekends. So the only game that I get to watch is the semi final game between Germany VS Italy. *Bukan I sorang je yang tengok, SN pun sibuk2 sekali layan bola
+- beria tengok, entah siapa yang dia sokong pun I tak tahu
As for this morning, even though it's a school day today; I was given an exemption from hubby to watch the game as it the FINAL MATCH y'all. So yeah, off course I am delighted to be able to watch it, so I updated my FB status for whatever thoughts that crossed my minds on that time hahahaha. *nasib baik SN tidur nyenyak je pagi tadi*
+- mak buyong over excited, kejap2 update status kat FB hahaha -+
To those of you who might have missed the game, here's the video highlights of the final match where Espana won 4-0 over Italia. Viva Espana.
+- Spain defended the European Championship
with a comfortable 4-0 win over Italy thanks to goals from David Silva,
Jordi Alba, Fernando Torres and Juan Mata -+
+- Te quiero Espana....Viva Espana! *gambar selingan bersama legendary players of Real Madrid FC* -+
1- SPAIN became the first European team to ever win back-to-back EURO cup
2- SPAIN became the first European team to ever win three back-to-back
international tournaments
3- SPAIN became the first team to score 3 goals in the final game
Pssssttt : Nasib baik Subuh sekarang pukul 3.30 pagi, lepas solat boleh terus layan bola. Lepas tengok bola, terus layan tidur semula
Psssttt lagi : bersemangat update blog masa lunch hour, sanggup menaip sebelah tangan sambil makan
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
16 words of wisdom & comments:
semangat mak buyung
esok kang ank kuar pun jdi kaki bola gak
I'll pass this one.
tak minat bola...
nasib la..
awalnyer subuh kat japan. you suka bola jugak eh...i tak minat bola...hehehe
berangan jgak nak tgok smlm. tp sbbkan dah 3 hr x tido lena. ltak je kpala terus lalalaaa.. =)
sedar2 dah 6.30. huhuu.
weols laki bini telan ubat terus neru....biler x cihat bola pun x layan...subuh pun subuh gajah tadik ngeee
i pagi tadi kononya lepas subuh nak tengok jugak, tp afiya pulak kacau..eceh,terus kena tido balik dengan dia;p
Kami pun dpt tengok dengan jayanya pagi td. org msia sampai kul 4 pagi mmg cung sangat la tengok bola sambil makan burger msia. heheh..
*pernah sampai Barcelona FC dulu, sempat bertembung ngan Ronaldhinho masa tu, tp amik gmbr dlm kete dia je, nak training masa tu. ramai giler org tunggu depan pintu pagar pun. hihi..
semangat yatie tgk bola yek?hihi..my husband sorg2 je tgk pas subuh td,saya duk teman gitu2 je..hihi.. :)
OKLAH BULIH TGK fINAL. Kalu Knur tunggu final game jah sokmo. hehehe
oo ore kalo bola ni mintak maaf la, bole perang laki bini berebut nak tgk channel lain (tp keno ngaloh lah sokmo nya pung).
anyway, masa gi barcelona mula, ralat jgk la x dan gi barcelona FC tu. ramat kan stadium x glamer, rupa nya hoh! team dasat. tu pon bila balik UK royatke hubby dia kata team glamer la. sadis..
kadang2 suami kita ni mmg lagi dahsyat dari SV.. :)
semalam mc, dapat jugak tengok even ulangan :p tapi sebelah layan korean movie :p hubby pun mc, dia bola tengok dia sudahnya :p
Sidratul Muntaha : ye kot, sbb masa preggy Abg SN dulu lagi kerap layan bola. ABg SN pun mmg suka j etgk bola skrg ni
Ezna : aah skrg dh summer, subuh awal. nanti bulan puasa lagi awal hohoho
Fazlinil Irma : klu sedar2 dh 6.30 jawabnya dh habis la bola nya ye dak ehehe
Lady ayu : kesiannya, odaijini eh
Kamalia : kiranya salah afiya la kan? ekekeke
Kak As : aah mmg manjanggg ramai je org kat kat luar. xdpt mausk dlm, tunggu player kat luar pun Ok dah ngeeee
Aisha : naisb baik susbuh awal, sng nak bgn tgk bola hehe
kak nur : tu pun mujur solah bui, mulo2 xsey bui jugop
Oyis : stadium dio kot luar meme hudoh tp tu la, stadium sohor tu hehe
Suliana : bukan kadang2, selalu pun gitu hubby I ni wakkakakaka
Eliss : last2 TV yg tgk korang ye eheh
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