Thanks for all the prayers from u guys in the previous entry: Terbang lagi. We have arrived safely in Fukuoka on Sunday night; though I have experience air-sickness during the KL-Seoul flight due to series of turbulence caused by bad weather condition during the flight.

*kaki terjulur keluar dari bassinet sebab baby SN dah tinggi*
#refer gambar lama kat entry: Home Sweet Home ♥
We had a nice time sightseeing in Korea for about 5 hours and I will blog about it later *kumpul bertimbun2 cerita2 basi

*left pic: tidur keletihan masa sampai airport Incheon*
*right pic: nangis sebab panas + letih + dahaga + lapar masa jalan2 kat Seoul*
*right pic: nangis sebab panas + letih + dahaga + lapar masa jalan2 kat Seoul*
Thankfully that the journey from Seoul-Fukuoka took us only 1hour 20mins *tak sempat pun nak letak baby SN dalam bassinet*. Baby SN has behaved himself; and the weather was nice too so I didn't encounter any air sickness problem during the flight.
Our first impression upon arriving to Fukuoka is that "Panassss weh!". Serius, Fukuoka panas gila!. Yup, Fukuoka s heating right now and the climate is surprisingly just as hot as Malaysia; ranging from 31-35°C. The only difference is that the weather in Malaysia is hot & humid but the weather in Fukuoka right now is hot & dry. To make thing worse is that buildings/houses in Japan are rarely equipped with ceiling fans. Luckily we had 2 air-conditions in our house and 1 standing fan *tapi air-cond takleh lah nak ON lama2 sebab bil elektrik adalah tinggi kat sini huhu*.
Japanese woman are very particular about their skin complexion thus it is normal to see that people are holding the UV-block umbrella and wearing the UV-protection hat everywhere. I still remember, back then in USM years (2002-2006) when I was being teased and laughed for using umbrella during the hot and sunny days. *Masa tu kampus Transkrian adalah sangat 'gondol'; takde pokok2 yang rimbun..jadi I memang berpayung sepanjang masa hohoho*.
To add up more on the heat formation is that I've got tonnes of work to be done that requires high concentration and deep immersions into whole new chapter of my study. I have to compile the report of my 2 months internship in Malaysia + submit a 4 pages summary of the respective report. In the same time, I have to start cracking my brain and forced my brain cell to do extra work as I had to draft new proposal plan for my study which mean --> new things to learn within short time; which also mean that less time for blogging *kalau tahu gitu, dah tu..stop tulis blog..pergi sambung wat kerja yang kononnya bertimbun2 tu

14 words of wisdom & comments:
welcome home..chewahh...kaki baby sn sama terjulur cam kaki mia
panas yek kt sne...wah bisa tuam ice nih hehe...selamat menyiapkan kerja yek mummy SN
ops...yatie.. u USM transkrian batch tahun apa? me USM Transkrian batch 2004.
alhamdulillah dah selamat sampai...
panas ek summer kat jepung... kalah kepanasan malaysia... erkss.. akak dulu asyik dok derma pitih kat vending machine je kalo summer tu....
**tader rezeki kita berjumpa aritu.. huhuh.. maybe next time yee..
haa...diorg gelak?
gelak la.
esok2 kalo diorg dpt skin cancer dulu, u gelakkan diorg balik
dah balik jepun ek... alhamdulillah dh slmt sampai... comel je kaki die terlunjur keluar tu... cmtu rupenye bassinet tu ek... hehe...
panje doh rambut nazhan. hantar nazhan ke hoikuen balik ko? mehla beraya sini..
good luck with ur new proposal my dear.
baby SN makin hensem lah dah besar nih. wah rumah takde fan how do u guys survive????
cuppycakemommy >> tu lah, dag terlebih panjang hehe
aien >> thanks dear
sofia >> batch 2002-2006. sofia grad thn bila?
k.laila >> samolah kito..hari2 dermo 150yen ko vending machine
isabelle >> aah, i siap ken akutuk lg sbb asyik berpayung ke sana sini huhu
ashanas >> nsb baik tidur tetap selsa wpon kaki terjulur hehe
murni >> hntar doh..teriokla mulo2 tokse dgn sensei
k.nur >> thanks darling
drama mama >> rumah skrg ada 2 aircond and 1 standing fan...tu pon bersinglet 24jam dlm rumah huhuhu
wahh syioknye bb sn dpt jln2 cuci mata tgk awek korea. hehehee... omenyer kaki dia terjulur.. hehehe
Alhamdulillah, dah selamat sampai..
semoga segera selesai kerja2 sekolah.. tp still dok excited nak tunggu ur next n3 ni...
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