As you know, I am always interested into joining contest and giveaway organized by other bloggers. Setakat ni I dah pernah menang 3 hadiah dari contest2 yang I join.. best2x hehe.Walaupun baru 1x menang grand prizes dan yang lain tu cuma consolidation prizes je, doesnt matter lah kan, janji dapat gak free goodies hehe saper tak suka dapat barang free kan?
Yesterday, I was informed by Reita K that I've won the Grand Prize for Bloggivessary Contest ..yeay...*seronok2x...lompat2x atas tilam spring sambil dukung baby Nazhan*. The prize is a shopping voucher at selected outlet in Malaysia. Okey, okey..I know I cant use it here so I decided to give it as a belated birthday gift to my luvly MIL since I didnt give her anything during her wait2x..I ada bagi hadiah kat umi lah..I bagi umi hadiah yang tak pernah ada siapa2 bagi kat umi sebelum ni...... apa dia ???
Shafiq Nazhan is the best gift that I can give to umi on her birthday since baby SN was born 3days before umi's birthday hik3x. Nazhan is umi's first grandchild and he is also the first grandson in my cop cop..melalut pulak ke cerita baby SN..padahal tadi tengah cite pasal hadiah contest kui3x.
Occay back to the topic, I joined the contest pun dah last minute sangat. I posted the entry about the contest few minutes before the dateline..sanggup angkut lappy masuk dalam bilik dan menaip entry kat atas katil lepas baby SN dah tidur..alhamdulillah tak sia2 usaha I hehe. Anyway, Reita also mentioned that she's going to organized another contest later . .... so stick around at her blog for more information about the next contest.
For another contest i.e MANJAKU HAPPY giveaway, I received 5% discount voucher on shopping at the online shop as one of the consolidation prize. I like it because hopefully I can get something from the shop for baby Nazhan, erm perhaps those luvly cloth diapers..
Psssttt: tak rugi pon join contest2 kat blog sebab tak kena guna duit pon melainkan spend sikit masa dan perah sikit idea..hik3x..jom2x masuk contest lagi. ada I letak kat dropdown list "link contest" kat sidebar I nih >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• A wife + mommy + student who is now living in the Ultraman's hometown;
••trying real hard to survive in her Permanent Head Damage studies. ○○○
••• She self-proclaimed herself as Yatie Chomeyl in order to sound & look cute. ○○○
••• Loves ♥ traveling + early childhood education + culture + entertainment + shopping!. ○○○
••• Her studies has bring her to lot of places in Europe and Japan; so the theme of her blog goes : "Spaghetti kuah percik, Sushi cicah budu".○○○
••• Enjoy her ramblings!.
This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memories running around my brain that require long term synthesis. I'm not here to brag on but to keep the memories alive.
Feel free to browse through it and read the contents written here BUT feel free also to notify me if you want to use my writings or my pictures at some other places (copyright reserved).
11 words of wisdom & comments:
yeay yippie! mmg bess menang contest!! tahniah!
Kak e kena rajin cam yatie lah eekkkk baru boleh ada peluang nak menang kan ;)
Congrates dear! Jgn lompat2 tau..pantang x abis lg=)
Bestnye kan bila usaha berbalas ^^
farah >> tenkiu ;)
umi_e >> btul2x..meh2x join segala macam contest
nani >> hehe lompat sikit2 je..lgpon pantang dh nk habis hr ahad ni yeeha
yippie.....tolong yatie syiok sama....mmg gumbira kalo kito yg menang....hiphip hoooreeyyyy
slm yatie.
lm xjenguk baby Sn.dah pndai senyum lebar2 ek..bijak ye dia..
kisses to nazhan byk2!!!!!..
wa,mng lagi..US rase yatie ni mmg murah rezki la.xpun mmg mmg naseb bek je..jeles2..hehe
dah byk menang contest ni... hikhikhik.. kakyong pun minggu ni & minggu depan rasa2 nya n3 pasal contest jerkkk... yayyy!!
wah congrats.... menang contest lagi! memang betul... yang penting dapat barang free. sape2 pun suka.
mama aqil >> btul2x..heppi sgt hik3x
US >> mng hadiah kecik2 je tp seronok asalkn free hepi2x hehe
k.yong >> k.yong pon dh byk mng contest, syiok kan?
myhasla >> hehe..sume org suker dpt brg free kan? ;)
best2...rajin betul ekk yatie join contest...lagi best kali menangkan...apapun tahniah2
mama syaza >> join memenuhi masa lapang. :D
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