The vernal equinox in Japan is celebrated by visiting the graves of people who have passed away as a way of honoring the dead. In Japanese language it is known as 'Shunbun No Hi', is celebrated all over Japan and is a time for cleaning the graves of ancestors. It is also common to leave gifts of fruit and rice cakes on the gravesides which are believed to make the passage to the afterlife easier. The day of the equinox is a public holiday
*close up of cherry blossom flower*
We took the chance during this spring equinox public holiday to tour around the Maizuru-Koen (park) area to take a look at the cherry blossoms tree (sakura). Maizuru park is composed mainly of Fukuoka castle grounds and is bounded on two sides by the what remains of the castle walls and moat. It is a very pleasant place to stroll, particularly on a moonlit night in cherry blossom season. In the center of the park on top of the mighty castle walls is a viewing platform from which most of the city is visible. The park also contains the Heiwadai athletics track.
Though the weather is a little bit warmer than during the winter, it is still consider cold due to the windy and breezily heavy blow of wind from the open area of the lake. Thus, we didn't spent so much time at the park..lepas snap few pics, cepat2 masuk dalam kereta hohoho.
*baby SN tengah "geram" dengan bunga sakura*
Somehow it make me missed last year's spring season when I was carrying baby SN inside my tummy sebab masa tu I asyik panas je, jadi rasa seronok jalan2 sebab pakai jaket nipis pun rilek je. Last year, during this early of Spring season hubby & I was on a tour to Nagasaki --> *read : Journey to Nagasaki (part 1) --> Saikabashi Park, Journey to Nagasaki (part 2) --> Huis Ten Bosch, Journey to Nagasaki (part 3) --> the rest of Huis Ten Bosch, Journey to Nagasaki (part 4) --> Isahaya Koen, Journey to Nagasaki (part 5) --> Atomic Bomb Museum and Journey to Nagasaki (part 6) --> Hot Spring & Volcano*. This year punya Spring Season pulak, baby SN yang excited tengok bunga2 berkembang mekar ececece.
*nice reflection of the bridge*
*posing ala2 berangan model kalendar sakura by mommy & baby SN hik3x*
#info gathered from : allvoices, world events guide#
Pssssttt : weekend ni ada picnic kat bawah pokok sakura beramai2, harap2 langit cerah dan tak sejuk sangat *walaupun ikut forecast : suhu 13°C* hohoho
27 words of wisdom & comments:
sayee rase shawl kita sama laa.. will upload picture later.. hahaa..
bestnye tgk landscape sana...
aussie ni kering kontang aje...takat rumput yg sekali sekala hijau & pokok makanan koala aje..
weeee..syok giler haihhh..
ni baby ke mummy die yg amik kesempatan bergumbira ni hahaha...
yatie, comey tudung...
mmg feeling model la kalo suasana gini..hehe..enjoyy!!
ala cantiknya cik i wish to be there during spring, tapi nampaknye my boss yang akan ke Jpn next month...tu la, sapa suruh me gatal2 book airasia pergi bercuti..terlepas peluang nk g Jpn lagi..
cantiknyee... bunga sakura.. santekk sgt pic u all....
aku pun teruja nengok bungan sakura tu..bila nak bergambar bawah pohon sakura ni..
" ya no sato mo.."betul ke ayat tuh?
heeee,ingt2 lupa la lagu sakura ni.dulu blaja bhs jepun mase mude2 dulu..
musim bunga sakura ye yatie,besnye..cantek2 pic tu..
cantik ye bunga sakura..patut baby SN tgk bunga sakura..hehehe
how I wish I could have the same experience!
dulu aku ingat bunga sakura ni poko ceri!
salam yatie,
dah nak tukar season yea..cni pun sama dah nak masuk panas..sgt panas!!
cantiknye view kat sana..tgk pokok sakura..teringat kat 'osheen'..cite gadis jepun ms kecik2 dulu;)
Subhanallah.. Cantik sangat view ciptaan Allah..ish..ish..tahap kejelesan akak dah meluap-luap kt Yatie ni..teringin weh nak pi Jepun.
Salam Kak Yatie,
Cantiknya pemandangan, Sangat suka melihatnya. Rasa tiba2 esok nak terbang sana. kekeke. berangan je ni ^__^
sakura ii yo..~~ lalala~~ sakura neh nk sponsor g sanow eh?
haru kettei~~ jepun meraikan vernal equinox ye? baru tahu. cepat ye dah berbunga..cantik!
nengok bunga sakura tu, rasa teringin nak g jepun....dah tak leh jugak nak sampai....tgk lam blog yatie pun jadila...bertuah babySN....dpt pegang bunga sakura tu...mmg cantik..tertarik..the bombbbb
dah lama teringin nak tengok bunga sakura.bila la jadi realiti..
bestnye duk jepun..salam kenalan,jom tukar link n follow each other..i dh follow u..:)
bestnye duk jepun..salam kenalan,jom tukar link n follow each other..i dh follow u..:)
sakura berkembangan.... memang menawan...
salam para2 sakura
hehehehe.. gurau pagi sabtu.
kak nur suka sangat sakura. but i feel sad when hubby went to japan for a year ak nur x dpt ikut sekali. takpelah itu zaman dulu....
yuk ke rumah..
yatie...check out khazanah scholarship!
angah alifah >> oo ye ke, upload jgn x upload hehe
mama miya >> ok jugak tu ada koala..kat sini xde ;)
eila >> tu la, ala2 berangan jd model ekeke
dbalkis >> u should come here during spring..baru best ;)
mummy aqil >> pics berangan jd model sakura walaupon hakikatnya xde org nk amik jd model eheh
eliss >> meh sini, aku amik gmbr ko bwh sakura nanti ;)
ibunafis >> x tau jugak, yati x reti nyanyi lagu jepun hik3x
lieza >> tu la,jakun semacam je baby SN
k.nur >> come here next year ;)
jiji >> ekkeke, ok..skrg dh tahu kan? :D
nani >> oo dh nk msk panas ye..sini still sejuk lg
ummu Ammar >> mmg canti kak..mmg setiap kali tgk rasa hebatnya ciptaan Allah ;)
Dayah >> marilah terbang ke sini dgn kadar segere...woooooshhh ehehe
izza >> mari2x..suruh hubby sponsorlah ekekeke
nadiah >> aah diorg raikan. kami pulak raikan cuti tu ehehe
mam syaza >> ok nanti yati buh lg gmbr sakura byk2 ;)
k.hamizah >> nti ajak family dtg jenjalan sini ok ;)
hazlina >> jom2x, tukar link ;)
idasm >> cantik menarik da bomb ngeee
nur >> ok, nti yatie singgah rumah k nur ;)
tulip >> thanks babe!
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