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If you would not want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing --> Benjamin Franklin

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Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Baby SN's 1st performance in front of publics for Happyokai 2010

Last Saturday was Baby SN's 1st Happyokai (presentation) at his nursery i.e Kinomi Hoikuen. What's Happyokai????. Happyokai was usually held at the end of the semester and it's like the symbolic culmination of all the hard work in those daily classes. The Happyokai is where every student puts together some sort of presentation celebrate and performs before all the parents and families.

はっぴょうかい / School Program

No school program is complete without the principle giving a welcome speech. After the speech, two students from the 6 year old class, introduced the first performance of the day. The performance are divided according to classes and baby SN's class was the first one to go.

=- welcome speech by the principal -=

=- introducing the first performance of the day -=

Baby SN and his classmates, together with the teacher from Momo and Kuri Gumi class, sings three songs and the kids dance happily following their teachers act. Hubby and I had to stay far at the back as we were worried that if baby SN caught a glimpse of us, he will leave the stage and will not perform ...hehehe.

=- mommy duduk belakang jauh2 dari stage, nyorok2 belakang parents lain -=

At first, the kids were just sitting and no nothing maybe due to the fact that they were surprised to see so many people sitting in front of them and watching them gatai hahaha,,it was funny and yet so cute.
=- semua duduk diam2, tengok orang ramai dengan pandangan pelik -=
=- rasa nak cubit2 semua budak2 ni..gerammmm okeh -=

But after some time, they are getting used to being in the spotlight and entertain the guest with their super kawaiii dance. It was not really a dance actually, but more on some basic steps like standing up, put hands on laps, rolling around, crawling and running. Still, it was so cute and so much fun to watch those 1 -2 years old babies doing the great performance.
=- semua ikut apa sensei buat -=

Baby SN proved that he is mommy's boy as he was being so caring and romantic (*unlike daddy* siul ehehe) towards his 'girlfriend'. He help her to stand up, held her hand and dance with his 'girl'...hahahaha,,kecik2 dah tunjuk sifat penyayang kui3x.
=- pegang tangan 'girlfriend' ajak bangun -=
=- menari dengan 'girlfriend' walaupun dia sedikit pendek, takpe murah rezeki ekekeke -=

Baby SN was also being the tyco a.k.a 'palo pengat'(bahasa Qelate) when he intentionally play with the backdrops and his other friends follow his step. Luckily, their teacher noticed that and quickly pulled baby SN away from the wall cause it was obvious that he started the additional 'act' which was not listed on the teacher's lists gelakguling ekekekeke.
=- tyco ber-sweater kuning ajak kawan2 tepuk background -=
=- sensei alihkan perhatian tyco, so anak2 buah ikut je tyco tu nanti ngeee -=

Credits should be given to his teacher as clearly it was not easy to teach and guide these 1-2 years old babies to follow their orders. Bravo bravo *clap clap*.

= sensei yang penyabar -=

=- bye bye semua -=

=- full video of Baby SN's performance -=
=- watch 2:05 --> betulkan rambut bg hensem; 2:40 --> dance dgn GF; 4:45 --> tepuk dinding -=

After that, there were also performances from other classes but we only get to watch the next performance. After that, we had to leave the room and give way to the other parents to watch their kids in the older class performing as well.

=- performance from 2-3 years old class -=

=- performance from 2-3 years old class -=

I am so proud with my little baby as he managed to perform well in front of public. Though it was just a simple performance, it surely made mommy feels overwhelmed and mommy actually cries out a little joyful tears. *nangis terharu,macam biasalah mommy yang over*.
= Baby SN + his friends + his sensei + his 'girl' (sitting on sensei's lap); after the performance -=

We were given a small rounded cake and a strawberry roll-pan as a token for watching the show. Baby SN was so happy to see his favorite carton characters; Anpanman cookies lying on the cake. He even make an attempt to blew the candles but eventually mommy had to help him with that.
=- muka semangat nak tiup lilin dan nak ngap Anpanman cookie on the cake-=

I'm glad that I am able to send baby SN to Kinomi Hoikuen (nursery) because he surely learns a lot from his nursery. It was not only a daycare but it is more on educating the babies and stimulating their brains as well as their motor skills. Alhamdulillah, he's growing up actively and intelligently at his nursery and also at home.

