Recently, kami berkesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan Alien. How cool is that?. Korang tak pernah jumpa alien kan? *berlagak gila tak soalan?*
We went to Space World
in Kitakyushu city dengan niat nak bawak my SIL jalan-jalan to theme
park. After all, it's the only theme park in Kyushu. Since we can't
bring her to Disneyland Tokyo, Disneysea Tokyo or Universal Studio Japan Osaka; Space World is a good place to get her thrills in.
Space World is quite small *compared to Disneyland Tokyo, Disneysea Tokyo or Universal Studio Japan Osaka* but still it is fun theme park especially for those roller coaster lovers out there. At Space World, there is a full line-up of attractions to suit everyone: families, thrill seekers, fun lovers who want to enjoy a big splash on the water rides, and space lovers looking for that authentic space experience.
We were greeted by Lucky Rabbit
and his friends who live in Space World.They were Lucky Rabbit (The
leader with a strong sense of justice) and Vicky Rabbit (Very
well-educated and kind) mascots that have greeted us on that day.
+- Lucky Rabbit -+
+- Vicky Rabbit -+
Here are list of the attractions at Space World yang kitorang naik on that day.
(1) Alien Panic - Evolution
• ala-ala rumah hantu where you are stepping carefully through the dark cabin, when something suddenly appears
macam biasa, I pegang hubby kuat-kuat dan tutup mata sepanjang kat
dalam tu, so sila jangan tanya I apa yang ada dalam tu sebab I lansung
tak bukak mata

+- muka je ganas, padahal penakut -+
+- entrance -+
(2) Roller coasters
Space World offers some decent roller coasters which I dont ride on any
single ride of it at all sebab kena jaga SN *tak nak mengaku penakut dan
tak tahan pening kalau naik roller coaster*.
• Hubby and Naznin
enjoy all the roller coaster rides while I am having fun accompanying SN
with other rides and attractions. There are 6 exisiting roller coaster
at Space World :-
(i) Black Hole Scramble - A white knuckle roller coaster ride that propels you in complete darkness. |
(ii) Twin Mercury - This water ride has both a course with a 16m sudden drop and a relaxed course for small children. |
(iii) Clipper- A roller coaster available for kids aged from 3 years and up. |
(iv) Titan V - There’s hardly time to breathe when this thrill ride suddenly plummets down 60m at 115kph!
+- hubby and Naznin (red circle) -+
(v) Venus GP - A thrill like no other, wonder at the gigantic loops and twisting, turning course! |
(vi) Zaturn - Taste fear and exhilaration with this “rocket” coaster
that blasts riders at 130kph to the top of this attraction, a maximum
angle of 89 degrees and height of 65 meters! |
(3) Lucky Land
• This area is full of attractions for small children dan sangat sesuai juga untuk mak budak yang tak matang macam I 

• My all time favorite rides is of course the merry-go-round, dari kecik membawa ke tua tak puas-puas naik kuda pusing ni.
+- agak2 siapa yang lagi teruja dapat naik merry go round ni, mommy ke SN? -+
SN & I memang sama-sama teruja untuk naik all the attractions kat
small children sections ni while hubby and Naznin pulak terpaksa naik
sekali rides small aircraft kanak-kanak untuk temankan kami.
Masa SN & I naik ferris wheel, hubby & Naznin tak nak join so
diorang pergi naik roller coasters. Ingat tak mencabar ke ferris wheel?.
Sangat mencabar OK!. A Ferris wheel with a pinnacle of approx. 100 m;
tinggi kan?. *sila cakap tinggi, kalau tak I majuk takmo kawan dengan u all *
+- mommy & SN kat dalam gondola ferris wheel -+
• Sambil tunggu his daddy & Cik Amah turun
dari roller coaster, SN main kat pool pulak. Dah la mommy tak bawak
baju/seluar spare untuk dia, terpaksa keringkan baju & seluar dia
kat dryer yang di sediakan..nasib baik F.O.C.

