Tadaa.....I'm sure some of u have noticed the new fresh & greenery look of my blog. This transformation ialah sempena menyahut cadangan2 yang dah dikemukakan oleh participants of blog Yatie Chomeyl's 2nd giveaway. I appreciate your suggestions and comments on my previous blog layout so I decided to perform simple makeover on blog Yatie Chomeyl.
The Green Peace blogger template that I currently used can be downloaded for free from BTemplates *click here*. So far I'm quiet satisfied with this new look as it offers wide width of the main wrapper and 3 columns sections as I wish. Cuma I nak godek2 sikit tukar font color and if possible tambah line to separate between the main wrapper section with the sidebar. Pastu kena godek2 HTML scriptnya jugak untuk buang border kat image tu, sebba I rasa annoying bila smiley emoticon image tu ada border huhu.
The header pulak I design simple2 *sebab bukan nya tangan I ni berseni sangat* nak design lawa2 pun eheh. Tengoklah kalau ada masa, I tukar header lain yang lebih chomeyl.
So, what do u think about this new look? Chomeyl tak
*wink wink*.

The Green Peace blogger template that I currently used can be downloaded for free from BTemplates *click here*. So far I'm quiet satisfied with this new look as it offers wide width of the main wrapper and 3 columns sections as I wish. Cuma I nak godek2 sikit tukar font color and if possible tambah line to separate between the main wrapper section with the sidebar. Pastu kena godek2 HTML scriptnya jugak untuk buang border kat image tu, sebba I rasa annoying bila smiley emoticon image tu ada border huhu.
The header pulak I design simple2 *sebab bukan nya tangan I ni berseni sangat* nak design lawa2 pun eheh. Tengoklah kalau ada masa, I tukar header lain yang lebih chomeyl.
So, what do u think about this new look? Chomeyl tak

35 words of wisdom & comments:
i loike!!!!
wahh byk pokok.. rs segar sbb byk oksigen.. hehehe
Wowww...u look GREEENNNN
chomeyl :) greeny :)
Na suka!!
ump iza pon suka..simple tapi tenang..
wah..dah tukar layout. pokok2 tu menyerikan blog ni la ;). ingat nak tukar layout jgk tapi masih tak jumpa yg berkenan di hati
go green. go environmental frenly!;)
bila la ku nak buat blogover
wow comey2..tiqah suke
go green gal!!!
sangat shantekkkkk...
sejuk mata memandang!
suke laaa lay out ni yatie!
chomel2... wah ramai dah betukar rumah baru tahun nih... mommaMia still godek2 lagi. nk ubah template tp takut tak jadi & hilang plak sume link. dulu dah kene. any tips??!!
Greeny..akak suka!..my favourite colour..Bukan mudah nak buat make over blog kan? Apa2 pun akak puas hati dgn wajah baru blog Yatie ni....
comey...tp gmbr kaki-kaki kat bwh tu mengganggu pemandangan sikit...
go greennn..
i loike!!!
sejuk mata yg memandang u:)
i like too...sejuk mata memandang
whoaaaa.. nice nice nice...! I like itttt!
lawa2. bulihla ajar knur pulok ghano nok wat 3 columns nih. tok reti2 sapa ko loni. huhu.
aku tertido tgh tadi sambil menyusukan anak..tiba2 hg and baby SN muncul dlm mimpi aku, kat dalam bilik aku, bwk SN main2 dgn Aisya Zara....huhuhu...
terjaga dr tdoq, terus aku bukak blog hg. mana la tau kot2 hg ada tulis enrty nk jodohkan ank hg dgnn ank aku hahahha..
aku tertido tgh tadi sambil menyusukan anak..tiba2 hg and baby SN muncul dlm mimpi aku, kat dalam bilik aku, bwk SN main2 dgn Aisya Zara....huhuhu...
terjaga dr tdoq, terus aku bukak blog hg. mana la tau kot2 hg ada tulis enrty nk jodohkan ank hg dgnn ank aku hahahha..
suka pic kat header tu, ceria mcm saya.. hehe..
green...peaceful...PAS eh..:P
Salam yatie...cantik rumah baru ni.Nnt blh buat tutorial nak tukar templet..xreti2 smpi skrg..huhui
putih bersih rumah baru yatie, siap ada pokok2 tu..cantik....
HU! Betul ker ni blog Yatie Chomeyl ni?
Check link..eih..betullah..x silap eja pun...waah..so clean wo...tambah seronok nak lepak sini lagi nih!akekekrkrk....i loikes! :>
suka la yg baru nih...
suka la yg baru nih...
Salam Yatie!Very the green...hehehe...sorry lmbt royat,hadiah tu dah slmt sampai ko tgn akak....asyik lupo nok msg/call sbb hadiah dok kat skoloh(tayang ko saing) hihihihi...tq for the fridge magnet...semoga ukhuwah antara kita berpanjangan ye...
hoye! hoye! i loikee GREEN! ~_^
suka..come lote,sejuk mata, xsrabut..
wah.. rumah sudah baru.. suka.. ringan kejap jer dah dl semua.. ;)
putih suci bersih... ;)
everybody >> thanks for the compliments from all of u
momma mia, ummu AS & k.nur >> nanti klu sempat, I buat tutorial utk 3 column nih :)
ibu aiman >> thanks 4 the comment, dah buang pon kaki2 tu ;)
bibi >> hang mimpi kami ka? x lama lg nak berbesan la kita nih hik3x
k. ayu >> oo smp doh? tkut hile tengoh jale jah, rungsing jugop huhu
k.yong >> dah ringan erk? alhamdulillah :)
1st time I drop by, found the link from 1 of the bloggers.
perantau, sama la kite.
interesting, seronok baca blog u.
please drop by to mine if you're free. :)
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