Pagi Ahad (05/04/09) yang indah...terjaga dari tidur selepas subuh jam 9 pagi (*dengan saliva masih bertempek di tepi bibir*), tiba2 incik hubby mengutarakan rancangan mau dating di Nokonoshima Island . Sepatutnya kami pergi ke sana beramai2 (dgn 4 family Malaysia yang lain) pada hari sabtu tapi di sebabkan hujan dan cuaca mendung sepanjang hari Sabtu, rancangan itu di batalkan. Jadi incik hubby wat keputusan untuk pergi dating ber2 sahaja.
Despite being in a state of shocked with his decision, I manage to put myself together and quickly get up to tidy the house. While I'm tidying the house, hubby went to eki (train station nearby our house) to catch a train to Hakata to buy new tripod (our previous tripod was damaged during the trip to Huis Ten Bosch ) and hubby also stopped by at Tenjin to withdraw money.
Pssttt, incik hubby memang suka wat keputusan tiba2, dia tak suka planning lama2 sangat...konon2 surprise la tu..kelam kabut mak buyung bersiap.
Sepeninggalan incik hubby, mak buyung ke Marukio untuk membeli belah barangan dapur yang dah kehabisan stok *harga telur & minyak masak lebih murah di Marukio pada hari ahad*. Pulang ke rumah, mak buyung bertungkus lumus memulakan operasi memasak sup ayam + daging bakar + choco-donut-oat-stick untuk di jadikan bekal ke pulau nanti.
When hubby arrives home, he start to mumble when he saw that I'm not done with my cooking. Prrunngg prang pam pum kebaboommm....speed increased..poooffff....I finally finished cooking at 1pm. While waiting for me to get ready *mandi --> pilih baju --> mekap --> pilih tudung yang matching dgn baju --> pilih sweater yang matching dengan tudung --> pilih stokin yang matching dengan baju --> pilih kasut yang selesa untuk di pakai*, he continued his 'lecture' and by almost 2.30pm only we left home.
(at Meinohama jetty)
Nokonoshima is a beautiful island floating in the middle of Hakata Bay. This small island is surrounded with its 12km coastline and abundant nature. Its island sights offers view of Manyoshu Monuments, Island park, Dan-Kazuo Monument, Nokonoshima Bayside Beach, Nature Trail Contemplation Forest, Nokonoshima Observatory, Nokonoshima Yume Cofee Garden and Kamei Archive Nokonoshima History Museum. As time is limited, we went only to the Nokonoshima Island Park. Plus, it is the main tourist attraction at the island. The fee for the ferry ride from Meinohama to Noko Island cost 440yen *RM15* round trip per adult, the bus ride from Noko Jetty to the park cost 440yen round trip per adult and the entrance fee to the park cost 1000yen *RM36* per adult.
(pemandangan Nokonoshima Island dari atas feri)
Seterusnya, kami menaiki bas untuk ke flower garden. Nasib mak buyung baik, walaupun bas agak penuh dan bersesak, mak buyung dapat duduk di kerusi yang di sediakan untuk ibu2 buyung sedunia..*lega sangat2..sebab dah rasa nak pitam time kena berdiri mula2 tu*. Perjalanan menaiki bas dari Noko jeti ke Noko Island Park memakan masa lebih kurang 15minit.

Di antara bunga2 yang berkembang mekar sepanjang musim Spring ini ialah Daffodils, Poppies, Rape Blossoms, (nanohana), Cherry Blossoms (sakura), Livingstone Daisies, Azalea (tsutsuji), Red Poppies dan Azalea (satsuki).
(pintu masuk ke Nokonoshima Island Park)
This Nokonoshima Island Park was divided into several area i.e Flower Field, Noko-Noko-Ball-Golf, Cherry Blossom Hill, Azalea (tsutsuji) Garden, Hydrangea Garden, Rabbit Enclosure, Sports Ground, Children's Playground, Warabe Kan folk museum, BBQ House & BBQ Area, Great Lawn and at the end of the island is the Japanese Daffodils area with playground equipment at the end of the hills.

