Konnichiwa. Dah lama tak bawak u all jalan2 pusing Japan kan?. Lately my blog entry asyik duk bercerita pasal myself je, so today I'm gonna share one more Japanese Custom & Culture with you which is known as The Yanagawa Hina-Matsuri Sagemon Meguri (Yanagawa Doll's Festival). Last year, I've already wrote about the history of Hina Matsuri *click here*, so for those of you who are interested to find out more about the history of Hina Matsuri, kindly read that post la ye.
This Yanagawa Doll's Festival is held annually at Yanagawa. This city is located in the Chikugo region in the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture *about 2 jam jugak lah perjalanan dengan kereta* huhuhu. Yanagawa offers a boat rides journey down the canal which is the most popular attraction among tourists visiting Yanagawa. The excursion boats take about an hour to make the trip down the 4km-long canal, and the scenery is excellent during all four seasons. But then, since we went there at the end of winter; tak banyak lagi la bunga2 dan daun2 pada pokok2 crimson foliage di sepanjang Sungai Yanagawa ni.
The boat travels gently downstream past those crimson foliage trees along the river banks. *masa ni siap mummy rasa nak nyanyi lagu "row row row your boat gently down the stream" kat baby SN*

Talking about the custom pulak, Sagemon (hanging dolls) are a custom that Japanese will do when a baby girl is born. The relatives and close associates make dolls with colorful fabric workmanship unique to the Yanagawa region and display them on both sides of a tiered doll stand called a Hinadan.These dolls can be seen at all of the tourist facilities in the city during the Yanagawa Hina Matsuri Festival held from the February 11 through April 3 every year. During the festival season, you can find gorgeous Hina dolls and pretty decorations all around the town.
As we didn't went for the boat ride, we've decided to walk around the city and had come across to the Doll Museum: "Ohana" which was built in 1697 as a villa for the Tachibana family, the lord of Yanagawa Castle. It is now used as a history museum and also features a restaurant and inns. *Tapi kami tak masuk pun dalam muzium, posing kat luar je

The sight of little girls in bright kimono riding on river boats is supposed to be the main attraction on that particular day. But, since we went a little bit late to the place..we had missed to watch the girls wearing kimono riding the boat. However, we've bumped into two cute-cheeky little girls wearing kimono and mummy pun tergedik2 lah suruh baby SN posing di sisi awek Jepun tu *kawaiiiiii ne?*. At least, these two little girls has give us the chance to enjoy this colorful girls' festival walaupun agak terlewat tiba di tempat kejadian huhuhu.
These city of water, with multiple canals running throughout the town, was converted from what were once moats around the castle. Yanagawa and its canals look different in every season, and the Japanese said if you’re lucky you might find a bride on the Donko-bune boat! And guess what?..Yup, mind you.......we are lucky!. On the way back to the parking lot, the boat-man told me that there's a wedding ceremony on that day and the bride will pass through us just in a few minutes. Thus we took the chance to wait for the bride to congratulates them *walaupun tak kenal, tetap sibuk2 nak enter-frame*

There's 2 obaachan sitting next to me and baby SN which were the relatives to the bride. They were waving, shouting and launching the popping ribbon while the bride's boat passes through the bridge. Lepas tu, nenek2 ni ternampak baby SN duk tengok ribbon yang diorang pegang...terus diorang bagi ribbons tu kat baby SN kui3x.
We ended the trip to Yanagawa by enjoying the hot-spring pool situated nearby to the car-park area. Baby SN seems to enjoy the experience of watching the boat ride and putting his feet inside the hot-spring pool. Mummy & daddy pun enjoy this trip walaupun mula2 mummy merajuk dengan daddy

*cheeky little boy enjoying his first hot-spring experience*
*candid shot by daddy while mummy is showing the cherry blossom flower to baby SN*
Pssssssttt : merajuk punya pasal sampai tak sedar tudung senget benget

