Today I have my 100% respects to His Majesty, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam who took serious action in directing the authorities to accelerate their efforts in enforcing Islamic Law.
Implementing Islamic law - Thursday, October 13, 2011
FOR the third time this year, His Majesty has reiterated the call
for the implementation of Islamic Criminal Law in the country and
directed the authorities to accelerate their efforts in this regard.
During a meeting on Monday with the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB), His Majesty, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, took serious exception to the fact that the relevant authorities had been unable to meet the timeframe set for the implementation of Syariah law. "We have the (Syariah) court building, in its grandeur, intellectuals and experts are also in abundance, and the country is independent, what more are we waiting for?" His Majesty asked.
Yesterday, addressing an international seminar, the monarch again urged the authorities not to delay the introduction of the Islamic Criminal Act. "Who are we, in the presence of Allah (SWT), to say 'no or wait'; considering that (Islamic) law was not only just formulated, but has been stated in Al-Quran and Al-Hadiths for more than 1,400 years."
On March 15, this year, the pious ruler had proposed the introduction of an Islamic Criminal Act to deal with offences that fall under Syariah jurisdiction while maintaining the implementation of existing civil and religious legislations. Brunei has already established a Syariah Court under the command of His Majesty but the jurisdiction of the court is still limited as it deals mostly with family-related matters.
While the introduction of Islamic laws will invite Allah's (SWT) blessings , failure to do so could result in chaos in the society. Al-Quran clearly warns us about the consequences of ignoring the divine law. "Whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Zalimoun (despotic)." (QS-Al-Maidah/5-45)
The latest titah reflects the eagerness of His Majesty to see the Sultanate benefitting from the law of Allah (SWT).
Being our creator, Allah (SWT) knows our psychology, our physical needs, our strengths and weaknesses. He knows what is best for the mankind. Thus the introduction of his law will definitely result in creating a peaceful, crime-free and prosperous society.
[Source: Brunei Times]
May Allah show us the right path to be a Good Muslim, Insya Allah.
During a meeting on Monday with the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB), His Majesty, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, took serious exception to the fact that the relevant authorities had been unable to meet the timeframe set for the implementation of Syariah law. "We have the (Syariah) court building, in its grandeur, intellectuals and experts are also in abundance, and the country is independent, what more are we waiting for?" His Majesty asked.
Yesterday, addressing an international seminar, the monarch again urged the authorities not to delay the introduction of the Islamic Criminal Act. "Who are we, in the presence of Allah (SWT), to say 'no or wait'; considering that (Islamic) law was not only just formulated, but has been stated in Al-Quran and Al-Hadiths for more than 1,400 years."
On March 15, this year, the pious ruler had proposed the introduction of an Islamic Criminal Act to deal with offences that fall under Syariah jurisdiction while maintaining the implementation of existing civil and religious legislations. Brunei has already established a Syariah Court under the command of His Majesty but the jurisdiction of the court is still limited as it deals mostly with family-related matters.
While the introduction of Islamic laws will invite Allah's (SWT) blessings , failure to do so could result in chaos in the society. Al-Quran clearly warns us about the consequences of ignoring the divine law. "Whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Zalimoun (despotic)." (QS-Al-Maidah/5-45)
The latest titah reflects the eagerness of His Majesty to see the Sultanate benefitting from the law of Allah (SWT).
Being our creator, Allah (SWT) knows our psychology, our physical needs, our strengths and weaknesses. He knows what is best for the mankind. Thus the introduction of his law will definitely result in creating a peaceful, crime-free and prosperous society.
[Source: Brunei Times]
May Allah show us the right path to be a Good Muslim, Insya Allah.
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18 words of wisdom & comments:
alhamdulillah... molek sungguh la gitu...
p/s: ore tengok duo2 pom terer posim!
bagusnya kalau kat malaysia lagu ni..hai sultan...sultan..bila lah nak bersuara..huuuu..
semua tak berani nak jalankan hukum tuhan.tunggulah balasan disana nanti kan.
hukum yang Allah tetapkan adalah hukum yang terbaek....
bila lg kat ngr kita?
alhamdulillah.. moga banyak yang mengambil contoh ini nanti
kat Msia keno tunggu Sultan KElantan ke V ni naik jd DYMM kot.
sama2 la kita doa moga dibuka kan hati pemimpin2 ni..
wahhh brunei pun boleh nak jalankan.....
Dah sampai masa kita jalankan di Malaysia....Allah maha mengetahui...
Dah sampai masa kita jalankan di Malaysia....Allah maha mengetahui...
kat malaysia, pak2 menteri kate "tak sesuai!"
bila agaknya turn mesia kan..
hanis : x terer mano eh, buat2 terer jah :p
rai : harap2 ada sultan di msia yg berani mcm ni jugak
eliss : yup, kita kena sama2 usah ajugak utk tegakkan hukum Allah
lady ayu: agreed!
k/hamizah : x tahu la bilo agaknya
kak ita : btul2, msia kena tiru ni
kak Nur : hopefully, Insya Allah
mdnor : Insya Allah, Ameen
Ummi Dania : tu la, Msia bila lagi?
Aleyn : btol3x, setuju sgt!
mygoldenpen : menteri tu patut belajar dgn sultan brunei ye dak?
anum : entahlah, sama2 kita doakan
kerajaan mesia ni pelik..tgk loni la, mcm² hal doh jadi.buang baby, kelar baby, adussssssssssss
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