+- happy gila dapat main air -+
• Then his daddy & Cik Amah joined SN and I masuk kat dalam lucky land hall tu. Kitorang posing sedas dua kat dalam hutan dengan gua batu tu yang di beri nama Lucky Town.
+- SN get ready nak tembak Alien -+
(4) Space Museum
• This theme-park is basically build up with space-themed which
explains why I enjoy my time here as it somehow related to my studies in
• Humanity’s development of space is introduced through
displays featuring the actual items used.
Ada jugak di sediakan port khas untuk yang
+- Astronaut Naznin & Astronaut Yatie Chomeyl -+
+- Astronaut SN & Astronaut Solah -+
(5) Mission To Mars
• With seats that move in sync with the giant video screen,
visitors feel like they are piloting through outer space!
• Yang rides ni pun nyaris2 I tak nak naik sebab takut pening, nasib baik gerakan seats tu tak dasyat sangat so selamatlah diri ini dari pening2, mual2 mahupun muntah2 kat situ.
• Yang rides ni pun nyaris2 I tak nak naik sebab takut pening, nasib baik gerakan seats tu tak dasyat sangat so selamatlah diri ini dari pening2, mual2 mahupun muntah2 kat situ.
(6) Planet AQA
• Experience the rush and thrills of shooting the rapids.
• Naik bot ala2 lalu kat jeram gitu..tak mencabar sangat tapi I buat-buat menjerit saja nak psycho orang2lain yang tengah beratur tunggu turn ; sengal tak?
• Naik bot ala2 lalu kat jeram gitu..tak mencabar sangat tapi I buat-buat menjerit saja nak psycho orang2lain yang tengah beratur tunggu turn ; sengal tak?
+- apakah itu "Wate Time" tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian?

we enjoy our time at the theme park though there's not much rides and
attractions to dive into. At least we don't have to queue up for
so long to enjoy those rides there since tak ramai sangat orang kat theme park ini.
and SN are happy that we brought them there ..so I guess that's
what matter the most. Asalkan anak happy, mommy pun happy *tambah happy
sebab daddy yang bayar tiket bukannya mommy*
ngeh3x. Walaupun mommy tak dapat naik rides roller coasters tu sebab terpaksa temankan SN, mommy redha wahai anakku 

+- senyuman manis dari SN untuk semua -+
Pssssttt : I sebenarnya tak takut pun nak naik roller coaster tapi sebab I tak tahan pening dan mudah mabuk bila pusing2, karang tak pasal-pasal muntah kat atas rides tu sebab tu I tak naik. *disclaimer ke in-denial statement ni?*.

~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
15 words of wisdom & comments:
bestnyer layan pics uols berfoya2 berdating ni syokkkkk....
jgn kan uols gayat bab roller coaster ni ai pow .....mcm nak jatung dah terkuar dr badan....paling takut naik free fall hampunnnn nak fengsan rasanyer.....
woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa best gilo roller coaster dio!!! maha dasyat tuh!!!
kalu kt genting tu, br 2% jah debbar..kalu kt space world ni, meme 110% niiii
best jugok tempat tu. Tiket lg muroh ko dr Disneyland? (tanyo bajet2 kot bulih gi. hehe)
bilolah aku buleh g Jepun ni??? terliur weh tgk ore jale2 jupo alien
menarik jugak kat sini kan! kalau dekat harus nak terjah jugak. hehe..
ore takut naik roller coster tu bisonyo yatiey...
seronoknya berpoya poya...hehehehe. kreatif betulkan diorg ni..
seronoknya berpoya poya...hehehehe. kreatif betulkan diorg ni..
menariknya theme park ni.. syok juga.. suka pergi tempat2 macam ni..:) akak pun tak suka roller coaster..:)
lady ayu : nasib baik ada geng penakut roller coaster mcm I ni * high-five sikit*
eliza : klu gitu mari la jale sini eheh
kak nur : x ingat brp tiket dio sbb solah bayar retep ngeee tp meme muroh la sikit banding disneyland tu
zaila : mari2, leh jupo alien retep
kak as : menarik untuk org yg suka roller coaster la kot :)
hanis : ore x naik so habuk roller coaster, ore naik maine budok2 jah gdn SN eheh
Rai : aah mcm2 ada..kira berbaloi2 la spend duit & masa
kak ita : lepas naik mesti pening, so utk elakkan pening..x yah naik lagi senang kan kak? eheh
ngaku jer la ucu takut naik roller coaster tu...angah mmg penakut giler naik benda2 cam tu lps naik space s kat genting..huhuhu
takpernah naik ferris wheel... huhuuh...
angah : ucu pulak lps naik yg roller coaster dlm berjaya time square, terus nyesal and nekad xnak naik roller coaster smp bila2 dah
kak yong : roller coaster kakyong berani naik tak?
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