What is the perfect place to celebrate your 1st wedding anniversary?.
A: Sea cruise --> NOT a perfect place if one of you is having sea-sickness
B: Romantic Dine out --> NOT a perfect place if you are living in the country where it is not easy to look for halal restaurant
C: Vacation in a deserted island --> NOT a perfect place when you have a 2 month old baby to tag along
D: Robo Square --> EXACTLY a perfect place especially if both you and your spouse are so much into engineering and technical thingy.
(at the entrance of the Robo Square)
What the heck is Robo Square?. Meh duk dekat2 dengan I , let me tell you about it. This is the world’s first robot science museum that offers hands-on experiences. The museum collects 143 robots in 44 kinds and consists of three zones where you can meet the latest robots, communicate with the robots, and learn about robotic development.
Inside what looks like a typical shopping mall which is known as TNC building, within 2min walking distance of the Fukuoka Tower, it is definitely one of the most amazing mall we've ever visited: Robosquare. It's a combination of robot technology museum, research facility, toy store for geeks and on top of that it a perfect place to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary! .
In the spacious visitor area there are dozens of robots on display. Some are for sale; others are just to marvel at. Off to the side behind glass windows is an assembly and research area where you can watch technicians work on various robotic projects. Everywhere you turn, there is something to excite the senses. Besides that, the robo-girl that gives explanation on the featured robot can converse in English fluently (which is rare case in here as everybody is using Japanese everywhere huhuhu).
(ternganga mulut tengok robot)
The most interesting robot for me is Seal Type Mental Commit Robot known as PARO. Paro is modeled after a baby harp seal. Paro has been developed for those who cannot take care of real animals and those who live in places where pet-animals are forbidden. Paro is covered with soft artificial fur to make people feel comfortable, as if they are touching a real animal.
Paro has five kinds of sensors: tactile, light, audition, temperature, and posture sensors, with which it can perceive people and its environment. With the light sensor, Paro can recognize light and dark. He feels being stroked and beaten by tactile sensor, or being held by the posture sensor. Paro can also recognize the direction of voice and words such as its name, greetings, and praise with its audio sensor. Paro can learn to behave in a way that the user prefers, and to respond to its new name. By interaction with people, Paro responds as if it is alive, moving its head and legs, making sounds, and showing your preferred behavior. Paro also imitates the voice of a real baby harp seal *owh, sangat2 chomeyl*.
Other than Paro, they had also a Hello Kitty robot on display. It amazed me as this robot is able to hold a conversation, and it can sing songs if you ask. Strange technology yet interesting to enjoy. It is soon to be released on Nov 11, with retail price of 450 000 yen (RM 17000) hohoho.
There are also a dog robo named Aibo that can moved upon being touched. It can grab a toy as it eyes were equipped with sensor to detect things around it. Another exciting robot is a dinasour robot named Pleo that has received Engadget Awards Robot Of The Year : 2007 .
So, here's a tips for couples out there who wish to celebrate your wedding anniversary --> find something unusual to make your day and go to a place where both of you will enjoy the time without troubling your little one. This way, you will cherished your love without spending so much money as spending money might caused another trouble after the supposed to be love celebration.
Pssstt: sesekali sambut ulangtahun perkahwinan techno-style pon cool jugak ..walaupun bunyi nya agak nerd hohoho.
12 words of wisdom & comments:
woah yatie!!! nak paro sekor!! Hang ternak la weh!!
tempat camni boleh buat my hubby lupa dunia, lupa daratan & segalanyer...naperlah kat Mesia takder???
wahhhh one in a million punya celebration ni, jarang jumpa. hehe
tapi kat jepun bole la kan kat mesia mana ada tempat2 camni kan
unic clebration...
hehehe simple but nice cayalah...
nak sekor..
jiji >> nanti nak pi curi mak Paro, baru leh ternak hahaha
hanz >> one day mesti ada tempat mcm ni kat Msia..cuma tak tahu bila lah kan?
drama mama >> kat Msia pun agaknya byk gak tmpt2 best yg unik utk celebrate wnniversary (^-*)
erinsz >> nak sekor? mulih2, meh bank in 17K kat I, i dapatkan untuk u ngeeeee
kat jepun benda2 gitu mmg byk, kn? bab teknologi diorg mmg advance.
hehe...comel la baby SN! jelir lidah kat mummy dia ke? :D
wah..manyaknye gobot!!
SN tak mintak satu ke sebelum balik? kalau miya tu, mesti dia dah nak kidnap dah tu. skang ni pun vacuum cleaner kat rumah ni dia buat cam pet dia. dia main tunggang2 coz agaknye dia imagine tu robot gajah.
nurul nk hello kitty bole...hehe
out of topic jap! yatie, best laa ur baby carrier yg ur husband guna tu. siap leh wat cradle position lagi. heeee. what brand eh? saje nak tau. i dok fikir nak beli babybjorn tp i'm still open for options... :P
p.s. baby SN lahir biler ek? rasa cam dekat jer ngan my baby. my baby was born on 04-July-2009. :)
hahaha.giler romantik celebrate kat tmpt tu.
anyway, we hv no choice kan bila dah ada anak. boleh mmg boleh, tapi susah skit la.
nadiah >> aah, jepun mmg terror bab2 robot nih
mama miya >> baby SN titun time tgk robot tuh..lgpon dia x reti mintak2 lagi hehe
nurul >> bole2x, nti yatie pi beli ngeeee
mrs bride >> carrier tu brand Combi Ninna Nanna. leh wat 4 position dan leh pakai from 0-30months. best2x.
baby SN lahir few days earlier, on 26th May
isabelle >> tu la pasal, nk p tgk wayang mmg takleh langsung dah hohoho
adeiii - bnyak robot2 di sana
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