CHOMEYL thinker to create CHOMEYLNESS among other CHOMEYLIERS

If you would not want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing --> Benjamin Franklin

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Saturday 28 March 2009

Award & Hari Kegelapan Jam Bumi (EARTH HOUR)

First of all, I would like to say thanks to Ayu for giving me the award. Dah amik award 2-3hari lepas tp baru hari ni tulis entry...sungguh kurang sopan. Ekekekeke..

So, I would like to spread this award to all of the blog that are listed at the right side of my blog here. Nak list sume ke? Okie dokie...dengan rajinnya I copy paste...ekekeke

Blog Aku Menelaah :-
Although some of the blog owner never did visit my blog, but I wanted to give this award to the blog that I love reading. So, pick up your award guys!


Owh...okie, just to remind you guys yang hari ini ialah hari kegelapan!
As some parts of the world is talking about this Earth Hour (jam bumi) thingy, I dont want to be left behind la kan (kena lah jadi up-to-date sikit..baru stylo).

A short history on how it started :- On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour. This massive collective effort reduced Sydney's energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour. Inspired by the collective effort of millions of Sydneysiders, many major global cities are joining Earth Hour in 2008,, turning a symbolic event into a global movement.

Now, for 2009 the Earth Hour will be today!!!! So, ingat ye kawan2...switch off the light today at 8.30-9.30pm sebagai tanda sokongan. Setapak langkah yang kecil boleh membawa kepada jangkauan langkah yang lebih besar di masa hadapan.

Psttt: hari ini ialah hari yang sangat busy untuk hubby & I. Kena bangun pagi2 untuk angkut perabot2 yang di beli last 2 weeks --> lepas tu tumpang letak kat rumah Kak Yati --> lepas tu berkejar ke Nagano Clinic untuk appointment dengan midwife & dietician --> pastu balik rumah kemas barang untuk pindah umah hari selasa ni --> pastu kena layan konsert minggu ke 3 AF7 (masa ni kena light off dah) --> pastu kalau tau busy ngape update blog? :p

nota kaki busuk: this entry was prepared on Friday night and meant to be scheduled to appear in this blog on saturday morning. harap maklum :p

1 words of wisdom & comments:

Berusaha n tawaqal!! said...

wahhhh..thank u..first award ever!!..tengokla dunia.wakakkakaka..over lak...;p

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