Lots of Japan’s summer activities are based around the places such as beaches, amusement parks and other family-oriented tourist attractions. We took the chance to visit a famous waterfall during the Ocean Day (umi no hi) holiday i.e national holiday to celebrate the ocean.
We went to visit one of Japan’s one hundred most picturesque waterfalls and selected as one of Japan's Top 100 Waterfalls. Harajiri Falls (in Japanese --> Harajiri no taki) is said to have formed from the accumulation of lava caused by a huge eruption of Kumamoto prefecture’s Mt. Aso about 90,000 years ago.
+- Masya Allah, what a breathtaking view -+
This waterfall, shaped like a 120-meter wide, 20-meter deep hole in the middle of Ogata plain, provides a powerful view when taken in from above and is majestically grand when seen from below. This waterfall is familiar to many through its pseudonym, “Niagara of the East”. The front of the waterfall can be viewed from the downstream bridge.
+- cuma air je yang berani terjun kat sini -+
+- The upper part of the fall -+

It was scorching hot that day that I have to wear the "gardener's hat" of mine together with the UV umbrella all the time. You may say I'm mengada-ngada bajet puteri lilin, but we were there around 12 noon so you can imagine how hot it is during that time and how 'nice' the sun rays is shining towards us.

+- mak budak yang bajet puteri lilin

There are also restaurants and local shops selling handicrafts and other fresh product. Near the waterfall there is also a big wooden waterwheel. A water wheel is a machine for converting the energy of free-flowing or falling water into useful forms of power.

Japan is still a terrific place for nature observation, despite the concrete jungles having rapidly overtaken most of Japan’s marshes, satoyama landscapes and forests. Do you know that 80% of Japanese land is mountain and 66% of it is covered in forest, and no matter where you are, you can never be more than 100km away from the sea with 2500 km of coast to be explored. I'll share another experience of us visiting other interesting places in Kyushu Island this summer,

#Info of the place gathered from: here
Psssstttt : musim summer kat Jepun adalah lebih panas berbanding dengan cuaca di Malaysia,

~ Thanks for reading this (^-*) ~

15 words of wisdom & comments:
nak gi taki gak....
boley rasa SEJUK air tue...
pics pow lawa :))
comannyoooo sero nok g etep... stuju2 srupo niagara lamo doh teringin nok g niagara tuhh huhu...
shantek..harajiri tu cam nama jawa pon ada hahahaha
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh cantekknyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! mmg teringat kat Niagara sekali tengok ahahahahaha.
Baby SN tak menggelupur nak mandi ke ? ehehehe
lawanyaa taki tu...nak pegi jugak laa cm ni..bila la ada feluangg..huhu...
sume pic cantik2 :)
masyA Allah, cantknya Tie... nak g jugak... xde org mandi ke kat situ...
masya Allah lawa nya ciptaan Allah. supo lukis2 gitu, tp hok benar2!
cantiknya warna airnya yg kehijauan...
comeynyolah bumi ciptaan Allah ni kan..
weh, demo oghe Tumpat jugok ko?? Husben zaila oghe Berangan Tumpat;)
Subhanallah...cantiknya yatie...
Suka pic sefamily tu....
ayu >> nanti dh posa, x leh la nak pi taki dah ;)
hanis >> tu la, ore pung berang ekonon2 di niagar doh la hari tu
atoyis >> ada eh nama jawa cenggitu? hik3x
k/izan >> kat sini x leh mandi...lepas tu kami pi mandi sungai pulak..best wooo
anum >> meh la dtg area sini , leh gi taki tu
k/yong >> kat sini xleh mandi leh amik gmbr je
oyis >> tu la, damai jah tgk air terjun tu key
rai >> jernih je air dia, lansung x de sampah
zaila >> aah ore chabe 4 tok mek ngoh. dekat la tu kapong hubby zaila dgn kapong ore
ummu AS >> payah nk amik pic sefamily tu, budak kecik tak nak duduk diam2
salam kenal, mbak..... kami minggu depan tanggal 4 feb mau ke oita, gimana caranya ke harajiri waterfall ya?? soale kita naik transportasi umum, bukan mobil pribadi..... tolong bagi2 infonya ya..... makasih....
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