I watched Dr Phil's show in You.Tue few weeks ago, and I come upon the episode where a 7 year old daughter was complaining that her mother was ignoring her when she was talking to her mom.
It made that 7 year old girl feel sad because she feels like ignored when sometimes she was trying to tell her mom a very important thing but her mom wont listen to her because her mom was so busy checking others' status on the Face.book!.
That 7 y/o girls can tell how she feels sad when her mom ignores her, but all my baby could do to get my attention are climbing on my chair and sit on my lap, pull my hand and shout as loud as he could so that I'd give him the attention that he asked for.
From now on, I'll try as hard that I could to give more attention to my SN so that he wont feel ignored. FB can wait, plus I don't really have to be busybody about others' life when my life wont be complete without my baby.
I don't want to miss anymore valuable moments in my child's life because I can't travel back to the past. As for FB, I could always see previous post by just clicking on the "Older Post" button.
I'm not saying that I won't be FB-ing anymore, but I promised to myself that I'll be on FB only when my child is asleep so that when he's wide awake, I'll always be by his side whenever he needed me.
The questions to ponder is HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH?. There are other important things in life to look into. I'm not saying FB-ing is bad, but if it has go to the extent where you are neglecting other important things in your life, then you must do some cross-check into this issue.
When I spent more time with him, I'm sure I'll be rewarded with the happiness that no one else can give to me except him. Watching him laughing out loud over some silly acts by me has make my day.
+- p/s: Dear Kak Nur, SN was trying to pronounced "Mok Long" in this video. check out min 3:12 in this video -+
If FACE.BOOK ever shut down, you'd see people aimlessly walking round streets, :-
• scribbling on walls,
• poking each other,
• searching for their friends,
• thumbs-upping,
• commenting at everything they see and
• tagging one another.
Source: Thought Pick
Pssssttt: How about u guys?. Do you think you are spending more time on the net especially on FB without realizing the fact that you are spending less time with your loved ones?.
~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~

19 words of wisdom & comments:
ada org kata FB membahagiakan depa tau huhuhu
fb oh fb...ado pro n cons la key...
fb hanya time selang keje or time break di tmpt keje.
blik rumah..
blog takde..
fb pun takde..
totally tuk anak2 n rumah2
nak2 dah ade 2 ank nih...
mmg waktu lapang,aderlah tido sbb klu energy tak cukup melayan fb or blogging tim2 2 org askar tu tgh tido..
#kan blog dan jugak fb tu sampingan jer.
bukan penting2 sgt pun...
klu takde,takdelah kiamat dunia.
betul. fb can wait. =)
Very true, sometimes FB melekakan, for newly wed like me, kadang2 terlepas borak2 ngn hubby bila dia balik kerja sebab 'konon' sibuk layan FB hehe where we should actually cherish our moments wif loved ones.....
Yes, FB can wait ;P
Ur SN sangat2 adorable! suko suko hehe ;)
true! as for me, if the person really need to speak, keep in touch etc. they can always call.
Tapi aku punya kes... mak sibuk baca komik dan main age of empires.. anak sebok tgk elmo!
kakyong jrg2 buka FB.. dah lama tak semak status kwn2.. tu lah x tau sgt apa perkembangan kawan..
kalo teringat dgn seseorg baru la g jengah FB dia.. buleh tak gitu.. heheh..
so zaman addicted dah lebih 1 tahun++ berlalu.. & rasanya byk pengisian lain yg lebih baik..
just my 2 cent..
fb?mokcik tak aktif lor ;)
tengok gitu2 je!gian nanti susah heheheheehe
pang!! slap on my face too!! oh bukan fb saja, belog pun cam same je. hik hik.. dok klik baca sana sini belog orang. ahaha.. tp pandai manage time pun dah ok kan. time dia tido baru la ngadap pc, kalau dia jaga full time nak kene layan dia. ;D
guilty as charged, tho i x sgt leka ngan FB, more on blog i think. kalo bkn update blog sendiri, merayau kat blog org plak. family x suffer sgt coz i x online evening/night, but mannn, my work sure does. mcm mana nak cut down ni yetie oi? dah tahap addict dah ni
dulu maso dok NZ, meme knur bukok FB tu berjam2. loni mlm jah bulih. jd okla.
Awal2 dulu addicted lah gk tp skrg dh jd face-bored...huhu...
btol, sy x lyn sgt fb..serabut+pening kapla. cuma kenkdg upload gambo utk family kat mesia tgk n tinggal message2 penting jek. update status? nope! cause fb terlalu luas n umum, sy mahu privacy utk diri sdnri. cuma blog lbh dedicated, lgpon x suma org tahu add blog kita.
yg sy nampak fb bole buat fitnah n mndatangkan dosa he3...
aiyaaaa..keno etek atas muko kawe haha...skalo gak time budok² g skoloh la 100% fokus ko fb :P
tp kadey² tu, time bdk² balik sekoloh pun, gelenya nok bukok laptop jgk ekekke
Ahkak fid >> sekajap mungkin membahagiakan lah kot, laam2 mau pengsan anak kat rumah tunggu mak dia hehe
hanis >> btol2x, sumo bendo ado pro n cons deh
ayu >> yup, tepat sekali..anak lg penting
i_sofia >> aah, anak can't wait :)
zahira >> thanks 4 the compliment utk SN (SN blushing) eheh
jiji >> wakakka, nanti ko buat la entry pasal tu pulak from your own POV :)
k/yong >> tie ni yg addicted, skrg br terhegeh2 nk kurangkan huhu
munira >> bagusnya mokcik *kagum I*
asmara >> oops, sorry for the slap eheh :p
Oyis >> that is so true, me toooooooooooooooooooooooo. tulongggggg3x
k/nur >> lg OK lo ni la deh, more time with the kids dop?
affieza >> hahha, nice term - Face BORED i Like ;)
Idayu >> aah, selalunya upload gmbr nk bg family tgk. :)
eliza >> tu la, kade2 mace habit deh..sikit2 nk bukok FB padahal byk lg kijo nk buat
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