Di antara bunga2 yang berkembang mekar sepanjang musim Spring ini ialah Daffodils, Poppies, Rape Blossoms, (nanohana), Cherry Blossoms (sakura), Livingstone Daisies, Azalea (tsutsuji), Red Poppies dan Azalea (satsuki).
Di Bukit Sakura ni, pengunjung2 akan membentang tikar dan duduk menikmati bekalan makanan di bawah pepohon sakura yang sedang berkembang mekar. Angin sepoi2 bahasa yang bertiup akan menerbangkan kelopak2 sakura dan saat bunga2 itu berguguran ke atas tanah, pemandangan yang lebih indah tercipta. Walllaweei...siap rasa nak guling2 nyanyi lagu Hindustan lagi ..."tum passe air...yo mos ko rai...tumpah dah air...mekap ku cair" isk3x.
Bunga2 di sini berkembang mengikut musim dan pada bulan2 tertentu sahaja. Jadi bukan semua bunga berkembang indah tapi sekurang2nya ada banyak bunga warna pink....*owh..sungguh chomeyl pemandangan pink bertaburan di depan mata*.
This Island Park is a suitable place to spent valuable time with couple, old people, parents and children as they provided lots of special services e.g stroller, electric-driven-bike, first-aid-room, breast-feeding-room, lots of toilets and not to & interesting playground equipment!

There is also rabbit enclosure and goat house where you get the chance to hold the rabbit. Furthermore, there is also Kannonsama of Love Statue with sea view for the couple to be in romantic lovey-dovey-condition.
As you walked through the Omoide-Dori (memory lane), you will be welcomed by Rustic Farm House, Kano Kiln, Shop: Omoide-ya, Udon Noodle Shop, Warabe Kan (folk musem), and Rakuyaki (pottery) Shop.

At the end of the park, you will find the BBQ House, Sakimori Family Restaurant, Barbecue Area and a really breathtaking great view of the sea. At the BBQ Area, noroshi-yaki (charcoal grill) bricks area is provided. Not to forget, the lovely view of the yellow rape blossom flowers surrounding the great lawn area.

Pusing2 tengok bunga...posing2 cam citer hindustan...makan2 bekal...main2 gelongsor & buaian...solat asar & maghrib di celah2 pokok..akhirnya kami berkejaran mengejar bas terakhir *hampir2 nak terlepas bas..kalau tak,kena jalan kaki 12km..huhuuhhu* untuk balik ke jeti jam 6.47pm. Sambil2 tunggu feri datang pukul 7.30pm, sempat lagi posing dua tiga das heheheh...

10 words of wisdom & comments:
wah..sgt best...
slm yatie.. bestnye dia dh p.. panas ker kat sana?.. nasib baik yatie dh tunjuk gmbr2, leh akak plak pilih baju mn yg leh matching ngan psekitarn pulau 2..hehe
indahnya ciptaanNya!..cantik sgt!=)really enjoy every pieces of ur photos..
nurul >> dating dgn hubby kat mana2 pon mesti lah sgt best hik3x
k.liza >> hr ahad tu panas gak la,xyah pakai jaket pon xpe dah. aaa nanti pilih baju kaler striking, baru nampak menyerlah bila dok tepi bunga2 tu hehe
nani >> tu la kan..indah sgt2 ciptaanNya...kagum btul.
salam yatie
amboi2 mak buyung.. berjalan sakan.. kakyong suka la foto2 bunga cantik2... masa tgh berdua ni, biasa2 kan berdating, nanti dah ade anak2, berdating dgn anak2 pulak.. heheh...
Kuat main la pasangan ni...hehehe...sgt cantik bunga2 kat situ rasa nak cabut2 jer
bestnyer..cantik sgt view kat sana..
kak yong >> tu la,sent masa ber2 dulu..nti dah kene ngangkut stroller pulak time dating dgn anak hehehhe
angah >> mana de kuat main :p
ummisasabila >> tu la..cantik sgt tgk bunga mcm2 kaler :)
comel kak yati skrg..nisa doakn yg terbaik yer..take care..;))
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