If you read my entry : The Journey of Giving Birth to Baby SN, I did mentioned about a photoshoot with the management of our apartment right before I'm going to the hospital to give birth to baby SN. Apparently, last week the photographer wanted to do another photoshoot with all the resident that are residing in this Ryugakuse Kaikan Fukuoka International House.
** 1st photo shoot with the photographer while I was on the way to the hospital to give birth to baby SN. During the time this picture was taken, I'm having the every-3-minutes-contraction feeling, 3 hours after this picture was taken, baby SN was born to this world...nasib baik tak terbersalin kat sini..huhuhuh** ------>
The 2nd photoshoot started at 8.30a.m and was held in front of this 5 storey building. There were 5 families living in this building; 2 families from Korea, 1 family from Indonesia, 1 family from China-Germany (wife cina, hubby jerman) and 1 family from Malaysia (famili kitorang la nih hehehe). The picture and the story were published in the NishiNippon Newspaper dated 16th June 2009 however I cant really translate it as I don't understand it as well *ade sapa2 yang terer Nihon-go rasa nak tolong translatekan tak? wink wink*.
(Nishinippon newspaper ; 16th June 2009)
For those who cant read the Japanese character like me , just enjoy the picture of us. The small rounded picture of a guy is Mr Eisuke Yoshimura who is the founder of Fukuoka International Scholarship Foundation (the owner of this building). I purposely choose to wear pink dress for me and red shirt for hubby as I believe it will be obvious in the picture...and voila wallah...I'm 100% right!. *Hahaha.. dasar pompuan dalam pantang yang gila glemer *. Baby SN is sleeping in my arm so you cant really see his face *kalau tak tidur pon tak nampak gak, since I dukung camtu kan?*. Next to me is the 2 korean couple, followed by the china-germany couple and the Indonesian couple is at the far end. Those sitting in the front row are the management team of this apartment.
Psssttt: Syok gak bila tengok muka keluar kat suratkhabar negara orang sedangkan kat negara sendiri tak pernah pon. Kalau ada pon gambar hantar sendiri untuk ruangan 'gambar anda bersam artis' kat URTV time muda2 dulu ngeh3x.
yatie.. knp tak pakai baju merah..biar nampak lagi jelas..he.he..tak ramai ye tinggal di situ..lima keluarga sahaja..simpan keratan tu atau frame..nanti baby SN da besar, tunjukan pada dia..
myhasla >> kata management team, artikel tu pasal apartment ni. nak promote apartment ni utk international people yg tinggal kat fukuoka ni. eh, nape yatie tak dpt bukak blog myhasla erk?
"baby SN, the cutest & smartest baby currently in japan. born from a savvy mommy & brainy daddy. the mommy mengidam nak makan KFC time preggo..then mommy dia ada kawan yg cute kat melbourne nama mama-miya. mama-miya ada anak nama miya..melbourne tgh sejuk, unlike japan tgh panas giler cam msia lak kan? tp apa2 pun baby SN & family tetap bahagia"
tajuk utama tu saya paham maksud die..tapi x tau camner nak translate..huhu...lebih kurang macam passionately feel in supporting foreign students~ hoho
• A wife + mommy + student who is now living in the Ultraman's hometown;
••trying real hard to survive in her Permanent Head Damage studies. ○○○
••• She self-proclaimed herself as Yatie Chomeyl in order to sound & look cute. ○○○
••• Loves ♥ traveling + early childhood education + culture + entertainment + shopping!. ○○○
••• Her studies has bring her to lot of places in Europe and Japan; so the theme of her blog goes : "Spaghetti kuah percik, Sushi cicah budu".○○○
••• Enjoy her ramblings!.
This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memories running around my brain that require long term synthesis. I'm not here to brag on but to keep the memories alive.
Feel free to browse through it and read the contents written here BUT feel free also to notify me if you want to use my writings or my pictures at some other places (copyright reserved).
20 words of wisdom & comments:
knp tak pakai baju merah..biar nampak lagi jelas..he.he..tak ramai ye tinggal di situ..lima keluarga sahaja..simpan keratan tu atau frame..nanti baby SN da besar, tunjukan pada dia..
wah2 glemenya
perghh!! woghihku! ingat femes through sinar fm jah! miahahaha!!
kak NB >> yatie xde blous merah..tu yg pakai pink tuh. tp kire mencapap dah kot kaler pink tu hik3x. aah mmg simpan keratan ni, cuma x frame jer lg ;)
fid >> glemer pon x fhm sepatah apa yg di tulis..nk tlg translate ke? *wink wink*
woghih >> stended arr..ore key gelemr sokmo jak dulu lagi muahahah perase pah ceroh
yatie... okay lar tu dapat masuk paper. Story lar sket... article tu pasal apa yang sebenarnya. Sure depa dah story sket sebelum photoshot tu kan!
myhasla >> kata management team, artikel tu pasal apartment ni. nak promote apartment ni utk international people yg tinggal kat fukuoka ni. eh, nape yatie tak dpt bukak blog myhasla erk?
amboi2 glamournye. Nazhan pun masuk paper doh kecik2. hehehe
waahhh..glemer mak ngah! beby SN pun kene tempias glemer mommy die tuh..tapi kami kat m'sia x paham ape yg om jopun tuh tulih...hehe!
kak nur >> tu lah, siap masuk paper jepun lg tuh hehe
ita >> mommy & daddy baby SN pon tak fhm sepatah haram apa yg ditulis kat dlm paper tuh,kitorg tgk gmbr je ngeh3x
meh sini i translate kan apa paper tu kata..
"baby SN, the cutest & smartest baby currently in japan. born from a savvy mommy & brainy daddy. the mommy mengidam nak makan KFC time preggo..then mommy dia ada kawan yg cute kat melbourne nama mama-miya. mama-miya ada anak nama miya..melbourne tgh sejuk, unlike japan tgh panas giler cam msia lak kan? tp apa2 pun baby SN & family tetap bahagia"
betul tak translation i?
jgn lupa potong keratan akhbar n simpan....
frame kan weh esok anak hang besar kasi tunjuk@!~
tajuk utama tu saya paham maksud die..tapi x tau camner nak translate..huhu...lebih kurang macam passionately feel in supporting foreign students~ hoho
mama miya >> owh, gitu maksud dia ye..hehehe i anggap betul 100% lah ur translation *wink wink*
ana >> aah memang simpan sampai ke tua la ni hik3x
jiji >> harap2 time tu baby SN dah reti baca tulisan jepun, leh tlg translate utk mommy & daddy dia kan?
shamim >> oooo...tu ke maksud dia tenkiu3x
wahh..glamer tuuu..syoknye tgk muka sendiri kat paper...satu jepun tu tgk tuu..hehe
eila >> org jepun tgk gitu2 je kot, kitorg la yg beria tgk muka sendiri kuar paper hehe
memang la terserlah dan mengena taktiknyer...mmg giler glamour betul...hikhikhik..suruh sensei2 ucu la translatekan..
angah >> biaserlah, mcm la angah x tahu lg perangai ucu hik3x
hihi..famousla baby SN nih..tecik2 dah masuk paper =)
nani >> muka baby SN tak nmpk pon..mommy yg over ngeh3x
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