Alhamdulillah, all praise is due to Allah for consenting hubby a Doctorate degree. Hubby has officially graduated from his 3 years doctorates studies and now he is entitled to use the title "doctor".
+- pose serius (dari seorang lelaki yang selalu tersengih) selepas bergelar Dr -+
His public defense a.k.a final viva were held on 25th August. I attended hubby's presentation for the sake of taking his pictures only as I don't understand a thing about his research. Mind you, I'm an aeronautical engineering student while hubby is river/environmental engineering student *peribahasa bagai langit dengan bumi sangat sesuai di aplikasi kan dalam konteks ini*. 

+- sebab tak faham sangat, maka cam whore sajalah -+
His topic is "Evaluation and Development of Indices to Assess The Ecological Health of the Pahang River, Malaysia". He presented the ppt slides for about 50 minutes and then another 20-30 minutes were allocated for Q&A session.
+- presentation begin -+
Hubby prepared some questions beforehand and requested me to ask him questions based on what he have prepared *just in case if no one from the audience stood up to ask questions during the Q & A session*. It turns out that quiet a number of questions were thrown to him that I don't have to pretend asking questions to him as planned.
+- kusyuknya audience buat-buat dengar -+
Hubby manages to answers all the questions asked although there are one time when his supervisor helped him out in providing more appropriate answers. Most of the questions were asked by his former lab members.
+- some of hubby's lab-mates -+
After the Q&A session is over, his SV congratulates hubby and some of his friends congratulates me *ala-ala di sebalik kejayaan seorang suami ialah kerana seorang isteri gitu*. Padahal they should congratulates his SV for guiding hubby throughout these past 3 years.
+- left pic : hubby and Shimatani Sensei (his SV) -+
+- right pic: hubby and his honey baby boo auwwww gediknya

The graduation ceremony were then held at Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University on 15th September and it was not as glorious as it is in Malaysia. It was just a simple ceremony with no robes, flowers, stalls and whatsoever *so hubby I gi sewa sendiri jubah
kui3x*. Scrolls were given only to the representatives of each course.

+- depan dewan graduation kat Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University -+
Another graduation ceremony were held at his department to give the scrolls individually. This special graduation ceremony were held at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Ito Campus, Kyushu University .
+- ambik scroll yang di masukkan dalam casing kulit ular dari Shimaoka Sensei -+
I didn't attend both of his graduation
ceremony because I have to go to the lab. Besides, hubby insisted me to
go to lab rather than wasting my precious time to be with him on his
graduation ceremony.
+- graduating plaque -+
To make it up with him, we've made a special photo shoot for SN's family at Ito Campus, Kyushu University during the weekend. It's a good idea because not so many people were around and so it is easier for us to strike any pose without embarrassing our self in front of other students

