As a mother be it FTWM or SAHM, we always wish that we have more time to be able to finish the house chores quickly. I believe the chores that contribute as the most time consuming is when we were in the kitchen : to cook a meal. It would be nice if we could instead minimize the time spent in the kitchen to be able to maximize the time to spend at the dining hall *ekekeke,
tak pasal2 lepas ni berat naik mendadak pulak eheh*.

Here's a simple tips on how to speed up cooking time in the kitchen. Ready?

(1) Speed peel a potato
(2) Quick peel an egg
So what do you think? I hope this video do gives some insights to help mommies out there to cook faster.
On another different notes, today is the 4th day for me to stay at home with baby SN as both of us are not feeling well since last weekend. *mommy & baby yang sehati sejiwa, sakit pun sama2
eheh*. For the first few days ago, we were down with fever + cough. The cough will be lessen during the day but becoming worse during the night *terpaksa kejut hubby 2x tengah2 malam untuk suap ubat batuk kat I, kalau tak memang takleh nak tidur*.
Though the fever has slowly subsided, but we were still having nasal congestion which leads to flu. To add up with the diseases 'package', we were also suffering for "Madras eye" a.k.a conjunctivitis...huhuhu. Mata dua2 asyik penuh dengan tahi mata je, sampai melekat2 kat bulu mata, nak bukak mata pun tak leh ngee. Since I tak gi klinik, I cuma share eye-drops baby SN je ngeee. Hopefully I'll get better by tomorrow sebab dah hampir seminggu tak pergi lab, bila nak habis study kalau asyik cuti je
On another different notes, today is the 4th day for me to stay at home with baby SN as both of us are not feeling well since last weekend. *mommy & baby yang sehati sejiwa, sakit pun sama2

Though the fever has slowly subsided, but we were still having nasal congestion which leads to flu. To add up with the diseases 'package', we were also suffering for "Madras eye" a.k.a conjunctivitis...huhuhu. Mata dua2 asyik penuh dengan tahi mata je, sampai melekat2 kat bulu mata, nak bukak mata pun tak leh ngee. Since I tak gi klinik, I cuma share eye-drops baby SN je ngeee. Hopefully I'll get better by tomorrow sebab dah hampir seminggu tak pergi lab, bila nak habis study kalau asyik cuti je

Pssssttt : rasa pelik pulak bila duk rumah masa tengahari berhari2 dengan baby SN, kadang2 rasa bosan , kadang2 rasa penat tapi kadang2 rasa best jugak.huhuhu

22 words of wisdom & comments:
tok sihat lg deh. Nazhan, deme2 pung boleh posing comei. Takpo, make ubat dgn jago mkn minum. Take Care Sis!
moga lekas sembuh kak yatie and baby sn..makan ubat yer, jgn lasak2 sgt :)
alolo..ciannye geng chomeyl xsht. cpt2 sht yer...
notty ner muke baby ko.. but so cute..
btw , baby SN sebijik like his daddy.. hehehe
best ar video tuh..yatie dah cuba ke tips tu?
alalalaaa.comelnye dia buat muka mcm tu...eee...*menahan geram nak gigit pipi SN*
alahaii comel loteinyaa baby SN ni..cakkit2 pon pandai lg tenyum2 posing gitu :D
tgcare ye dear ;)
to both mummy and baby ahakks
huhu comelnya baby sn...yatie petua nenek sy klu batuk...minum satu sudu kicap ngan asam limau...:P
alahai siannya, dah besar pon baby SN..take care both of you..sorry lamo zaila dok singgah blog Yatie, maklumlah loni agak busy..apa2 pon Zaila doakan yg terbaik buat Yatie & famili;)
get well soon akak...kening bby sn tu tetap menjadi pooojaan hehehe
get well soon akak...kening bby sn tu tetap menjadi pooojaan hehehe
comel la nazhan gitu! mcm saje posing gitu pulak..eheh. get well soon!
susu ibu tu paling mujarab utk sakit nuha dulu penah gak kena nebu tapi yang tak tahan time fisio la.sedih dengar!
moga cepat sembuh both of u.
wahhh.. menarikk tips kali ni! Yang telur tu k.izan pernah tengok bangumi Urawaza masa kat japan 10 tahun lepas.. memang kalau teringat buat sungguh kat umah! serius! hehe. ANyway karada wo odaijini nee!
comel sungguh baby SN buat muka camtu..nak gigit2..
Skang nie mmg tgh musim batuk+demam...
cute la dio wat mato gitu..xnapok sikit pum tahi mata hahah..comam2..
get well soon ne!
p/s: baru baca entri psl balik mesia tu hehhe gurau bewok..lamo doh x sebut hehhe
huhu.comelnye dia wat muka camtu..get well soon ok for both of u..
Alaaa get well soon both of you!
Baby SN smakin comel! :)
Video egg tu, I've seen it done before and heard people do use this method, tapi when konon I wanted to try, it seemed like nothing happened even if I huffed and puffed! ;p ker salah teknik? keke
thanx 4 the tips..for me kalo nak cepat masak..ikan & ayam lepas beli, i terus cuci & marinade. so nnt defrost terus masak..:D cukup sesuai tuk siapkan bento hubby disubuh hari. kalo utk bento, biasa mlm tu i bwh turun benda beku tu bwh turun fridge bwh.
hihihihih..SN idung leleh cam miya...heeeee..
chewah...aksi menarik dan tertarik..
get well soon.. kot2 demey ghindu.horla.kade2 teghingak pon jadi demey deh??
thanks all for your wish & doa..syanag korang semua
reita >> i pun x pernah buat lg, nanti weekend ni nak try hehe
mama miya >> bagus gak wat gitu kan? nti i nak wta gitu gak la
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