Saturday's activity :- Picking up the electrical items that we buy & moved it to Kak Yatie's house --> headed to Nagano clinic for the 30th weeks check-up with Dr Nagano, dietician & midwife (i'll update about the check-up later) --> rushed to Kashii to buy halal meat and Thai rice (tekak ni still tak selera nak makan beras jepun yang sangat glutinous) --> stopped by at Nishi Koen to enjoy Hanami at night!
Okie dokie..wth is Hanami? 'Hana' means flower and 'mi' simply means looking at, thus the word 'Hanami' means looking at flower (apa kejadah takde kerja tengok bunga isk3x). Its not ordinary flower ok, its the famous-amous 'Sakura'!
Sekarang sakura sedang berkembang mekar di merata2 tempat kat Jepun, but it wont last very long sebab tu semua orang sekarang di landa kegilaan bergambar dengan sakura sambil makan2 kat bawah pokok sakura (peringatan: makanan tidak akan menjadi bertambah lazat eventhough makan bawah pokok sakura ataupun makan bawah pokok bunga tahi ayam!).
Nishi-koen is the public park to see sakura that is situated at Chuo Ward area in Fukuoka prefecture and about 10-15-min walk from Ohori Koen subway station. There were also few stalls selling foods set up in the park during this Hanami thingy.
As the road was a little bit steep, I almost fell down a couple of time while walking. So, I decided to walk macam membongkok time mendaki, and to walk macam menyandar time menuruni jalan tu.....semakin memboyot la nampak perut daku ni kan...
The stalls were selling various kind of Japanese foods ( takleh nak tulis la jual apa coz I dont really know the name of the foods), games, mask and etc. Somehow this place has created the 'pasar-malam' feelings in my heart and for a while, I really feels like I'm back in Malaysia.

(main tangkap ikan kot..tak pon bagi makan kat ikan)

(satay Jepun)

(pilih2 nak topeng apa...macam2 ada)

(sila jangan fokus pada incik penjual, tp fokus pada pisang celup coklat berhias)
But the 'pasar-malam-malaysia' feelings quickly disappeared bila nampak di sekeliling ialah orang jepun yang pakai jaket tebal2 tapi skirt pendek...hairan2x..agaknya badan diorang je sejuk, kaki tak sejuk isk3x.

(sila fokus makcik yg tgh jln kat blkg tu, skirt pendek atas lutut & jaket tebal)

(incik hubby sgt excited nak bergambar dengan pisang celup cekelat)
We bought 'takoyaki' (kuih jepun ada inti sotong yang di masak dalam bekas acuan macam kuih cara). Its really delicious and very2 kenyang. Hubby and I dont have to eat dinner that nite because we were so full after being able to finish all the 8 bijik of takoyaki for the price of 500yen (RM20).
We sat on the staircase coz we didnt really plan to picnic there for a long time (giler sejuk takkan nak picnic lama2 pulak, hingus beserta mukus hijau dah meleleh2 keluar dari hidung). We have a nice view of the park from the staircase, the Japanese seems to have lots of fun doing nothing than spending time chatting with the loved one. Relaxing and entertaining activity to spend quality time with family, i really like the idea of Hanami!.
After finishing 6 bijik of the takoyaki, we call the day off and headed home with full stomach and luvly memorable experience of our 1st ever Hanami!.
10 words of wisdom & comments:
wah..sgt cantik itu sakura..bole pos ke malaysia?hehehehe...kidding k..
bulih2, xde dh smp msia nanti kot2 dah layu kot hik hik hik
ops...aku ter'pokus' pada pakcik yg jual banana choco iteww....mcm pelakon/penyanyi lak....
dah agak dah mesti semua nk fokus kat muka incik penjual tu...sbb tu dh letak caption macam tu siap2 :p
kami pun p c2 gak.. tp xjupe plak?.. sbb kami p siang!kih3x..abg zaki suka ngan bana celup coklat 2.. siap srh uat lg..tgk mood chef dlu la camne;)
kak liza, kitorg x beli pon banana celup cekelat tuh sbb dh kenyang sgt makan takoyaki. nsb baik incik hubby x order nak makan pisang tu, kalau x jenuh jugak chef ni nak buat.
psssstt: slmt mencelup pisang ke dlm cekelat ;)
ucu, kim salam kat incik penjual pisang celup coklat tu yer...:P
rasa takoyaki tu macam mana..ada tak rasa apa2 makanan kat malaysia ni..
angah gatai :p
rasa takoyaki cam kuih cara gak, lembut2 camtu cuma ada inti sotong kat tengah2 tu je nyer...nak p sana gak :(
meh la dtg ;)
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