+- batu belah batu bertangkup Kyushu University -+
I borrowed A/Hafizal's robe and pretend as if I've finished my study as well when the fact is I got hundred thousands of things to do before I can finally be awarded the "Dr" title as well next year Insya Allah. Hubby has been my no 1 idol in study because he were able to graduate with flying colors during his first degree, master degree and even in his doctoral degree.
+- yours truly sibuk2 nak pakai jubah jugak -+
+- left pic: pose konon2 cute -+
+- right pic: pose over girang -+
At the age of 29 years old, hubby is now known as Dr Shalahuddin!. I'm so proud of you Mi Amor ~ te quiero ♥.
+- SN's family -+
"The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means of education". ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psssstttt : dulu masa hubby grad master (baru tunangan), I sanggup pergi ke Yogya untuk attend graduation ceremony dia *padahal masa tu excited nak gi sana sebab nak shopping barang2 untuk wedding*.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~
39 words of wisdom & comments:
tahniahh to ur husband!
hahaha btul la cam langit ngan bumi btul course korang amik tu.
Tahniah to Dr. Solah... and also to you Yati...
congrat boyh of u... cayaaalahhh..
congratz solah..ops dr. solah...now tunggu yatie nye turn lak :) gambate
omedetou dr solah
bestnyer boley dengar sang somi buat presentation ngeeee...
baru tahu yatie ambik aeronautical engineering jarang gegurl ambil course ni ekk....
wah jelez tgk pics uols yg slim melim ituew
congrats Dr Solah!
bila laa saya nk sambung study.. niat je ada..huhuhuhu
omedetou to hubby akak..tahun depan turn kak yatie pulak..wah bestnyeee :)
yatie, kirim tahniah kat Dr solah ek.. bila baca part grad phd umur 29 tu, rase kagum smpi nak meleleh air mata ni.. sbb angah terase kerdil sgt dgn pencapaian solah tu. terus rase nak luku pala sendiri sbb dengki.. pdhl sama lecturer je yg mengajar kitorang dlu..
mode: sesal kemudian tidak berguna lg..haish!
tahniah utk hubby kak yatie :)
tahniah Dr Solah and family...
bergenang air mata baca n tgk gmbr2 konvo. Lately ni, asal org grad je jiwa tersentuh (dan tumpang bangga). Perangai org thn akhir kot. Moga2 kita sama2 ditakdirkan mengecapi jg nikmat grad PhD ni ye, yatie, insya Allah...
tahniah utk solah and to you selaku isteri di sebalik kejayaan suami... hehe...
SOlah doh Dr doh. Abe Ariff la tok abis2 lg nih. Insyallah Tie pun tok lamo doh tu. Knur doakan utk Tie jugok.
tahniah yatie.. pasni turn yatie plak.. seonoknya
tahniah Dr.Solah!
yati..ghoyat ko abe..tahniah..k.yin tupe happy
Congrats 4 ur husband kak...
Tahniah Dr. Solah...hepi nyer dh dpt DR...
congrats to both of you!!
sungguh jeles dengan org yg sangat passionate to study sampai dapat doktor..me pemalass..
Tahniah Dr Solah. Nizar kata nnt kalu nk buat Phd dia nk ambik Solah jd SV dia...hahaha cop siap2
congrats dr solah! :)
olohhhhhhh sedak nyohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Dr doh la hubi dio..meme jenis otok bijok la demo 2 ore nih...kijo sedak la pahni..ptt la hubi kelik mesia..pah awok ado setahun lg denu, hubi mari semula ko gano?
Alhamdulillah.. Omedetou! kene balik keje ke atau tunggu sang isteri balik bersama2 ni? hihi..
congrats to ur hubby. xlm lgk ur turn plak. hehehe... nsb xda jubah size SN, kot x lgk meriah bergambo. hahhaa...
Ater dia dah grad... mu tu biler lagi yatie... jg luper balik Malaysia bila dah habis.. Bg jasa2 dan keintelektualanmu ke tanahair.
Aku kat madrid lagi ni....Baru2 ni ada polis palsu nak rompak aku ngan wife aku kat madrid.
baca kat blog aku http://awanengineer.blogspot.com/
Congrats Yatie!! (sorry lama tak singgah ;p)
And soon it'll be your turn before you realise it!!
Wah, so apt, mmg langit & bumi!!
TAHNIAH to yr hubby yer Yatie and TAHNIAH juga kepada isterinya yang memberi sokongan yang padu!!! :-)
omedetouuu... bestnyaa u kat sana ada robe lagi..sini takdop poms... caiyok urs plak next... nati ur hubby keno balik kijo la dop? ko buleh exten lg?
farah : tu la, i study pasal udara, dia study pasal air eheh
zara zaman. erinsz : thank u :)
eray : tu la, doakan yatie gak tau
lady ayu : dulu maybe jarang girl amik course aero, skrg dh ramai kot :)
nanak : thanks :)
faryza : harap2 tercapai la niat tu satu hari nanti
anum : Insya Allah
angah : xpe angah,x semestinya x ada phd tu x bagus, phd ni sijil je pun :)
huda : thanks :)
Oyis : insya Allah, harap2nyo gitu lah
chip : mekaceh :)
kak nur : tok lamo lg abe arif la pulok, insya Allah
juwita : Insya Allah, Ameen
nadiah & Kak yin : mekaceh, nti tie smp kan kat hubby
afieza : mekaceh
angah : nanti nk smbugn jugak tak?
rai : i pun pemalas gak huhuhuh
hairan189 : wakakaka, try la tny solah dia nk jd SV ke x kui3x
ijah : time kaceh :)
eliza : x tahu la, depend pado boss la nk bui hubby cuti ke dop
kak as : hubby balik dulu kejap, then maybe dtg sini balik kot
mykhalish : tu la, kalau x dgn SN sekali i pakaikan jubah eheh
pang5 : Insya Allah thn depan aku grad. mmg la balik msia bila dh habis, aku pun x larat dh nak duk oversea lama2
reitak : tu la, mmg jauh beza. dia xfhm apa2 pasal subjek I and I tak tahu apa2 pasal subjek dia hahaha
Ummi Dania : mekaceh3x
hanis : robe tu sewo sendiri, kalu dop meme xdop robe jugop
congratulation Dr Solah..
ni yang buat kak mas lebih bersemangat ni.. haha
Baru jumpa dan baru follow ur blog. Tu fie baru tahu. Congratulations kak yatie and husband. Rasa makin bersemangat nak sambung study :)
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