The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery. Plato (Ancient Greek Philosopher)

Psssssttt : teringat pulak persembahan I masa kat tadika dulu, mesti arwah ma pun bangga jugak dengan I masa tu *dapat bayangkan perasaan seorang ibu lepas dah jadi ibu* ececece.

18 words of wisdom & comments:

Sidratul Muntaha said...

eheheade gaya2 player skit arr SNtpi good job.
btw,cikgu pmpuan tu agak seksi sebb menonggeng.

Ummu Ammar said...

Cayalah babay SN..dan..akak dapat rasa perasaan bangga seorg ibu yg Yatie rasa tu..memang indah bergelar ibu!

Ummi Shira (AshAnas) said...

comel la semua babies tu, gerrram... pepun baby SN paling macho... ingat ke ape la die geleng2 kepala tu, upenye tu cara die betulkan rambot, control hensem ye...

good job nazhan!

atoyissan said...

waa...shomel nyer..sensei dia mmg berhati waja utk train bdk2 tu..hehehe

Unknown said...

alahaii.. comeyl2...
yappari nursery di sane mmg bagus2...

syayassir said...

bestnya taska kat situ, siap ada persembahan untuk parents lagi....
memang bagus untuk perkembangan budak2, kan?

isabelle said...

syoknya ada event mcm tu.
dan i tumpang bangga la SN gentleman mcm tu.

*∽ IZAN ∽* said...

cho kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
tsugoine.. 1-2 years pun buat performancee...!! memang dasatt la diaorang nih.. kalau tak sabar tak jadi gak sensei2 tuh huhu

lady lavender said...

soo..cute :))

nadia said...

kawaainye...tengok video ni, tetibe rase teringin nak bagi anak experience nursery kat jepun ni jugak..mmc best je tengok sensei2 ni lembut je ajar diorg..kita sendiri yg jage pon rasa x mampu je nak buat mcm tu..huhu..

Farah . 5577 said...

bestnye event2 mcm ni kan..
cutenye babySN n baby2 lain tu.. geramnye.. seriyes rs nak cubit..

wah.. babySN sgt gentleman, mmg patut mommy bangga. clap clap! :D

Nurul Izza said...

kawaiiiii sumo baby2..

pssst nihon/fukuoka salji tughun doh? heheeheeeeee

Watie Aziz said...

bestnya...kemain ensem anak u yang ..pandai tarik gf plak tu! ahahaahah...

bagus kan nursery yg ajar budak dr kecik less than 3 years.. kat sini susah nk dpt .. ni pun i ngah pening nk carik kelas for q thn depan. 3 thn doarang still consider nursery lagi thats y byk kelas .. hu hu ..

yatie chomeyl said...

ayu >> kecik2 dh ada ciri 2player, kene banteras cepat2 ni ehehe

UA >> kann...perasaan tu indh sgt :)

shira >> tu la,konon2 nk bg rmbu ensem2 la tu ekekeke

yatie chomeyl said...

atoyis >> tu la pasal, kalau i gerenti d jd hulk masa train budk2 ni hik3x

k.laila >> sou sou sou..mmg bagus hoikuen sini

sya >> yup, parents pun lehtahu perkembangan anak2

yatie chomeyl said...

isabelle >> tu la, mmg gentleman..girlfriend pun ngikut je eheh

k.izan >> tu la, sensei mmg super penyabar

lady lavender >> geram kan tgk budak2 tu semua

yatie chomeyl said...

nadia >> aah, sensei sabrr je..kalu kita, harusss lah tinggi suara dah kan ngeee

farah 5577 >> tu la, dah la semua spesen je rambut dn pipi gebu...geram nak cubit semua budak2 tu

yatie chomeyl said...

izza >> turun doh siki pagi takdi ;)

watie >> meh hantar Q kat sini, join kelas gdn baby SN hehehehe. u buat nursery kat GBOB la..mesti ramai parents suka :D

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