#info gathered from : khaosan fukuoka, jpntourism, japan travel guide
24 words of wisdom & comments:
wah happeningnye!! best best..kinda envy u dpt exp other ppl;s culture, unlike me stuck dgn matsalleh yg perasa ada culture. last2 we asians yg share culture with them. :D sibuk2 nak tempah baju kurung cam kita. hahaha..
psst my hubby lately sibuk merengek nak gi japan nak tgk sakura blooming sambil minum sake..eh silap kopi...LOL
bestnyer jepun kak yatie..uhuuuhuh..
mcm2 festival ade..bestnyerr..
aduh..berbelit nak sebut nama festival ni !
suka tengok bunga sakura!
errr ku ada kimono tapi tak tahu nak pakai nya hehehehe
ekekekeke..camner nak prononuce? bet nanti Baby SN will be cultured-man with this early exposure. Good for him!
And me, as always enjoy the scenery.
wah terbelit2 lidah kiter nak baca tajuknyer....dah rumah baru ek...catik cat rumah...sedap mata memandang
wah.. indahnye pemandangan.. teringin nak gi jepun.. tp xde rezeki lg nampaknye...huhu
cantiknyaaaaaaa.. seronoknya kalau dapat pegi sana...
nazhan nampak mcm da pandai respond appropriately..mesti die da start faham how to live a life..apetah kekti ckp ape ni..tp paham2 jela ye..ngee~~
bestnyer dapat dalan2....
sangatlah cantik kimono iteww...majuk-majuk itu tandanya sayang...huhu
cantik gambar, tak dapat pergi jepun tgk gambar pun oklah..hehe
syioknye tgk pemandangan jepang dari lappy aje..teringin sgt nk pegi, tp lom kesempatan :)
isy, jeles lagi. byk betul event kat sana. yatie takde kimono ke? kite teringin nak pakai kimono. rasa mcm comel je kalau pakai kimono..eheh..
Baca cite yatie ni rasa mcm kite pulak yang pegi bercuti kat situ..
Coz I like ur blog, I awarded you with Beautiful Blogger Award.. Check it out ya..
ambik awards kat blog kite yek
cantiknya scene di sana. terutama kat sungai tu. seronoknya baby SN dpt ribbon kan.
ooo hok nilah Ti royak ngaju dgn Solah ye. tapi mmg best tengok scenery tu. Knur raso knur ado tengok 2 doll jugok maso Culture Festivals sini. tapi bilo tanyo, org2 Jepun tu tok royak pung dio panggil dolls tu gapo.
wah.. bestnye...
cantik sgt ur shots n pemandangan tu semua.. tetibe terus rs teringin pegi jepun..
u nak sponsor i tak? heeeee..
haaaa comel la budak2 tu pakai kimono, eh i slalu dengar orang sebut kawai tapi tak tahu meaning huhuhu
haha majuk sampai tudung senget, comel la u yatie. ekekeke
yc..comeyla yept jepun ni.bilo nk sapa neh~~.
doll2 tu ibarat patung sembah ko? ko sajo2 peringatan?
kawaii baby SN disamping aweks cun =)
mama miya >> sakura mmg tgh blooming skrg ni...mmg cantek sgt..meh la jln2 sini ;)
nisa >> aah, meriah dgn mcm2 festival
munira >> betsnya ada kimono, i pun takde hik3x
Hanz >> i pon xreti nk pronounce eheh
mama aqish >> saje tukar selera sikit..chomeyl dak? ;)
safinah >> nanti dh ada rezeki le la dtg :)
echa >> cantik3x :)
kek ti >> nazhan mmg terlebih pehe lo ni..maroh sikit teriok berlagu2 huhuhu
firahadifa >> meh le jalan2 sini gak ;)
ayu arjuna >> i ni mmg kaki majuk .. ekekeke
nieda >> hehe nti i bwk u jln2 thru blog i lg ye ;)
huda >> insya Allah leh dtg nti ;)
nadiah >> i takde kimono sbb kimono mahal gile.
dbalkis >> thanks 4 the award..nti i gi kutip ;)
firahadifa >> dah amik..mekaceh :D
idasm >> tu la, siap dia mkn2 ribons tuh hik3x
k.nur >> aah hok ni la hok t ngaju nok gi sgt tuh hehe
farah5577 >> i sponsor accomodation free kat rumah i leh? hik3x
drama mama >> kawaii = chomeyl ;)
izza >> buke patung sembah, sbb ore dio xdop agamo. patung hiase jah la
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